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Global solutions for global problems : Comments

By Peter McMahon, published 7/12/2016

The difficulties facing any potential global authority are huge. For starters dealing with global warming will require a comprehensive and robust agreement and the resources to implement and maintain it.

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Global warming is not the greatest threat. The greatest threat is Left-wing bilge like this, plus globalisation.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 7 December 2016 8:13:30 AM
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Indeed, no question! And given britex, Trump and other political realities, roughly the same chance as hell freezing over and where we are heading, without some decisive LEADERSHIP able to set personal ambition and financial considerations/nest feathering aside for the duration!

Where are these LEADERS? Ghandi, Nelson Mandela? Who passed this way but once, to never ever return!

And emerged after virtual trial by fire!

And given that's so, who would want to volunteer to stand in their shoes? Putin, Trump, Netanyahu? A camel through the eye of a needle!

That said, we need just one decisive LEADER, with the courage of conviction to get something started that others will have no other economic choice but to follow!

That LEADERSHIP will set about rolling out CHEAPER THAN COAL, CLEAN SAFE thorium energy options! Bring in real tax reform and use that and the world's cleanest safest cheapest energy to transform their own domestic economy!

Using that cheapest energy to enable the lowest costing desalination to turn desert wasteland into the most productive agricultural areas and make their nation rich beyond any expectation; and in the teeth of a determined rearguard action by a howling fanatical few, determined to put their own shallow temporary self interest ahead of all other considerations!

Make no mistake, these are our most powerful influential citizens with the deepest pockets, who will leave no stone unturned, no monumental lie left untold, no favor left uncalled in order to achieve their own ends/serve their own interests! And the devil take the hindmost!

Fortunately for the world, there is a place called Hell in northern Norway, that regularly freezes over every winter!

Moreover, there isn't enough darkness in the entire world to extinguish the light of a single candle! So Ghandi or Mandela mark two, step up to the plate and be counted! And someone in Canberra turn that light on the hill back on!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 7 December 2016 9:55:06 AM
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So many errors so little time.

"A related problem is the threat of global pandemic."
Dr McMahon - go and look at the figures for infectious diseases published by the likes of AIHW or even ABS and WHO. Then make some effort to look at the actual history of diseases such as SARS, Swine flu and Ebola. Look at the number of deaths, compared to both WHO projections and in comparison to the real killers such as heart disease. The threat of infectious diseases is falling, but public perception of the threat is increasing - often to near hysteria levels completely unjustified by any danger from the diseases.

"Associated with this economic instability is the growth of robots in the workplace and home which will severely impact on employment on the US and Europe."
You do realise that productivity figures are collected and analysed regularly? The real problem is that despite I-everything and a mobile phone in ever hand and a laptop on every desk, the rate of growth in productivity has been falling, not rising. There have been various suggestions about why this is so which I won't explore here.

Please don't repeat these popular myths without some justification. I haven't bothered with the rest of the article.
Posted by curmudgeonathome, Wednesday, 7 December 2016 10:36:30 AM
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Come on now Peter.

Most of us have grown up, looked at the global warming scam, & know what a pile of you know what it really is.

Only conmen, gravy train riders, or fools still push that barrow. Which are you Peter?

Don't bother answering, I think you actually believe the rubbish, which answers it all for the rest of us.
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 7 December 2016 11:32:59 AM
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Sick and tired of these pro-globalism nutjobs.

Didn't you get the memo.
The 'deplorables' have spoken and your lot lost.
This is the part where you are supposed to go crawl back into you hole and reflect on whatever screwed up beliefs allowed you to get it all wrong.

They told us Brexit wouldn't happen, they told us Hillary had a 96% chance of winning.
They put Pauline Hanson in jail and ran her out out of politics, but she came back, like all good things will, like freedom and liberty.
The US election finished and then they ask "Who are the Alt-Right?" proving they never had a clue to begin with.
25 EU countries now have proposed EU exit referendums and they still don't get it.

We're not buying into your pro-immigration, pro-muslim crap.
You want to displace the actual western culture of people who have been traditianally tolerant with all walks of life with a people and religion who ARE totalitarian and intolerant with western values and you want to claim were racist? We've been living with foreigners amongst us for hundreds of years and there hasnt been problems. The problem is assimilation; and therefore incompatability.
You scream libertarianism and promote near cult-like ideolgies like Feminism and Black Lives Matter and all these other minority movements but those people are THE MOST INTOLERANT of all.
Within those groups, if you step off the reservation and speak out on something the 'movement' doesn't agree with they will then viciously attack their own kind.

