The Forum > Article Comments > That Greens walkout: no, senator, it was a stunt > Comments
That Greens walkout: no, senator, it was a stunt : Comments
By Richard Laidlaw, published 19/9/2016A group with formal party status, however, should understand that it has duties to the parliament that extend beyond those of an individual member.
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Posted by ttbn, Monday, 19 September 2016 11:01:29 AM
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Yes, but aren't the Greens the masters of the "Bandwagon Fallacy"?
Posted by diver dan, Monday, 19 September 2016 11:21:27 AM
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The greens achieved nothing while outside the chamber and typical of the manufactured outrage of this group of power hunger dog waggers!?
I would have had more respect if they'd stood up on their hind legs and addressed their (run with the hares hunt with the hounds) convictions with impassioned logical reasoned courageous oratory! And lead by intelligent example! Given their actions, I have even less respect for the spurious asinine drama queen political juxtaposition of this political oxymoron merely masquerading as a conservation collective. (parliament of Baboons, Murder of crows) Kids who drown at sea are permanently free! If they are offended by the outcome of "democracy" they remain free to walk out permanently! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Monday, 19 September 2016 11:45:51 AM
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Pauline represents an otherwise unappreciated set of voters.
These important voters are NOT: - leftwing, - pro-indigenous treaty, - feminist, - soft on radical Islam, - pro-unregulated immigration - followers of UN-"SAFE" LGBTQIA indoctrination in schools see Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 19 September 2016 12:27:33 PM
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Good manners apart from convention should have kept them in their seats. Obviously it was all planned. If they didn't wish to hear what she had to say, then they should have just absented themselves from the chamber. That being said, it really was incumbent on them all to stay and listen. A lot of what she said might have been distasteful, but they would have been in a much better position to put forward counter arguments if they heard first hand what she had to say.
David Posted by VK3AUU, Monday, 19 September 2016 12:31:12 PM
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to busy working out how to sexualise young kids in the name of bullying in order to show respect for the 500000 that voted for Hanson. What a pitiful bunch who are pretend environmentalist.
Posted by runner, Monday, 19 September 2016 12:37:09 PM
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Runner have you ever considered that if it wasn't for sex, we wouldn't be here.
David Posted by VK3AUU, Monday, 19 September 2016 12:47:53 PM
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I once considered voting for Pauline, until she opened her mouth on aboriginal affairs and asians!
Even so, I wouldn't have been so forgiving of Tony Abbott (the pot calling the kettle black) given his anti democratic involvement in his attack of Pauline! The disaffected must be accommodated least their ranks swell even further? Time for change/end of punishing victims of crime, who had the unmitigated temerity to use force to protect themselves, family or property. (their castle) Crimes take seconds and police response always takes at least minutes! The elderly and the infirm ought to have the right to defend life and limb with lethal force, particularly if they become the target of choice of drug crazed ice addicts! Under the law as it exists today, your choice is effectively limited to allowing intruders to take what they please and then call the police when they're done! Always providing you survive! The the invading purps need to be detained and a case proved! We wouldn't have any such problems if the intruder was the one laying bleeding their life away on some cold floor! Me, I've had military training and even now can hold my own as a marksman with most; and would make absolutely certain that an armed intruder was the only one harmed, with a clean head shot. And if you or they would want a different outcome? Their choices are the same as anybody else, get an honest job or welfare and only enter another person's premises when invited and unarmed! If that's too hard for pollies who have no compunction in the use of deadly force, when their own health and safety is put at risk, have a problem with that, they need to get another occupation as ordinary citizens, whose security is limited, like any other citizen, to their own physical resources! Perhaps then we might get some sensible reforms from our elected representatives, who need to finally understand it is our views they need to represent, rather than the vociferous verbosity of a very vocal, anti self protection minority! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Monday, 19 September 2016 12:56:31 PM
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Don't you worry VK3AUU.
Its we heterosexuals who support the community by breeding butt yes, those with a leaning to alternative sex don't have to pay for kids and can spend more dosh preening themselves. Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 19 September 2016 1:01:49 PM
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'Stunts' form the core of The Greens.
They were born from stunts , grew upon stunts. It's their Mothers Milk. It what happens when you are a Water Melon Party without real Policies Posted by Aspley, Monday, 19 September 2016 1:35:26 PM
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Dear oh dear Alan.
