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A generation of offended snowflakes : Comments
By Bill Muehlenberg, published 11/1/2017'There is a real danger political correctness is getting out of control. We need to understand the world as it was and not to rewrite history as some might like it to have been.'
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It clearly looks like the old-school soviet-style cultural subversion that Bezmenov spoke about, parents may have been too trusting and/or lazy with education over the years.
Posted by progressive pat, Wednesday, 11 January 2017 9:55:28 AM
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What are the Ten Commandments if not another form of 'correctness' designed to keep society under the thumb.
Posted by phanto, Wednesday, 11 January 2017 10:28:03 AM
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I am more worried about the Conservatives PC (patriotically correct) nonsense eg a council in WA decided to suspend Aus Day celebrations and then they are threatened by the Federal Government, like little kids acting like bullies. Don't stand forlunacy like a national anthem and the right go all Kim Jong-Il, don't stand at an RSL club when they play rubbish like the last post, they see red, see red, see red (to misquote Split Enz)
It's this threat of violence or implied violence if you don't comply I find very ugly. Someone using the term nigg3r and then acting all upset when they're called out for it are just ars3holes being ars3holes. Posted by Valley Guy, Wednesday, 11 January 2017 10:47:23 AM
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It's not the death of the West Bill.
It's the death of YOUR West. I am sure you think the times are scary, they would be for you. If you think your way of life is dying, you have noone to blame but yourselves. Posted by Bugsy, Wednesday, 11 January 2017 10:52:48 AM
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How true! We are infested with gutless wonders and cry babies; it's all about them, them,them. Trigger warninings! You can't say that! People identifying as Aboriginal might lose their lunch if they watch or listen to this program or that. There might be a once living person in it who, horror or horrors, has passed away.
The really 'offensive' thing is that the permanently offended are usually the greatest offenders, treating the rest of us like idiots, believing that we are going to accept their PC garbage. They even want more draconian laws to MAKE us accept their unworldly gutlessness. Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 11 January 2017 11:10:18 AM
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The offended snowflakes, in this instance Bill are, the (anti marriage equality) homophones not liking having their favorite, Gay bashing sports terminated or suppressed?
Good grief, first they removed the God given right of men to bash/chastise/discipline their wives and kids, now they're trying to remove the right to abuse and discriminate against turd burglers and queers. These folk need to man up! Oops, sorry, perhaps technically inappropriate "man up" terminology? If God Doesn't like (love) Homosexuals, why did he so many? And why didn't he command his only son, who was born of (sperm free) miraculous conception, to marry and produce progeny? Because that's as plain as the nose on your face what men did then as the norm for a man, even kind and gentle ones? Instead of allowing him to fart about in taverns etc, often frequented by prostitutes and other low lives? And always in the preferred company of men? [Tut, tut, naughty, someday someone will nail you to a cross J.C., for such errant poofter like behavior?] Where he may have been overheard to say, inasmuch as you do to the least among you, you also do unto me? Judge not least ye be judged! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 11 January 2017 11:37:46 AM
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A while back a man sued the local council when he dived into surf and hit sand and he won.So footpaths had grinding to smooth out bumps and taps had hot water warnings. About time, too. Heatwave : weather bureau. The BoM owes an explanation.
Posted by nicknamenick, Wednesday, 11 January 2017 11:56:09 AM
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This is a classic example of how you can string together all kinds of incidents and opinions (from a countless number or supply of such incidents and opinions) to make a rhetorical argument.