You want to take away the freedom and liberty we've had and replace it with Stalinism.
And you claim some kind of moral authority and superior intellect, but the truth is the globalist and progressives a bunch of ill informed idiots, drunk on an overinflated belief in their own importance.

Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 7 December 2016 3:49:54 PM
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To me you're all mental retards.
Its as if all the nerds, the weak, the oppressed, the immigrant; every person who had something to gain (either financial or otherwise) in an age of whining and screaming identity politics formed a voting block.
And now they want to create their own little totalitarian hell on earth.
Tyranny in the form of Liberty.

They act all surprised about Brexit and Trump, but it was a stitch up from the start. The only people who voted for 'Remain' and 'Hillary' were mainly the immigrants themselves who have a higher demographic in the big cities.

Who the hell wants to be ruled by foreigners and progressives?

Everywhere else the people supported Trump and Brexit but the dying (Its so good to watch) and bought and paid for corporate media who are there to publish lies and socially engineer the public won't tell the truth.

These people no longer have any credibility, and neither do the globalists like yourself, no-one's buying the crap anymore.
You're living in a deluded state and you probably should seek help for it.

Now we have Trump who sticks his finger up at the establishment and the corporate media and bypasses them on twitter and who uses the independent media and who has our backs, not Obama and his upside down leftist politics that empower the retards, with policies targeting right wing groups.

So now 'THEY' double down and claim "FAKE NEWS" in an attempt to shut the independent media down.
What a friggin joke.
Anything other than the reality that maybe they were wrong.

The games changed now, go find a safe space and play with some LEGO's or Play-doh, or something.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 7 December 2016 4:02:23 PM
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Hey Alan B,
I think a 'Britex' might've a carpet steam cleaner that they used to hire out some years back at Coles and Woolies.. Lol
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 7 December 2016 4:12:22 PM
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The difficulties facing any

potential global authority are huge.

Potential global authority? what the hell is going on here? Is the NWO rolled out to that extent? Surely not!

Surely people have have not started supporting the NWO?

Surely this is not a case of sheeple to the slaughter is it?
Posted by Referundemdrivensocienty, Wednesday, 7 December 2016 8:21:44 PM
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Peter is seriously advocating the UN as a controlling body in world affairs, and for it to be given real power.
The UN has shown itself to be fraudulent in its operations, and is the main promoter of the global warming fraud. No science but plenty of lies to support the false assertion of human caused climate change.
There is no science to show any measurable effect of human emissions on climate. If you know of any such science, Peter, let us know. The IPCC certainly knows of no such science.
You are a fraud supporter, Peter, and your article is shameful nonsense.
Posted by Leo Lane, Wednesday, 7 December 2016 10:03:58 PM
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"The most obvious threat is global warming. By definition, the growth in greenhouse gases is a global problem, global in cause and global in effect. The scientific evidence indicates that global warming is now happening faster than predicted and approaching possible tipping points where greenhouse gasses in the arctic tundra and undersea will begin to enter the atmosphere. If this gets underway catastrophic runaway global warming will be unavoidable."

The author shows his gullibility by unquestionably believing warmist dogma.

Re tipping points, by irresponsibly relying on intermittent, uneconomic, unreliable renewables South Australia has reached the point where it can no longer attract new industry, let alone retain existing industry.
Posted by Raycom, Wednesday, 7 December 2016 10:25:01 PM
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The Piri Reis map shows the coastline of Antarctica prior to the 1 mile thick ice slab that now sits upon it.
Obviously humankind endured these changes.
The author wants us to think that Globalism is a means to an end to the problem of Global Warming when the real truth is the opposite.

The earths climate is controlled by solar output and the earths natural cycles of orbit.
He can't change these things.

Global warming is instead a means to bring about Globalism.
The ideas of Globalism and of one person or group of people having total control over the planet has been around a lot longer than the idea of Global warming.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 7 December 2016 10:26:02 PM
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According to Al Gore sea levels and temps should have killed off most of us 10 yrs ago. Global Warming has morphed into climate change and yes climate is never static and does change.It is all about a few elites having total power via the debt money creation system and yes the debt now owns most of our Governments . The Global Warming scam is the icing on the cake for total enslavement. Just another article from a New World Order Globalist. WTF ?
Posted by Arjay, Sunday, 11 December 2016 5:08:14 PM
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