The Forum > Article Comments > Christian political parties letting down Australia's Christians on human rights and Palestine > Comments
Christian political parties letting down Australia's Christians on human rights and Palestine : Comments
By Jessica Morrison, published 1/7/2016This concern for the injustices and abuses meted out to the Palestinian women, men and children draws on well-established international consensus.
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Posted by Alan B., Friday, 1 July 2016 10:10:10 AM
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Xians support the fascist israelis because they believe in the insane doctrine of the rapture and armageddon as foretold in their fairy tales.
Posted by mikk, Friday, 1 July 2016 10:33:30 AM
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Great article Jessica.
@Alan_B: What's happening in Israel-Palestine is our concern because we're making it worse. As I wrote in the SMH recently ( over the last 10 years the Australian government has paid more than 1.5 billion dollars (that's BILLION not million) in contracts to Israel arms companies, the same arms companies that are actively involved in the abuse of th human rights of women, men and children in Palestine. On top of this the Australian government levies a range of punitive sanctions against a range of countries and groups the region that also have highly problematic human rights records: Lebanon, Yemen, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Libya, Iraq, Hamas and other Palestinian groups but one human rights abuser is conspicuously absent for Australian sanctions: Israel. Instead we see hundreds of millions in out tax dollars paid to Israel's arms companies, along with massive public political support from our tax-payer funded politicians. So it's unfortunately the issue isn't should we *become* involved. We are already heavily involved. The issue is we need to end this dangerous misuse of our tax dollars in one of the most volatile and insecure regions of the world. Posted by Paul Duffill, Friday, 1 July 2016 4:22:09 PM
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A 'Interesting Take' on the manipulations of mankind to be on the top of the pile - even two of Jesus' disciples asked him could they be two of the 'Head Honchos' with Him. They received the basic message: "Get real and practice what I preach and show!" Sadly many Christians and non Christians continue to want to 'lord it over' [pun intended] others for self interest. However beware that the 'baby is not thrown out with the bathwater' Jesus did not come to only save [rescue?] the Jews but all of us from greed, self-promotion, racism, etc, etc.
As a 'committed' Christian [which basically means I seriously try to practice what He preached] not following America's example of 'In God We Trust' when it suits us to promote this but our firepower advantage is necessary in case He doesn't agree with their or our own 'national interest'. Jesus often stated "I tell you the truth". It is a pity that many do not follow His example whether they are followers, atheists or whatever - Look also locally to 'Indonesian colonized' West Papua - ignored in the national interest of US and Australia = Jesus wept! Posted by Citizens Initiated Action, Friday, 1 July 2016 7:38:44 PM
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Hi Jessica,
I was looking through the websites of different political parties today. One you didn't mention was Australian Christians. I don't know anything of them other than what is on their website, but I did notice they had a Pro-Palestinian news article linked to one of their pages so I thought it might be worth mentioning. Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 1 July 2016 8:51:00 PM
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The most interesting aspect of Jessica Morton's article, is how she perceives the situation in Palestine/Israel as a stark morality concept. The evil Israelis oppressing the poor, impoverished, peace loving, victimised Palestinians.
Sorry, Jessica, I don't see it that way at all. How about we change the characters, and see if your morality makes any sense? If Nazi Germany had long ago conquered all of the Middle East including Palestine/ Israel. And if over the centuries they had ethnically cleansed the Middle East of all non Nazi whites (especially Jews) through fear and intimidation, plus the taking of non Nazi women as multiple sex slave "wives" for prominent and rich Nazis, and were now increasingly committed to a fundamentalist advocacy of "Mein Kampf". And, if those Nazis had been expelled by their Jewish victims from most of Palestine/Israel, but the remaining Nazis were now living in Gaza and the West Bank, where they steadfastly maintained that nothing short of the extermination of the "Jewish State" would appease them, would you be now telling us about how victimised the Nazis are? How about Ku Klux Klansmen? You know, the white Euros take over the Middle East centuries ago and then do the Muslim thing with anybody who is not a white Ku Klux Klansmen. Especially if the people they persecute and forcibly assimilate through compulsory selective breeding, are negroes. If the "Gazans" were the KKK, and the "Israelis" were negroes, would you be telling us how wrong it is for the Negroes to oppress the KKK? "Social progressives" such as your god self once recognised that Israel and the Jews are the victims here. But the Jews do something you left wingers hate. They are smart and successful, which is a lot more than you can say for the Arabs and the Muslims. So they lost their victimhood status and became "the enemy" to people such as yourself, who no nothing of history and who have lost the ability to think straight. Posted by LEGO, Sunday, 3 July 2016 11:54:04 AM
As for the middle east and places named in an old book? How is what's transpiring there any of our concern?
There was a road map and an agreed time table ! If it has been junked by implacable activists on both sides, how is that any responsibility of Australian church goers? Spell out in practicable doable terms how they could actually change much and let's go from there!?
Pounding the bully boy pulpit and remarking how terrible it is hasn't helped whatsoever or incentivated any discernable change!
Alan B.