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Is the Census really useful? : Comments
By Michael Keane, published 3/8/2016To understand the complexity and real world nature of service delivery is to understand why the Census is nothing more than a ritualistic waste of money.
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Posted by Jayb, Thursday, 4 August 2016 2:03:13 PM
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Why do they want your name AND your address? Because with your name AND your address, they have identified YOU (as there are few people in Australia who have the same name and live at the same address). Then, with your name AND your address, it is possible to search other databases to find out a whole lot of things about you. It is not necessary for the ABS to keep your name AND your address FOR 4 YEARS, unless they want to search other databases. Got it yet? You may also ask yourself what the Census has done for planning in Australia? Absolutely nothing. Australia has no plan. Other than growing the population through immigration. And building more suburbs that are unfit for human habitation, and destroying our natural environment, and using up natural resources at a faster rate, and diluting the wealth in Australia by spreading it among more people, and creating a future where our young will find it increasingly difficult to get a job or afford a house. Posted by interactive, Thursday, 4 August 2016 3:43:18 PM
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Interactive: Because with your name AND your address, they have identified YOU.
& just why would they want to identify ME in particular. Unless you are on their Radar for some reason. In that case THEY know everything about you anyway. So filling in the Census tells them nothing they don't already know. They know every thing about you, right down to you school grades, who your friends were at school, what you got up to, what you do now, every Red Light you ever ran & lots, lots more. How do I know that. I got offered a job in 1970. Three months holiday anywhere in the World $1000 a month & all PX privileges (in 1970 the Average wages was $120 a month) & all I had to do was ride Shotgun on a Road Project or be an Oil Field Guard. ;-) Oh! look some "Wild Geese" just flew past. I was shown my File. I had everything about my life in it from the day I was born, even the secret things no-one else ever knew. So I say, don't sweat the Census. It's nothing. They already know all about you. Oh, It can never be used against you, but if, like me a few years back & I had to Vet someone I could apply for a Vet & it would come back with a Blue or Red stamp on it. I take it by you anxiety that YOU think YOU are one of those people on their Radar. Coronary coming up, or what! ;-) Posted by Jayb, Thursday, 4 August 2016 4:09:49 PM
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A "reasonable excuse" for not answering the census is that you were away on census night from the dwelling-place in question, for example on a 3 day camping trip, nudge nudge, wink wink.
Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Thursday, 4 August 2016 4:20:30 PM
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KJK: A "reasonable excuse" for not answering the census is that you were away on census night from the dwelling-place in question.
It doesn't matter anyway. Question 53 has that covered. 53: Name of each person who usually lives in this dwelling but was away on Thursday, 9 August 2016. Is the person Male or Female. What is that persons date of Birth or age. Etc, Etc,. Well there ya go Yutsie. You may as well stay home. Beats being cold & wet in the bush where the Drop Bears will get ya. Posted by Jayb, Thursday, 4 August 2016 5:07:14 PM
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So if organisations in Australia already know everything about everyone, then where is The Plan. I have seen the congested traffic, and the unlivable new suburbs, and the countless new houses with no backyard for the children to play, and the acres of bushland clear-felled for those new houses, and I would now like to see The Plan for Australia? If political parties no longer work for this country, then who is holding the reins, and who has The Plan? Is it the un-elected ABS (which has just lost all credibility with the public, and even the Liberal Party now seems to be attempting to distance itself from the smell of the ABS). Posted by interactive, Thursday, 4 August 2016 5:24:10 PM
Yutsie, the way you are carrying on it sounds like you have something to hide. Either that, or you've been at the Incense again. Naughty boy. ;-)
I guess some people just like to rebel against everything. I bet they don't rebel about getting Welfare.