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A Christian church : Comments

By Peter Bowden, published 22/2/2017

It is a far cry from the other churches. The Anglican Archbishop of Sydney has issued a call to arms for true believers to oppose same-sex marriage.

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Yeah, its a little be strange how some churches get riled up about marriage but many don't seem to have a plan to educate, employ, house and provide congregations the type of vibrant Christian culture envisioned by the apostles.
Posted by progressive pat, Wednesday, 22 February 2017 8:50:45 AM
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“"We are committed to being an inclusive church that embraces LBGTIQ people." And added: "And to culturally appropriate discussions about relationships and marriage across our diversity."

Well, that's the Uniting Church for you: a renegade mob made up of Methodists and uncommitted Presbyterians and what was left of the Congregationalists. They deny the tenets of Christianity and warp it to current worldy perversions. Congregations were falling, so let's get hip and attract the loopy Left. But, it didn't work, and the Uniting Church is getting more irrelevant by the day. The people they are pandering to still have contempt for all religion.

“The Uniting Church's beliefs are impressive”? Only to silly old Peter Bowden, who might be in favour of SSM and other perversions, has no idea of the Christian message – the one that the Uniting Church ratbags are NOT putting out.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 22 February 2017 10:06:19 AM
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There is no need to take into consideration what the churches think of SSM nor is there any need for the churches to present their arguments based on their religion. Same-sex marriage is simply unreasonable and illogical quite apart from religious considerations.

The government is the sole arbiter as to what kinds of marriages they will support and what kinds they will not support. They are entitled to draw a line as they do in many other areas of government support. The aged pension kicks in at 65 not 64 or 66. They have to draw a line somewhere.

In regard to marriage they have drawn the line at supporting marriages only between one man and one woman. This excludes polygamous marriages and marriages between people of the same sex. This is not discrimination based on any regulated recognisable characteristic such as sexuality or gender. It is not aimed at homosexuals specifically because two heterosexual people of the same gender are also excluded from government consideration.

If you want the government to draw the line somewhere either side of where it now exists then you have to present good reasons why they should change it. None of the excluded people have been able to present viable reasons why this should happen.
Posted by phanto, Wednesday, 22 February 2017 10:27:29 AM
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Did you say Christian, Peter? Are you sure it's Christian not some medieval cult with a sword bearing, blood soaked fanatic at its head?

Has anyone among them bothered to look at the appalling suicide rate among young men? And just as dead as if killed by the evil tongue of some finger pointing medieval witch doctor or the sword of a fanatical bishop!

The golden rule states that we do unto others as ourselves.

Recent medical progress has reportedly uncovered the gay gene, which is not a single gene but a number of them, at the bottom on the DNA spiral?

So, only the abysmally ignorant are going to still follow the, I believe, hate filled ranting/satanic exhortations of this man, who claims among other things, to know the mind of and speak for God?

Inasmuch as yo do to the least among you, you also do unto me! Quote unquote.

Time to let go and let God. Nobody but nobody is going to be forced to officiate in ceremony they find personably unpalatable!

Moreover, it is we the people who will decide this issue not some self appointed religious fanatic(s)!

Bring on the next election, which will be the only decisive plebiscite we need and end all this control freak clap trap crap for once and for all!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 22 February 2017 12:43:13 PM
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You are dead right. The law on marriage has nothing to do with churches. The Australian marriage act clearly states that marriage is between a man and a woman. In my view, that is the way it should stay. However, people being what they are, some now want the act changed. Frankly, if I were in charge, they would be told to go away and grow up. But, our elected government has decided, wrongly in my view, that the marriage act could be changed only if agreed to by the people at a via a plebiscite. If SSM became law by will of the people, I would shut my mouth and say no more about it.

What angers me in this instance is, that Mr. Bowen seems to think it is good for a Christian church to OK SSM, when it is clearly damn well not OK. Christian dogma is quite clear on the subject – it is not on; and, I really despise churchmen who think that the can twist the faith to fit in with secular fantasies.


Speaking of the “abysmally ignorant' as you have, I think that you are ignorant of the Christian faith and what it stands for. There has always been a separation between church and politics in Australia, as there should be. But, the church and individual Christians have every right to an opinion on politics and the running of their country. Any Australian citizen has such a right. My point is, whether you like the Christian viewpoint or not, it does exist and it will be expressed, just the same as the viewpoints of other religions and no religion at all.

2,000 years of tradition and values are not going to be overturned for modern whims and fancies.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 22 February 2017 3:07:14 PM
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no wonder the Uniting church is surviving on real estate and grannies. If their average member is as ignorant as Peter when it comes to homosexuality then they are a lost cause.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 22 February 2017 3:10:39 PM
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If you don't believe the priests of your religion can communicate with the gods of your religion, then what on earth is the point of believing in that religion at all? The Church of the Completely Uncommunicative Gods looks a lot like atheism to me.
Posted by Jon J, Thursday, 23 February 2017 6:04:14 AM
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Alan B,
"The Gay Gene?"
Considering every single mammalian species exhibits examples of homosexuality it must be widespread indeed.
However there's only one species that exhibits homophobia. I wonder if that's genetic too.

