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The Forum > Article Comments > Hopefully, a final word on 'Gonski' > Comments

Hopefully, a final word on 'Gonski' : Comments

By David Robertson, published 22/6/2016

In fairness, we know NAPLAN is not the only indicator of student outcomes, so perhaps 'Gonski' is making a difference in some other area, like student wellbeing or attendance.

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There is nothing wrong with gonski or for that matter naplan. Just the application and the curious road blocks?

Gonski needs based funding ought to be applied solely as a parent controlled direct funding (means tested education endowment) model, that deals cost adding state (and their admin budgets) hierarchies out.

Fully informed parents could then choose which school their kids attend, and as such ensure those schools with superior benchmarked best practice got the bulk of the funding and economically essential student density, be they public or private! And no, that's not privatization, just applied and long overdue pragmatism. The fee paying community replete with a cohort of new fully funded members would own the schools including those (government schools) paid for by we the people taxpayers!

Last but not least is the complete Autonomy that would then be the only option left to the states? The unions and labor would scream and threaten all sorts of (empty threat ballot box dependant) reprisals, no matter they've already had their education!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 22 June 2016 11:06:34 AM
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Where did the school that was featured in the ABC's Revolution School series get the funding for its successful program? It came from a precursor to Gonski, and principal Michael Muscat says it was a godsend.

Posted by VK3AUU, Wednesday, 22 June 2016 1:15:52 PM
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That was a very interesting program. The principal made an interesting point that the success was not brought about by smaller class sizes.

Posted by VK3AUU, Wednesday, 22 June 2016 1:27:11 PM
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More funding for schools is in my view the wrong approach, what would be far better would be affordable tutoring because any school is limited to what it can provide.

Most schools have the funding to provide education, however, successful outcomes come from either gifted students, or committed parents but its when a parent sends a kid to school, expecting to have little to no input into their education, that many problems occur.
Posted by rehctub, Wednesday, 22 June 2016 3:03:56 PM
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Labor's 'evidence' is always fact free.

Gonski (more money for teachers) is working claim the teacher's union in spite of no evidence.

Bulk billing will collapse if the bulk billing rebate is not unfrozen says the doctors' union (AMA) in spite of bulk billing rates increasing from 75% to 85% since labor froze them in 2013.

Its the old case of telling a lie until enough people are stupid enough to believe it.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Wednesday, 22 June 2016 3:08:21 PM
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I was treasurer of the P&C of a little [100 students] country primary school when Labor, [Goss] came to power in Qld.

He had promised the teachers much money, to buy a vote he already owned, silly man. He kept his promise & gave them a big raise. This was a huge negative for the kids education, as he did not fund that raise.

Suddenly lots of consumables, previously provided by the school were no longer available. Simple things like paper, pens, pencils & teaching aids were no longer available.

Nine months later we calculated the P&C had been required to fund over $20,000 worth of such gear the teachers were asking for. That was about $5000 each for the 3 teachers, & the teacher head master. P&Cs raise most of the money from the parents, with only a small percentage from the general public.

As many families don't help much, so some do more. At about $200 a kid required, Goss cost some families over a $1000 a year extra. Remember this was extra, above what we were raising previously.

Labor are about buying teachers votes, which has nothing to do with kids education, & that is what Gonski is all about.
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 22 June 2016 11:28:34 PM
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