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Jo Cox MP: a price too high : Comments

By Mal Fletcher, published 20/6/2016

Neither the EU referendum nor political debates in general are the central narratives here. This is about a human and national tragedy, not a political statement.

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a thing of no great value given or done as a concession to appease someone whose main concerns or demands are not being met.

This article may be filed under the heading "Sop".

The reality is actually the reverse to the implied bruitilising of the political class. (Exclude Cliff Richard as a possible pedophile, from the equation please).
Quite simply, the abysmal regard in which politicians are held by the public is richly deserved. All are aware of that!

And no, Jo Cox should not have been shot; and would not have been, if police had actually done the job they are customarily paid well to do. Fail!

The reality of Brexit, signals an abysmal failure of the EU. Badly managed and dominating. Both these realities are an obvious sign of political failure.
The people are taking back control of their future from an untrustworthy and undemocratic political "class". There will be a cost to pay. RIP Jo Cox!
Posted by diver dan, Monday, 20 June 2016 9:24:44 AM
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The premature death of so much as one single innocent is far too high a price to pay, just to further the political ambitions of the average drop kick!

If Jo had been just an average housewife, and arguably more important and valuable than any overvalued overpaid politician we would have trouble finding the headlines!

There was a time when genuine folk from successful backgrounds did this work for free and with the best of intentions and for best possible universal outcomes? The banning of slave labor, child labor, the emancipation act and universal suffrage etc, were all ideas generated by progressive conservatives?

Rather than the 'umble folk 'oo followed and were granted a stipend so they could!

And the start of the overpaid argy bargy that's modern day destructive class warfare?

A halfway decent Leader could have headed a team and have achieved all the improvements he claimed Britain needed? Just by going to Brussels and mounting an unarguable (inside the tent) case? The fact he couldn't or wouldn't resulted in this divide and rule tragedy?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 20 June 2016 10:10:46 AM
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Oh please.
Jo Cox was not "innocent", she was an obnoxious Labour hack who was completely beholden to the Islamic community for her election. The reputation of Labour in the north, particularly in Yorkshire is shot and their candidates targets of hatred because of the Muslim "grooming" (read sexual slavery of White and Sikh teenage girls) scandals and their relentless war on the White working class.
Is it a coincidence that on the day she was shot dead sentences were handed down in a Leeds court to 15 Muslim men for the repeated rape and sexual servitude of a 13 year old ward of the state?
Even if Jo like the good SJW she was was oblivious to this latest in a long line of such atrocities caused by her party policies and the corrupt, morally bankrupt Labour councils, I'd hazard a guess and say Tommy Mair was not.
Jo Cox sold herself to Muslim special interests when she took office and she inherited the poisonous legacy of Labour in the north, she's by any definition a traitor to her people and her class.
Unlike the bourgeois commentators who want to to politicise the murder for their own ends Australian Nationalists know what we're looking at in her assailant Tommy Mair, if he's all the media have suggested then we can give you a pretty accurate assessment of his motivations and put Mrs Cox' murder into context. We know his type well after all.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 20 June 2016 11:38:22 AM
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The EU, created by the CIA and nurtured by the USA ever since [1], is a mechanism for defeating democracy.

It works like this. Imagine a collection of nations A, B, C etc. Assign the lawmaking capacity of each to all of the nations in the collection. Thus the laws of B - e.g. Britain - are not derived from democratically elected governments of B but overwhelmingly from the rest of the alphabet soup. The same applies to the people of each other nation. That means to all the people of all of them. So instead of the British people being able to declare "WE will decide who comes to this country" they have to accept "FOREIGNERS will decide who comes into this country".

Cracks are appearing in the EU edifice and if the British defy the calls of the City of London spivs and vote "OUT" there are grounds to hope the whole bureaucratic EU edifice will unravel, and democracy can at last prevail in each country in Europe.

[1] e.g.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Monday, 20 June 2016 12:07:52 PM
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Following on from Jay of Melbourne's post, murder is a despicable crime for which there is no excuse. It is very likely that enough voters will be repelled by the murder enough to switch their votes on June 23 and sink the narrow Brexit lead. In view of this it's not enough to label the killer as a nut case, attention needs to be focused on who put him up to it.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Monday, 20 June 2016 12:23:56 PM
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Even if all you claim is true J.O.M. It just didn't give the moron the right to execute a wife and mother, however obnoxious her politics and policies?