ALL Christian sects (and that's what all 10,000+ versions of the religion must be) seem to be existing on grannies and real estate.
Unfortunately it's the extremists that are growing in power that lust for the coming of Armageddon.
Posted by rache, Thursday, 23 February 2017 2:10:49 PM
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'ALL Christian sects (and that's what all 10,000+ versions of the religion must be) seem to be existing on grannies and real estate.'

displaying ignorance again Rache. The church is particularly healthy especially in places like China, Iran, South Korea and many other nations.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 23 February 2017 2:20:17 PM
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Do they exhibit a sexuality or do they just indulge in the odd bit of homosexual behaviour? Can other species have a sexuality? What is a sexuality exactly? How would you define it? How would we know it if we saw it?

No other species exhibit homophobia? How do you know that? In humans it is usually manifest by attitudes and behaviour and discrimination. How would other species exhibit homophobia?
Posted by phanto, Thursday, 23 February 2017 3:51:20 PM
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Well said Alan B.

I would add to that what decent, thinking and knowing person would have anything to do with any of these filthy little paedophile churches.

To crucify theses people upside down, break their legs and burn them alive is to good for them.

Rather, I would like to see the likes of ratsinger and his like locked in a pain amplifier and kept alive and tortured until their death. An addition option would be to allow those who have suffered as a consequence of their actions pay a visit with the option to have them directly participate in the torture.

And what these people most do not want is Freedom of Religion .. when there is Freedom of Religion then some will marry gays and some will not. Bravo .. big deal ey?

To the contrary, what they want is for everyone to be like them.

As for humility, you'd reckon they'd sit down and shut their holes by now wouldn't you after the criminal negligence and all the rest of it. But no, they're out there peddling their drivel as if their lives depended on it.

The individuals responsible for this, like the child abusers in Canberra need to be punished severely for their crimes against children.
Posted by DreamOn, Friday, 24 February 2017 9:22:55 PM
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In fact, knowing some poor Souls who are members of that filthy little organisation, it never ceases to shock me at how ignorant and stupid they really are. They need intervention in my view as if you ask these people who is responsible for the crimes against children, they will tell you that the blame purely and solely rests on the homosexual population.

Now, I can accept that some of my words could easily be interpreted as hate speech. If that's true though, what do you call demonising homosexuals for the crimes of the clergy??
Posted by DreamOn, Friday, 24 February 2017 9:28:35 PM
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OLO A Christian church: 02262017
By Peter Bowden, published 22/2/2017

Runner writes: "The church is particularly healthy especially in places like China, Iran, South Korea and many other nations."

I find the conflation of "Church" with "healthy" to be grotesque one requiring a perversion of mind totally committed to a collection of some of the basest attitudes of which humankind is capable of nurturing.

If we allow the god of runner the claimed properties of omniscience, omnipotence, ubiquity and propinquity then with no less legitimacy and credibility can the claim be substantiated for a Cosmic Power that views with alarm the contagion of asinine stupidity bound up in religious balderdash being unleashed on its turf by a primitive, immature organism intent on imposing intellectual slavery as it unleashes its unwelcome self on the Cosmos.

It might regard such cerebral spasticity in the upstarts to be worthy only of extermination. The Cosmos is aleady ineluctably hostile to humankind. A benevolent deity had no inkling of an Anthropic Principle. It would be quite stupid of the faithful not to be wary of taking prejudice, intolerance and bigotry into our next great adventure. But then again..........Einstein said it best: "Only two things are infinite, the Universe and human stupidity and I'm not certain about the former." If anything will bring the disappearance of humankind it will be our propensity for being stupid.

Rache's "lust for Armageddon"?
Posted by Pogi, Sunday, 26 February 2017 2:49:46 AM
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OLO A Christian church: 02262017
By Peter Bowden, published 22/2/2017

Runner writes: "Well, that's the Uniting Church for you: a renegade mob made up of Methodists and uncommitted Presbyterians and what was left of the Congregationalists. They deny the tenets of Christianity and warp it to current worldy perversions."

Spoken like a true christian. With runner as Chief Inquisitor.........I rests me case Milud.
Posted by Pogi, Sunday, 26 February 2017 3:09:28 AM
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I have misattributed the quote contained in my post immediately above. It was of course ttbn whom I quoted. which demonstrates that our destruction at the hands of some Cosmic Power is doubly imminent
Posted by Pogi, Sunday, 26 February 2017 3:18:30 AM
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Has anyone asked these christians just where they define "at the gates of the city" where we are supposed to stone these people. Does that mean outside the CBD say Balmain or further afield like Penrith.
or even further past the Blue montains?
Posted by TheAtheist, Friday, 3 March 2017 9:56:25 PM
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