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Simplify Day won't ease nuclear tension in South Australia : Comments
By Dan Monceaux, published 9/11/2016The Jury's conclusions aside, nuclear industrialists remain eternal optimists. Also on Simplify Day, they will converge on Adelaide for the first ever Australian Nuclear Fuel Cycle conference.
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Posted by plantagenet, Wednesday, 9 November 2016 10:16:40 AM
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Giday ttbn
How can YOU be taken seriously when you hide behind "ttbn"? Peter Coates Director Submarine Matters International Website: Posted by plantagenet, Wednesday, 9 November 2016 10:21:35 AM
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I think SA could take nuclear waste cheaper than Russia, China, Finland and wherever else. The trick is to convert already dug depleted mine tunnels. For example Challenger gold mine near Tarcoola has surface facilities and the Darwin rail operator is interested in the transport aspect. The tunnels are dry and already mildly radioactive. In theory access is restricted being part of Woomera rocket range with an additional advantage in that indigenous groups can't stop it.
Suppose Australia got a nuclear power station by 2030. Maybe even molten salt reactors will be on the market by then. By 2040 we'd have to start burying some unusable isotopes as they accumulate at reactor sites or a reprocessing facility. The alternatives are more coal, horrendous power prices or a weak grid. Posted by Taswegian, Wednesday, 9 November 2016 10:45:35 AM
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The only good argument for this is a bigger well rounded one.
The only good reason to take other peoples toxic waste is if ALL OF IT can be stored and reprocessed as FREE FUEL in our own power plants to power the country AT LOW COST at a later date while getting paid billions now from countries who don't want the waste. If the idea is to load our country with other peoples crap in sealed off mines forever while they benefit from cheap clean-emission nuclear plants then we're the fools. Is it not lost on anyone that WE should've had nuclear power in SA years ago and shipped our crap elsewhere? If we'd done that and provided cheap energy in SA then the place may not be on life support and face the necessary resuscitation it now requires. The current plan is the equivalent of trying to save a horse with a broken leg by shooting it in the head. It might be an ignorant comment but someone has to say it... Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 9 November 2016 11:11:18 AM
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We can store completely depleted waste, with every erg of energy burnt out of it in repossessing SLOW BREEDER MOLTEN SALT THORIUM REACTORS. Worked out uranium mines the logical candidate?
Say, 100 years from now? When ALL the inherent energy has been extracted and removed from the, imported back to us, waste! Then in the final reprocessing, combined with a silica based compound to form rockcrete. Which remains inert and unaffected by local (acid or alkaline) soil or rock chemistry or runoff or seepage FOREVER! And given complete reprocessing! Only needs to be safely stored for just 300 years? The upsides, SAFE, CLEAN ENERGY, CHEAP ENOUGH, BUT ONLY IN PUBLIC HANDS, to completely resuscitate and massively rebuild our manufacturing sector! Aided and assisted by government facilitated cooperative capitalism!? Well its still free market dependant, capitalism! And cheap enough energy, will allow us to "affordably" pump enough desalinated water into our arid desert waste lands, to convert them into veritable gardens of Eden! Something the original custodians of this land would actually oppose? YOU THINK? Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 9 November 2016 12:05:49 PM
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If I'm reading right - betting agency odds have reversed in favour of Trump To Win! - Yesterday - Trump 4.75 vs Hillary 1.17 to Right Now - Trump 1.08 vs Hillary 6.50 The Stock Markets are becoming alarmed at an increasing prospect of a Trump win. "Live: ASX tumbles as Trump eyes White House Hotel" ______________________________________________________ SA NUCLEAR WAST DUMP Under Hillary or Trump the US is likely to generate higher levels of nuclear/radioactive chemicals that need to be dumped. Meaning higher potential demand for an Australian Nuclear Waste Dump - see,-Trump-Backers-Favor-Nuclear Pete Posted by plantagenet, Wednesday, 9 November 2016 2:12:21 PM
Russia and China generate alot of waste and like Australia have large deserts. Are Russian and Chinese desert waste dumps reaping the $Billions the South Australian dump lobby promise?
A Waste Dump is a type of reverse mine where Uranium products (and other radioactive chemicals) are dumped/stored.
But High level radioactive waste frequently needs to be cooled in pools of water that require constant electricity for water circulation - like cooling pools at the Fukushima nuclear complex and Lucas Heights. Any cessation of the electricity supply can lead to disasters like Fukushima.
The long term revenue and profits from Waste Dumps have been notoriously hard to predict and have cost $Billions with no $Billions earned. For example:
- Finland's is not yet earning anything, and
- the US Yucca Mountain waste dump project ground to a halt after $Billions was wasted.