The Forum > Article Comments > Registered Organisations Bill a win for workers > Comments
Registered Organisations Bill a win for workers : Comments
By John Slater, published 29/11/2016The real winners are Australia's 1.6 million union members whose dues have too often been deployed to ends far removed from their rights at work.
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Similarly, a DEMOCRATIZED Labor party needs to get an amicable divorce from those organisations and the unrepresentative swill that controls them, in favor of much more representative inclusive crowdfunding!
And that change would loosen the ironclad (financial) death grip of the unions from the labor party!
And essential to prevent the green party from occupying the left of centre, and replacing Labor as the people's party! AS well as re activate, and involve young folk, with vision and change that they can believe in?
Currently, they remain totally disinterested as veritable droves outside the massively manipulated electoral system!
Rekindle and win their interest by delivering, rather than breaking or deferring PROMISED CHANGE; and then break Mr Menzies record as the longest serving PM? Or alternatively follow the Dodo and the Democrats?
There's only one constant in the universe and that constant is constant change! Labor and the unions need to adapt to change or be steamrolled and rendered irrelevant by it!
And once again start to reflect the views of those who elect you; rather than try to manipulate a shrinking cadre of workers/voters!?
To coin a phrase, the endlessly prevaricating/politicking Shorten is just a shiver looking for a spine to travel up?
He once seemed to have some principles and prepared to stand by them and defend them to the death!? The job's not over mate, just begun!
There are issues that need addressing with urgent alacrity! Climate change, alternative SANE energy policy and provision! Last but far from the least, enduring economic revival!
Alan B.