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From New York to Perth : Comments
By Jo Vallentine, published 28/10/2016Nuclear Weapons States have utterly failed to deliver on article VI of the Nuclear Non-Proiferation Treaty, which obliges them to dsimantle their nuclear weapons
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Give the global tensions today, which country would want be the first to lay down their weapons. Perhaps you should trot over and have a chat with the lunatic in North Korea, lady.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 28 October 2016 9:32:53 AM
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You can lead a camel to water, but you can't make him drink!
Unless you brick him! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Friday, 28 October 2016 4:43:22 PM
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1. The author is to be commended for bringing the number of OLO Typos to dizzy new heights.
Its amazing what tapping on an iPhone, at a high priced Superannuated Senator's Chardy-Bar, can produce! 2. After all Jo does tap "indeed there are half the number of nukes than when I began my anti-nuclear journey" Soooo there are only about 20,000 nuke warheads now - totalling about 150,000 Hiroshima equivalents. What's the problem? 3. South Africa disarmed its whole 6 warheads. That was progress. 4. The UK has also heavily disarmed. The UK Ministry of Defence advises: - It has reduced its nuclear forces by over half from its Cold War peak in the late 1970s and only mounts its nukes on nuclear propelled ballistic missile submarines (SSBNs) So all is sweetness and light Jo. In a largish nuclear war the end of humanity, or is that hu-wimmin-ity (?) will be quick. Enjoy your superannuated high-range Grange, while typo tapping :) Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 28 October 2016 5:12:16 PM
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From Darwin to Perth...Jo, whilst a resident in Darwin, Tennant Creek and Jabiru, I attended many of the anti dump (Muckaty Ck) rallies and marches with your colleague & friend Scott Ludlum, even attending the public Committee meetings and such at Crowne Plaza, riding the 250 klms from Jabiru by treadly to get there. In listening to what was being said, what the government was proposing at both Federal and NT level...none of it made any sense. In fact most of what happens is up to the big players e.g. ERA/Rio Tinto and the energy barons at the end of the day.
Despite the win for NT then, I previously protested against the dump proposed by Pangea Resources in the mid west of WA whilst a resident of Geraldton. It is almost a foregone conclusion that a nuke dump WILL be established on Terra Australis at some point not too far down the is simply a very "good business proposition" more than anything else. Depending on the flavour of the month (as dictated by MSM and politics of the day) your opinion, my opinion and the bloke next door's opinion will matter nought. I've worked as a Mechanical Fitter at Jabiru and had 2 of my co workers covered in a "raffinate" substance, this is the Yellow Cake in an acidic solution - supposedly no more dangerous than Coca Cola...they spent 3 days in the Jabiru clinic whilst a cover up operation was effected by management and the MSM. The whole place is infested with rusted out pipework, redundant systems no one knows about, engineers who cut personal safety locks off isolations whilst the workers are still at the job front, outdated machinery and generally Ranger/ERA/Rio Tinto is accident waiting to happen ! When I directed your mate Scott to the actual location of "Depleted Uranium tipped 30mm projectiles" used at Delamere and Mt Bundy..."nothing heard out" - so WHAT THE are the Greens actually doing about such matters in Australia?...Sweet Fanny Adams from what I see from the past 15 years ! Posted by Albie Manton in Darwin, Saturday, 29 October 2016 11:34:10 AM
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Not much good when "activist" Greens don't want to be active!
Posted by plantagenet, Saturday, 29 October 2016 7:13:42 PM
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Are there really people so naïve that they believe any country could lay down it's nukes, when a number of tin pot Muslim countries now have them, admitted or not.
Why can't they see that mutually assured destruction has worked, & saved millions of lives that would have been lost in conventional [safe] wars in the last 70 years? These people are not only green, bet wet behind the ears, useful idiots all of them. Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 29 October 2016 10:05:28 PM