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People are funny cattle : Comments
By Phil Cullen, published 30/12/2016Since NAPLAN destroys elements of cognitive behaviour in children, parents should actually give permission for their children to take the tests.
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Our children need to do a lot better in science and maths and are poorly served by blame shifting teachers, all to often knowing less in these two critical areas than their charges?
And they are the only ones wanting abandon NAPLAN, given it exposes their incompetence!
Someday, some Government exhibiting a couple of ounces of common sense, will transfer all means tested needs based public education funding to parents, who will then be endowment empowered to direct that education endowment and select the school of their choice based on best practice bench-marked, apples for apples comparisons! The very thing NAPLAN is supposed to do, unless sabotaged by non compliant states or schools?
Coupled to, [given control of funding is limited exclusively to parents, the only option then available to state governments, will be,] regional Autonomy! When that day dawns, we will finally be able to clean out, the excuse making incompetent drones, from our school communities! And give parents the control you claim is missing!
The only cattle in this super simplistic diatribe, are the union protected incompetents, lead by the nose by the union chiefs of animal farm! And now tremble in terrible trepidation, least they be exposed by NAPLAN! Its purpose!?
Alan B.