You would "headshot" someone for breaking and entering. Hate to see what you want to do to rapists and murderers. Posted by mikk, Monday, 19 September 2016 2:28:55 PM
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Richard, Your comments concerning the Greens show them up for a failure of respect, tolerance and as stunt makers. Your comments re Pauline Hanson are made in a definitive manner which brooks no disagreement. Your own intolerance and mind made up judgement does not place you in a good light either. PH is entitled to her views, has provided good evidence to support many of them and has support across much of Australia as judged by the last election. She may not be as polished as a left wing don or a chardonnay sipping educated inner city greenie, but she speaks from commitment and puts in words many peoples concerns and probably fears. We need more like her. PH can do without your input thank you very much
Posted by Pliny of Perth, Monday, 19 September 2016 3:25:54 PM
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Richard shows himself to be a hater of the truth. He does not wish to be seen disrespecting the truth, so he disrespects Pauline Hanson, whose outstanding feature is her honesty.
She is always compelled to tell the truth, unlike Richard, who, having no valid criticism of her, tells the ridiculous, unsupportable lie, that she is "an idiot". Posted by Leo Lane, Monday, 19 September 2016 4:33:04 PM
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I think you all need to have a bex and a lie down, how many senators were absent.
what a difference a tight elections makes.... "Workplace Relations Minister Tony Abbott last night apologised for not fully disclosing his involvement in a $100,000 "slush fund" devised in 1998 to bring down One Nation leader Pauline Hanson. Mr Abbott strongly denied, in an ABC Four Corners interview on August 10, 1998, that he or any Liberal Party figures had been involved in funding the legal campaign by disaffected One Nation members to have the minor party declared invalid under electoral laws. But last night's statement confirms that only two weeks after making that denial, he established a formal trust, Australians for Honest Politics, which collected $100,000 to funnel into anti-One Nation legal actions. Mr Abbott confirmed that at the time of making the statements to Four Corners, he had already promised to underwrite the legal costs of disaffected One Nation litigant Terry Sharples. "Strictly speaking, no money at all had been offered," Mr Abbott said last night. "The lawyers I organised were acting without charge and the support for costs which I had promised would only become an issue in the event of a costs order being made against Sharples." Mr Abbott apologised for the "flippancy" of remarks he made to the Sydney Morning Herald in 2000." Posted by Cobber the hound, Monday, 19 September 2016 4:38:11 PM
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Runner so much christian love.
Posted by Cobber the hound, Monday, 19 September 2016 4:45:38 PM
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In 1998, Tony Abbott had established a trust fund called
"Australians for Honest Politics Trust" to help bankroll civil court cases against the One Nation Party and Hanson herself. Its going to be fun for the next three years if the Libs last that long. Posted by Cobber the hound, Monday, 19 September 2016 4:59:05 PM
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Now if they can only walk out during the Plebiscite Vote. That would be good.
Posted by Jayb, Monday, 19 September 2016 8:08:23 PM
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Considering that parliament is now little more than an absurdist theatre where all of the dramatist personae strut their stuff like adolescent hoons, or like dogs and male cats pissing in the corners marking out their territory I fail to see any real substance in the faux outrage in response to this really insignificant incident of those on the right side of the culture wars shouting match.
Meanwhile, not so long ago the then leader of the opposition and other self righteous "religious" zealots were effectively calling, on the steps of Parliament House for the then Prime Minister Julia Gillard to be murdered. Their signs and callings at the demonstration/rally were very entirely congruent with Alan Jones statement that Julia should be put in a sack and thrown into the sea, and thus to be drowned, or more correctly murdered. I dont remember any so called conservatives being outraged by this toxic happening. Posted by Daffy Duck, Monday, 19 September 2016 8:09:13 PM
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@ plantagenet, Monday, 19 September 2016 1:01:49 PM.
Howdy Pete. "butt yes, those with a leaning to alternative sex don't have to pay for kids and can spend more dosh preening themselves." "butt yes", Really ? Now that is a bit naughty. Or perhaps just a miss-print ? :) Posted by Pilgrim, Monday, 19 September 2016 8:32:11 PM
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Mikk, I've seen some of the extremely battered and bruised, disturbed elderly victims of break and enter merchants, who are all to often hunting in gangs and out for some demented cheap thrill.
