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Aboriginal empowerment : Comments

By Bruce Haigh, published 6/9/2016

And there are those who are down and out racists, cruel and crude or those who are conniving and calculating who want to repeal section 18c of the Racial Discrimination Act.

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Hmm, let's look at use of language there in David's response, in particular the use of 'many aboriginals (sic)' and 'some white fellas'. The inference is clear...more Aboriginal people have problems than white fellas. Evidence for that? Virtually nil. Anecdotal evidence from personal observation is worthless.

Same applies to Joe, who seems to want to present as an authority (as many old whitefellas do, despite no real understanding of the issues) on Aboriginal people but is simply providing absolutely nothing of substance. Such comments only deserve flippant dismissal.
Posted by minotaur, Wednesday, 14 September 2016 12:54:00 PM
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Hi Minotaur,

I agree: just like any body else, I should provide evidence if I assert something.

For example, if I suggest that there is no particular problem with Indigenous Deaths in custody, I should be able to back that up. How ? By pointing out that, back in the days of the Royal Commission 25 years ago, 23 % of all people in custody were Indigenous, while only 22 % of all deaths in custody were of Indigenous people. Roughly what one would expect.

Or if I suggest that, in the early days, missionaries didn't want anybody speaking their languages. How to prove that ? Well, by pointing out that, everywhere that I know of (you may know different), missionaries were the first to learn and write down Aboriginal languages, and from the outset, taught in those languages, until groups became so mixed that teaching in any one language was simply not practical.

What's another one ? People being driven off their land. Hard to prove. But how to prove that it DIDN'T happen - at least officially ? Well, it was illegal in all States, for a start. At least in South Australia, the Protector provided rations for up to seventy depots all over the State, wherever people were (many ration-keepers were pastoralists, by the way). He advised police to 'try to keep people in their own districts'. He provided boats and fishing gear for people to stay on waterways, even up on Cooper's Creek.

Massacres ? If anybody could provide proof, perhaps bones with bullet holes or sabre cuts, and not bashed-in skulls or spear-points found inside rib-cages - they might help. Have any ever been found yet ? Find it and I'll believe :)

Stories ? Back them up with evidence, since we're not bloody three-year-olds.

Stolen Generation ? I could cite evidence of broken families, mothers dead, fathers dead, father gone off on the grog, family destitution, etc. and the fact that the majority of kids taken into care, at least before 1960, were usually back home within a year.

Good luck, Minotaur !

Posted by Loudmouth, Wednesday, 14 September 2016 1:56:21 PM
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Ahh, Joe, all you have pretty much given is unsubstantiated story apart from the stats about Aboriginal deaths in custody (and notably you made no mention of the over-representation of Aboriginal people in jail or custody).

Give some substance Joe otherwise you have nothing and I don't waste my time dancing with shadows.
Posted by minotaur, Wednesday, 14 September 2016 3:00:36 PM
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Minotaur you are making a fool of yourself. All the usual don't point out what is in front of my nose because I will not see it business.
Do not try the racist card either because go back one hundred plus years ago and most Europeans were at the stage of a lot of Aboriginal people are today.
We need to start slapping down idiots like you and demand responsible parenting and responsible behaviour from everyone. I personally will vote against whatever is put up on aboriginal recognition as I believe we should all be considered Australian. First start no grog, ciggies or gambling from welfare payments.
Posted by JBowyer, Wednesday, 14 September 2016 6:11:32 PM
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Hi Minotaur,

Yes, I'm sorry" " .... notably you made no mention of the over-representation of Aboriginal people in jail or custody .... "

Out of the multitude of issues, I suppose I should have mentioned that one: from the evidence, it's obvious that the over-representation of Indigenous people in custody is because there is an over-representation of Indigenous people who commit offenses.

I've sat in court a few times to follow a case and I have to say that, if anything, people got off pretty easy: kids with a string of offenses who have never been detained; one case, of murder, the accused were pretty cocky about it: a girl had been raped and strangled by a group of blokes, then taken 'pillion' by a couple of blokes on a motor bike and dumped up the country. Their loyal followers, mostly relations, in the gallery laughed at every joke that the prisoners cracked, they really enjoyed it all.

A good friend confided to me once that he had done a couple of years for manslaughter, when he had really murdered the guy, in a pub brawl. Up in the community where we lived, flash cars would rock up occasionally, driven up from Adelaide, taken for a spin through the bush before being pushed off a cliff into the river. Great fun, nothing serious.

So I have a question for you, Minotaur: why do Indigenous people commit so many offenses ? My answer would be: because they can. What's yours ?

I've been dedicated to the Indigenous Cause for fifty years, and I'll go to my grave still committed. But I'll never go along with bullsh!t or lies or scams. Pass it on.


Posted by Loudmouth, Thursday, 15 September 2016 9:52:05 AM
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Hi Minotaur,
If you want some enlightenment, go and sit in the Alice Springs court on a Monday morning.

Posted by VK3AUU, Thursday, 15 September 2016 10:30:39 AM
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