Anyone can do this to "prove" any argument. Applied "traditional" politics 101: In the good old olden days when the white man ruled unchallenged and the darkies and the "heathen savages" knew their place (as slaves), or the necessary "collateral damage" in the white man's "god"-given drive/imperative to bring the Christian "god" and "civilization" to the "un-churched heathen savages". The more recent version of the same. Note the unspeakably vile sado-masochistic snuff/splatter film being reviewed here: Never mind too that the USA will soon have its first post-truth "reality"-TV "star" President in which the meaning and significance of present time, and historical facts change almost every time that the pussy-grabber-in-chief sends out a Tweet. Never mind too he has single handedly trashed all of the spoken and unspoken precedents which at least kept some kind of relatively civilized decorum as to how the game of politics was played in the USA up until now. Strangely enough most/all of those who call themselves "conservative" are elated at the the victory of this Beavis and Butthead buffoon. Posted by Daffy Duck, Wednesday, 11 January 2017 12:49:04 PM
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I like ttbn's style here
The really 'offensive' thing is that the permanently offended are usually the greatest offenders, treating the rest of us like idiots, believing that we are going to accept their PC garbage. They even want more draconian laws to MAKE us accept their unworldly gutlessness. Very very true. It is not about being offended, it is about power over. It is, 'you'll do what I say'! Politicians have thought 'Crikey, there's a vote here'. More inane laws are formulated, more contempt of the law is generated. The vote is there, for a while, until the majority of 'busy folk' wake up and elect someone who does not put up with the BS. Trump! Here we have Hanson. This is where the 'commissars of allowable opinion' get their comeuppance, the Backlash. You can see it happening. Bring it on. Oh yeah :-) Posted by fool on hill, Wednesday, 11 January 2017 1:00:49 PM
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Trump offends Daffy Snowflake Duck. Trump gets easily offended , I just hate that.
Posted by nicknamenick, Wednesday, 11 January 2017 1:01:38 PM
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Meanwhile the left has no real political power hardly anywhere in the world.
Remember the old maxim about how power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. It seems to me that for the next two years at least, until the mid term elections Trump and his power seeking acolytes have almost unlimited power to impose their benighted power-and-control agendas, even while mouthing off about "freedom" But even so during the last 8 years the right-wing Repugnants have been using every dirty rule and convention bending and breaking trick to impose their agendas in the USA, as described by an essay titled: The Most Loathsome Republican: Mitch McConnell Does the GOP's Dirty Work While All Eyes Follow Trump by Steven Rosenberg Plus this essay on how right-wing Repugnants are now completely unhinged from anything which is usually considered to be reality. Understanding the Right-Wing Media Alternate Universe & the Twisted 'Truths' They Report by the media scholar Todd Gitlin via Moyers & Co. Moyers & Co being a forum for good old fashioned well reasoned fact-based sanity. Posted by Daffy Duck, Wednesday, 11 January 2017 3:16:41 PM
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The next election is just north of two years away and bound to be used as a virtual referendum on gay rights/marriage equality!
This is a problem for the Author and his ilk? Who are constrained in the rubbish they can write or verbalize by the (snowflake) laws they regularly critique? That said and if they truly believe their views represent the majority view? Bring on that election! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 11 January 2017 4:22:41 PM
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There are threats to free speech from both sides. I think the biggest threat is people not wanting to have their opinion tested or to face the fact that some of them might be wrong.
That said, I would say the left-leaning news and websites don't like dissenting comments. I think the ABC marriage to the "the conversation" site is problematic. The Conversation site is more heavily moderated for dissenting views then the ABC drum was. That said, I think the author is more concerned that his camp aren't making the rules anymore, rather than that there are rules. Posted by cornonacob, Wednesday, 11 January 2017 5:25:08 PM
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Well it's not like the lefty have a monopoly on Big Jessies with thin skins; you should hear the wailing and gnashing of teeth from some of the Tories when people press their buttons.
Different people take offence to different things. I'm not offended by the foul-mouthed, black humour of Frankie Boyle anywhere near as much as I am offended by politely expressed homophobia. But I imagine that a lot of the people who are routinely and politely homophobic would be shocked and appalled by the filth that pours from his mouth. Posted by Toni Lavis, Wednesday, 11 January 2017 5:38:20 PM
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".So footpaths had grinding to smooth out bumps...." and then the council put natty little stainless steel truncated cones (slightly higher than the bump in the concrete that they'd ground away) in rows at the top of the nearest steps for the unwary to trip on. Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 11 January 2017 8:40:30 PM
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Daffy Duck....You've been called a snow flake! :-)
Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 12 January 2017 6:44:36 AM
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There was a major incident at the local Snowflake University when a girl was told her piano playing was "boring". The Uni admin investigated and tried to sack the tyrant / lecturer . I think her piano would still be boring.