I myself was nearly kicked to death by a trio of uninvited intruders who laughed at me and my, what did I so? Pleading each time a potentially lethal hobnail boot slammed into my head! Headshots are not limited to armed defenders! And a single punch to the head can and does kill, as can a well aimed kick, make no mistake! If they just limited their activities to petty larceny, I'd be less hot under the collar. And I do believe in the sanctity of life, particularly mine and mine! If they picked me or mine, got past the movement activated lights and the dogs, I'd be less likely to enquire why they were there, but know they were armed, dangerous and a pitiless threat to far more than me!? Even so, I'd warn them with load verbal commands, to drop the weapon very slowly, this thing has a hair trigger, do nothing else, and emphasize my resolve with the laser point! I don't particularly want that outcome, but don't intend to join those elderly victims of brutal bastardry, who remain completely bewildered by the trauma, or reduced to virtual vegetables! I'd prefer to defend mine with non lethal bean bag ammo and a 20 gauge automatic shotgun! But the anti gun lobby and those spineless pollies who serve them have eliminated that choice, and treat the law abiding gun owner as some sort of criminal. Simply put, guns don't kill, just the nut pulling the trigger! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Monday, 19 September 2016 11:16:17 PM
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Well Richard rather than calling Pauline an idiot at least she is not
like you a "Useful Idiot". You are obviously short sighted and cannot see what is happening in Europe. The present invasion of Europe is about the fourth or fifth invasion of Europe over the centuries. Mohammed commanded the faithful to invade Rome and his followers have done so every few hundred years or so. What makes you think it is any different this time ? David, they would have run straight to their offices and watched on TV. Posted by Bazz, Monday, 19 September 2016 11:32:59 PM
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Greens / One nation,
Two sides of the same coin. Posted by Shadow Minister, Tuesday, 20 September 2016 6:02:53 AM
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Richard Laidlaw thinks that Pauline Hanson is an idiot. He thinks that Pauline Hanson's supporters are an insignificant minority, and that they are all idiots. I think that Richard Laidlaw is an idiot, and I think that anyone who thinks like Richard is an idiot.
Now that we have the insults out of the way, could we concentrate on the topic under discussion? I refute Richard's premise that One Nation supporters are an insignificant and idiot minority. If the forces who oppose democracy in Australia succeed in having the national plebiscite on homosexual "marriage" abolished, then my personnel opinion is that Pauline Hanson's vote is going to swell in the next election. There is a growing realisation among the electorate that our parliament is being controlled by an unrepresentative bunch of lobbyists, paid agents of hostile foreign powers, and a new social caste who despises their own people and culture. The probable successful prevention of direct democracy in Australia will confirm that realisation and make the electorate seethe with anger. Look out for the backlash, Richard. I have always supported Pauline Hanson, but I sometimes did not vote for her, or her party. The reason was, that I did not want to waste my vote on a party that most people thought did not have much of a chance to win office anyway. That all changed with Malcolm Turnbull, the best Labor Prime Minister the Liberal Party ever had. Despite the pleas of right wing journalists to vote for Turnbull, because Shorten was a lot worse, roughly 5% of the Liberal and Labor voters decided this time to vote for somebody who represented themselves, and true liberal values. The election result could not have been better. Turnbull humbled, and hopefully, a Liberal Party which just might try representing white Australians and real liberal white, secular, democratic values (plebiscites, freedom of speech) instead of sucking up to every noisy minority group in existence. Better still, One Nation is now an established party, and a serious party who will continue to attract disaffected Labor and Liberal voters, probably in ever increasing numbers. Posted by LEGO, Tuesday, 20 September 2016 8:21:11 AM
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I don't believe I have ever seen a more disrespectful display than that of the so called "Greens Party" in the Senate during Pauline Hanson's maiden speech.
They all should be ashamed of themselves, with their show of such disrespect shown to any Senator giving a maiden speech. Who do you think you are? - just shows us all your complete "arrogance" to anyone with an opposing view.......utter disgrace and arrogance displayed to us all in "voter land".....we will all remember. Posted by SAINTS, Tuesday, 20 September 2016 7:02:47 PM
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@LEGO, Tuesday, 20 September 2016 8:21:11 AM
"Better still, One Nation is now an established party, and a serious party who will continue to attract disaffected Labor and Liberal voters, probably in ever increasing numbers." I think you may be on to something here Lego, particularly if the recent election result is anything to go by; in fact any Federal By-Election coming up will be watched very carefully - by everyone! So, the next question: will we get a Plebiscite? I hope so. Posted by Pilgrim, Tuesday, 20 September 2016 7:13:58 PM
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"Dear oh dear Alan.
You would "headshot" someone for breaking and entering. Hate to see what you want to do to rapists and murderers. Posted by mikk, Monday, 19 September 2016 2:28:55 PM" Anyone who breaks and enters intends to kill you and your's, the only objection that I have to Alan's post is "head shot", centre body mass is the approved area, preferably with at least two shots (as taught by the army) or 'tap-a-talk' for preference. Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 24 September 2016 11:55:53 AM
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Is Mise: centre body mass is the approved area, preferably with at least two shots (as taught by the army) or 'tap-a-talk' for preference.
