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Goodbye Menzies : Comments

By Everald Compton, published 2/9/2016

The great political party, The Liberals, formed by Robert Menzies seven decades ago, is in its death throes. It has been assassinated by right wing zealots.

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Hi Mac,
As a matter of fact, I'm preparing an article on just that topic, as a break while studying for mid-semester exams. At 53 I find my capacity to keep up with my younger colleagues, particularly in advanced maths topics, leaves rather a lot to be desired and taking a break to think about something completely different helps to recharge things, at least a little.

In the meantime, that link I posted is very straightforward and there are lots of other resources available online. The work was done in the late 50s, after all. Later work has only shown just how good the Kohlberg research was. Look it up for yourself and make up your own mind.

I do agree with your admonition to avoid jargon. It's something I spend considerable effort on.
Posted by Craig Minns, Sunday, 4 September 2016 3:13:21 PM
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Craig Minns,

What course are you studying? I'd assumed it was psychology.
Posted by mac, Sunday, 4 September 2016 3:33:16 PM
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No, psychology, particularly moral psychology, has been a long-time interest and I've done a huge amount of private study on the topic, but only a brief period of formal study in that field.

I'm studying a dual degree, Electrical Engineering and a B.A, majoring in economics and philosophy.
Posted by Craig Minns, Sunday, 4 September 2016 3:40:30 PM
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I majored in economics at business school it's an interesting subject, but it's also often hijacked by ideologues. Couldn't get interested in philosophy.

I certainly wouldn't have attempted to complete an electrical engineering course in my fifties, or probably ever, actually. I should mention that I agree with some of the opinions of the 'miserable old buggers' commenting here, although not always with the way those opinions are expressed. I'm a grumpy old man myself.
Posted by mac, Sunday, 4 September 2016 4:05:45 PM
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Ah, young Mr. Minns. I get it. You are a left wing troll, 'doing' degrees (which you might or might not finish), and you believe that makes you superior to the rubes. You make some smart remark, hoping that the rubes will respond, as I foolishly did, so that you can slap them down. How old are you, boy? Late teens?

Whether or not Hasbeen would agree with you that my comments were 'contemptible', I can assure you that most people of maturity in our generation would regard you as a cocky little snot, with a lot of growing up to do. We have all been through the Marxist-social clap trap when we were kids, but we matured and realised the truth of things. It is hoped that you will mature some day as well, with a lot more life experience. It is also hoped that you pass, get a job so that we are not left with your HECS debt. I'm quite happy to admit that my time at university was limited to a short cut I took through the University of Adelaide on the way to somewhere else, but I read, probably better than you do, and I have had the advantage of not have my brain washed by left wing twats posing as lecturers.

I checked the miserably slim bio you admitted to before reading your first 'unlearned' contribution: if I recall correctly, little Minns "is a man" (hmm) with a son, a dog, and a dustbin. Wow! That doesn't match the ego.

You caught me once, Sonny Jim; it will not happen again. Can't be bothered with inexperienced windbags who think history began the day they were born.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 4 September 2016 4:50:40 PM
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Why don't you just say "miserable white old buggers", Craig Minns, and proudly display your racist contempt for old white people?

But I suppose as a supposed anti racist, you can't be too open in your racist contempt for the older members of the white race. The trick is to always imply, and if challenged, deny.
Posted by LEGO, Sunday, 4 September 2016 5:18:27 PM
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