Posted by nicknamenick, Thursday, 12 January 2017 7:05:03 AM
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The purpose of snowflakes outrage is to silence anyone that disagrees with them and to take over the political narrative. It appears that it has silenced people in most arenas except the ballot box.
Just as those on the far left cleaved off and joined the greens, so too are those on the far right cleaving off to join One Nation. That the party that John Howard effectively dismembered has come back so strongly is a reaction to the ill considered "virtuous" policies of the left and the consequences which have left the middle class worse off, and the failure of the centre right parties to tackle these issues head on. This is not just happening in Aus and the US, but in France, Germany, Holland, and everywhere the left whinge parties have dominated for decades. The response of the left is not a rational contemplation of fact that the world does not comply to their vision, but an attack on their enemies using the same weapons that failed so miserably previously. Meryl Streep might have got millions of "likes" from her twitterati followers, but has not reached one person that voted against Hillary. The game has changed, and the tears of Snowflakes have lost their currency. Posted by Shadow Minister, Sunday, 15 January 2017 7:00:33 AM
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"You can't say that! People identifying as Aboriginal might lose their lunch if they watch or listen to this program or that. There might be a once living person in it who, horror or horrors, has passed away."
I recall the the bleating of the right when Maggie Thathcher died and people had street parties. The right screamed, "you can't do that". The right also has its censorious side. Posted by ralph, Sunday, 15 January 2017 1:18:38 PM
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From: {My questions added} "Our first realisation is that the psychopath blends in with normal human beings to fit in. Once this is accomplished the institutional and ceremonial (occult) psychopaths set about subverting them. Meantime, he/she goes about their business unnoticed and unhindered, often seen as a trusted pillar of the community. As masters of mimicry and manipulation, they can insinuate them-self into groups, organisations and institutions. His – or her – charisma, cold efficiency and fearless demeanour can serve to short-circuit the intuitions of his normal associates who might sense that something is “off.” However, when the dopamine and serotonin are flowing, critical faculties are replaced by wishful thinking and the projection of our values and conscience takes place and it is then that psychopath knows that he has us in the palm of his hand. {Is this the 'bread and circuses' of reality TV & MSM disinformation to distract us from the realities?} Hence the problem of our hamster-wheel of repeating lessons where the most vulnerable continually suffer. When psychopaths rule society, their worldview is inevitably expressed to the detriment of us all. And because deceit is how they enforce their will, it appears to be humane and eminently logical because we are not used to encountering such bare-faced lies and deception. In front of the psychopathic personality our ability to think critically is severely curtailed, thus paramoralisms, paralogical discourse and “double-think” becomes institutionalised so that ethics and morality are steadily inverted eventually signifying the exact opposite of their original meaning. The spread of pathological disease follows the same vacuum, until: “The actions of this phenomenon affect an entire society, starting with the leaders and infiltrating every village, small town, factory, business, or farm. The pathological social structure gradually covers the entire country, creating a ‘new class’ within the nation. This privileged class of deviants feels permanently threatened by the ‘others.’” There being three major lines of force dominant in the world today, each of which has an ideology and belief system which stretches back centuries." (continued) Posted by Albie Manton in Darwin, Monday, 16 January 2017 2:01:59 PM
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"These are Liberal, Conservative and Zionist each of which has a complex set of sub-groups, linked in common purpose though experiencing varying degrees of harmony or friction. Due to their close religious and political aims the United States and Europe are combined. The category boundaries are more blurred than they may appear, with all the groups and sub-groups working with each other when expedient." {Black Lives Matter. LGBTI. Land Rights for Hump Backed Harp Seals etc ?} From: (1) America's pampered snowflakes, attending liberal universities all around the country, were apparently "triggered" by Trump's victory which caused them to take to the streets in protest. (2) Meanwhile, other snowflakes, all of whom we're certain are firm advocates of tougher gun laws, took to twitter begging for someone to assassinate Trump. Posted by Albie Manton in Darwin, Monday, 16 January 2017 2:14:22 PM