I was a Guard on the very first T.E.A.L.Conference at Cunungra in 65. This was an extremely Top Level Conference with the Absolute Top Brass from all the Allied Countries of the World. We were Instructed in the correct approved method; Halt! Halt! Halt or I'll fire! One shot in the air, one shot in the ground, then you can go for it, Centre of Mass. Posted by Jayb, Saturday, 24 September 2016 2:16:18 PM
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I was out of the Army in 1959, up till then it was at least two shots with a pistol, just to make sure; there was no actual limit beyond the capacity of the weapon. By '65 I was a Koala Bear in the Dept. of Defonce!! Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 24 September 2016 4:32:24 PM
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Actually there was no training done on any of the hand guns we were given. JTC didn't have enough weapons to go around & they did a scout of the local Farmers to make up the weapon numbers. They were all Pistols, no automatics & there was a variety from S & W, Colts, Remington's & Weberleys. The Army was using Weberley's back then. 22's. 38's 32's & 45's. They were not carried loaded but we did carry live ammo in a separate pouch.
Different Army back then. Posted by Jayb, Saturday, 24 September 2016 5:47:17 PM
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95.7% of Australians did NOT vote for Hanson and her "idiot" policies. Between her and that incomprehensible moron, Roberts, most Australians agree with the author.
Ignore her and her followers..."unrepresentative swill"! Posted by Peter King, Monday, 26 September 2016 3:20:13 PM
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Peter King: 95.7% of Australians did NOT vote for Hanson. Ignore her and her followers..."unrepresentative swill"!
I guess you didn't see the Poll. 49% of Australians want muslem Immigration stopped. Then they was the moslem Lawyers Poll. Ms Veiszadeh, a moslem activist & Lawyer was so disgusted by the Essential poll that she decided to conduct her own online poll on Left-leaning Twitter. Sadly, the result wasn't what she expected. After more than 46,000 votes a whopping 74% of respondents said they'd support a ban on Muslim migration. I guess you're in the 26% minority ol' mate. Even 34% of the Green supporters support a Ban on moslem immigration. Unrepresentative swill? I don't think so. Posted by Jayb, Monday, 26 September 2016 4:16:28 PM
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Thanks, Jayb, I suspected she represented most Australians on the question of muslem immigration.
Of course, anyone who calls her an idiot is a complete fool. Posted by Leo Lane, Monday, 26 September 2016 4:33:36 PM
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Then 49% of fellow Australians are racist fools..chalk up terrorists 1, democracy 0.
Posted by Peter King, Monday, 26 September 2016 4:43:41 PM
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Yes Leo, they are known as "Useful Idiots" by the moslems.
Posted by Bazz, Monday, 26 September 2016 4:44:31 PM
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Note that 91.7% of people did not vote for the greens in the senate either.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Monday, 26 September 2016 7:22:37 PM
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Typo, 91.3% did not vote for the greens.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Monday, 26 September 2016 7:23:34 PM
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Peter King
"Then 49% of fellow Australians are racist fools." No Australians aren't racist - although there are many who believe we are - going back since 1950's with immigration to Australia from all religions, cultures and creeds from various countries, all worked hard to enjoy a better life and uphold the values of Aust. culture and laws. Since 1980's the culture of "radical islam" teachings has been on the horizon, with little or no interest of this rising problem given any oxygen by either political party in government at the time. It is therefore up to the highest Iman (if that's his title) who represents Islamic teaching in Australia to advise his followers the tenents of the Koran which represent respectful following of the laws of Western Culture, as all other religions do and continue who live in peace and harmony. Australians are called "racist and bigots" .... Those who immigrated to Australia from various countries, religions and cultures since 1950's including now descendants all call Australia "home" and live peacefully,they don't choose to pick up a gun, machete or bomb with the aim to "kill a westerner/s" in the name of their God? There are many Moslems who live peacefully in Australia, and have adopted Western culture and lifestyle who are extremely angered at the Imans who won't speak up in support of Western Culture and lifestyle to their followers. Seems strange that the alleged spokesperson for Islamic followers has been in Australia for 19 years - still can't speak English and needs an interpreter to get his message out .... I guess that says it all. The current age of "those who wish to harm us" is 14 years old? When I was fourteen I wasn't thinking of a way to kill an Aussie with a knife, machete or gun, and why does the Government have to spend enormous $#$$'s on centres to "de-radicalise" youth if there is no problem with Islamic religion in our society? Posted by SAINTS, Friday, 30 September 2016 3:43:41 PM
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Peter King is still unaware that Islam is not a “race”
Perhaps he means 49% of Australians are Islamo-phobes. I am sure it is more than that, Peter. Fools like you are in the minority Posted by Leo Lane, Friday, 30 September 2016 6:19:50 PM
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100% of moslems are Infidelophobes. We can say that with some certainty.
Posted by Jayb, Friday, 30 September 2016 6:53:39 PM
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Question to all: would you like more moslems or less moslems ?
Posted by Bazz, Friday, 30 September 2016 10:43:14 PM
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Less, of course.
Posted by Jayb, Friday, 30 September 2016 11:07:33 PM
No further comment.