The Forum > Article Comments > Solar and wind power lose their shine > Comments
Solar and wind power lose their shine : Comments
By Gary Johns, published 9/2/2017It is exquisite that we are to place our energy future in renewables, the energy source most prone to the beast that we are trying to slay: climate change.
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Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 10 February 2017 11:50:17 AM
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the world is changing because there is already a realisation by many people and nations, perhaps lost on you, that the world cannot sustain higher and higher use of fossil fuels for ever and ever. I am just one of millions and millions that do believe that something needs to be done. it is the mainstream dummy, not an elitist view. you need to read more than The Australian. Posted by Chris Lewis, Friday, 10 February 2017 1:15:54 PM
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with due respect to gary johns and hasbeen, I prefer to read a lot of news sources. but, hang on, maybe NASA is part of the radical greens movement. Posted by Chris Lewis, Friday, 10 February 2017 1:19:56 PM
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it is not the fault of renewables that are causing Aust's problems.
It is the policy implementation of energy policy in this country that is causing the problems. the argument that we should rely on cheap fossil fuels is merely a symptom that it appears all to hard in Australia for our political/policy leaders to find a better policy mix. yep, let the world just keep on pumping greenhouse gases out; as if. Posted by Chris Lewis, Friday, 10 February 2017 1:32:23 PM
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Again, in regards to renewables in Australia, the question of if or whether its getting hotter, will continue to get hotter and all the other predictions, is entirely besides the point.
Even if Australia were to go all in on renewables, close down every coal plant, force every vehicle to go electric. Even if we were to cease to grow emissions and even became a net absorber of CO2, if our emissions went negative. Even with all that, what would be the impact on global temperatures and/or global CO2 levels? Answer: so small, so minute, that it couldn't be measured even if there was an effect. So our push to cut emissions via renewables, isn't about reducing temperatures or saving the GBR or Tuvalu or the current 'threatened' species du jour. Because our policies alone can't do any of those things, no matter how far we try to retreat from modernity. As I said, the logic says that we are doing it so as to be in synchronicity ith the rest of the planet. But the rest of the planet, at least the major players, are all moving in the other direction. Posted by mhaze, Friday, 10 February 2017 2:09:59 PM
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Oz does about 1.8% world AGW. The Antarctic Larsen ice shelf is about to be launched and is just 2000km away. A 20m wide sailing ship needs 6000 sq metre sails to do 8km/hour or 10 days to reach the Nullarbor SA. The iceberg is about 20,000m wide so needs only 6000,000 sq m of sails with solar panels to haul sails for tacking.
When beached in Oz the 500m high berg will have 50m above water suitable for reaction or impulse turbines to be fitted in grooved water-channels as the ice melts. SA will have air-con for chooks and budgies and beer cartons. Posted by nicknamenick, Friday, 10 February 2017 7:40:20 PM
it will happen; question is how?
Posted by Chris Lewis, Friday"
What an intelligent post. Full of useful information. Typical of green twits, do as I say, because I know. Fossil fuel is bad because I said so. Garbage, not science.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if these people tried to give some real reason for these statements. I suppose it's too much to hope, but just perhaps if they investigated the basis of their opinion, they would find there is none. Not a single proven fact, but a lot of magician like slight of hand.
Come on fellers, give us a scientific fact just once, if you want to be taken seriously.