The Forum > Article Comments > Middle Eastern migrants aren't 'piling on to the dole queue' > Comments
Middle Eastern migrants aren't 'piling on to the dole queue' : Comments
By John van Kooy, published 8/2/2017The data actually shows that, after an initial period of relatively high unemployment, labour force participation and employment rates amongst migrant communities eventually reach parity with the rest of the population.
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I find this hard to believe. The general wisdom is that 80% of Middle Easterners (Muslims) are still on the dole after 5 years; Allah (in the form of the Australian taxpayer) provides! These people have neither the skills nor the language to participate in the economy. 33% of ALL newcomers are on the dole right now. Yet, suddenly, the Muslims are not on the dole-wagon? Come along, now. 99.9% of the population doesn't have access to statistics and the methods of obtaining them. But,we all know that there are 'statistics' and lies. This sounds like the latter.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 8 February 2017 8:51:11 AM
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The author could shorten his CV to "bleeding heart multiculturalist" and everything would fall into place. His article is entirely predictable and contradicted by everything else we know. I know that's light on for facts, but I'm not going to waste any time on disproving his talking points.
Posted by calwest, Wednesday, 8 February 2017 9:14:19 AM
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Hey John,
Quote>>"By the time they have been in Australia 15-19 years, labour force participation (66.2%) approaches the overall rate in Australia (67.9%)."<< So let me get this right after 20 years a third of the imports are still good-for-nothings that the rest has to pay for for? Do you think people born here should bear the costs of those that weren't? I say equality is a lie and they should pay their own way or not come at all. The government website lists 6000 people per year as refugees. I don't see why hard working Aussies should pay 1 extra cent towards anyone else. Not only do you want us not only to cough up for own own welfare recipients, you want to justify importing them as well. I'd say you're own stats prove your own argument completely wrong, and I challenge you to find out the actual financial cost to working Australians of everything you suggested. You're quite entitled to bear the full cost of this alone if you feel so strongly about it, just don't expect others to pay for your own personal goodwill ideologies. You're trying to justify stealing from the purses and wallets of hard working Aussies to pay for something they have no obligation or responsibility to pay for. So rather than importing migrants and all the trouble that goes with it I think we'd honestly be far better off just exporting people like you instead. Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 8 February 2017 9:41:27 AM
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How about a breakdown on all sources of income for refugees after years in this country?
Just because people are not on the dole doesn't mean they are working. Many are permanent students on Austudy and a very high number are on the DSP or aged pension. Some of the women are on Single Parent Benefit due to being second or third wife. Cherry picking data is never a good idea. Posted by Big Nana, Wednesday, 8 February 2017 10:11:02 AM
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From your article - "To find and secure a job, migrants also need time to develop knowledge about the Australian labour market and how recruitment works"
They certainly have a VERY good knowledge of how the welfare and legal system can help them and be scammed to help them more than Australian citizens. They are knowledgeable enough to know that if they destroy their documents they can't be sent home. They also have to have a basic understanding and command of the English language which a lot do not want and have refused to learn. Finally do you really believe the Government is giving the correct information with unemployment and other statistics, especially when it concerns issues that if they were bad would have a great effect on the Governments tenure. Posted by Philip S, Wednesday, 8 February 2017 10:52:06 AM
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The majority of middle eastern migrants are from Labor's recent border failures, and most of them are still on the dole. Trying to project their future behaviour based on previous migrations of Vietnamese and Chinese is more than a little optimistic.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Wednesday, 8 February 2017 11:17:29 AM