The Forum > Article Comments > US election - how did polls get it so wrong? > Comments
US election - how did polls get it so wrong? : Comments
By Mal Fletcher, published 10/11/2016Today, stunned reactions within the US establishment reveal that many of the people who make their living in and around US politics are as out of touch with the wider public mood as their British counterparts.
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The Democrats could have romped in with Bernie Sanders, given the mood for change! Which to date has been kicked on down the road! THe cause of the astonishing anti wall st anti establishment result!
3,000 thousand Americans died at the hands of terrorists on 9/11 as the twin towers crumbled, while the world and America watched on in disbelief. Even so, one million Americans have died as a consequence of universally unaffordable medicine! While nobody watched or gave a flying french frankfurt! And unthinkable as an outcome just across the Canadian border!
America's industrial heartland became a rust belt as manufacturing fled, chasing largely illusory profits? Profits that could be returned to the land of the dollar bill through cooperative capitalism, which at least shares the wealth among those who earn or create it! Supported by the rollout of clean safe ultra-cheap nuclear energy!
Energy is the keystone that holds the nation together and returns profitable production without screwing the worker! The pollsters thought that Hillary was a virtual shoo in given how many folk Mr. Trump managed to offend!
And the republican nominee played his trump card well, the thirty years Hillary has spent in public office while "it" happened all around her! And couldn't have been played If Bernie was the Democrats candidate?
One can only hope Mr Trump was/is sincere, and not just a power hungry Jackass, who'll leave the joint worse than he found it?
Alan B