Simply put, this is the end result of divide and rule politics, entered into for personal reward, by folks who'd usually fail in any other profession?

Don't believe that?

Just take the time, if you can actually stand it to listen to question time with all its endless self congratulatory self promoting Dorothy Dix's, name calling and folk actually sprinting from the chamber as some kind of fathomless political statement!

I've seen more mature conversations and better sharing emanating from kindergarten kids at play in a sandpit than some of the stuff that passes for paid employment on the part of politicians!

WE all know the type indeed; right wing nutters who hate other folk for just being who and what they are. Jews, Homosexuals, Gypsies, Muslims, Blacks, Hispanic, Indian, Aboriginal, Catholics, Protestants, Drivers, Cyclists, Pedestrians, Males, Females, Married, Single, White, Young, Old, The Unemployed, Unwed Mothers, Breastfeeding and Babies.

We need to stop winding these folk and their symptomatic hate up, just to wield political power? And just replace it with the power of ideas?

Yes I know that'll likely empty a full two thirds out of our parliaments, which as an outcome would likely be no bad thing?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 20 June 2016 12:26:13 PM
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yep social media is certainly a two edged sword. Without it though we would have the left wing media/academics silencing any challenge or debate on their religous and irreligous doctrines. The planned parenthood butchers would not be exposed, the press would get free reign to dumb down even more with the gw scam and Islamic immigration would continue until free speach is completely gone. You have an oppostion leader here in Austrlia who demonises anyone agreeing to have a demoncratic vote as homophobic. So its seems ok for pollies to demonise people with opposing views as homophobic, racist or sexist. They have no voice except social media. Our PM is no different from the opposition leader.
Posted by runner, Monday, 20 June 2016 1:08:28 PM
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Alan, Julian.
I guarantee both of you that this had nothing to do with Brexit, knowing the way these "lone wolves" think it'll be a plan cooked up by an unstable mind fed on internet conspiracy theories and rationalised by personal grievances.
What's not been widely publicised is that Tommy Mair, the night before the attack had contacted a local mental health service asking for help and had been turned away, maybe that was the last straw as far as he was concerned?
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 20 June 2016 2:28:43 PM
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J.O.M. I bow to your obvious expertise and superior knowledge in the area of lone wolf nut jobs acting out personal grievance?

It's a pity he couldn't have limited that solely to punching bag that one can literally destroy with trained rapid fire punches that have all your bodyweight and anger behind every successive blow.

Not someone's daughter, wife and mother! Make every excuse you can think of? None of which will ever be good enough or justify this act of abominable extreme cowardice

I don't believe there's any place in civil society for this nut job or his sympathisers, fellow travelers and apologists, who should spend the remaining term of any natural life in an asylum for the mentally deranged! And likely in good company!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 20 June 2016 4:38:02 PM
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Re Alan B, I think it would be cowardly to tone down debate because otherwise a murderous lunatic somewhere might get fired up. That said, "debate" based not on rationality but on dishonest labelling is a bad thing not because it stirs up lunatics but because it dumbs the process down. Like "this is rubbish because it is what the Libs would say", or "this is rubbish because it is what labor and the greens say" - ring any bells?. Friends in the UK have just sent me a copy of a leaflet circulating that decries an argument because it was what Farage was saying and we all know Farage is bad news. (From the little I know about Farage I rather like him!)
Posted by EmperorJulian, Monday, 20 June 2016 5:02:15 PM
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I have yet to see any comparison with the man who murdered the Dutch film director and caused Hirsi Ali MP to flee Holland. Same meat different gravy and yet the labour MP is about to be canonised but the muslim ignored.
Please explain?
Posted by JBowyer, Monday, 20 June 2016 5:41:31 PM
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Most people can control themselves, no matter how noisy the media etc, become, but there will always be a small minority of nutters who can be pushed over the edge.

Afraid this article seems more about muddying the waters just in case someone thought that those who leverged white nativists angst and hysteria maybe responsible for creating a bit of hatred? What does Cliff Richard have to do with Joe Cox and racist assassins (left/right is irrelevant)?

Recently, purely coincidental, in the US where most of this white nativist propaganda emerges a Washington consultancy warned of the links between KKK - John Tanton - Trump:

'The authors of a newly re-issued report claim that many Americans wonder at Donald Trump's meteoric and improbable rise to the top. They need wonder no more, they say. In a newly re-released report, "From Know-Nothings to KKK to Tanton to Trump,” Rick Swartz and Jocelyn McCalla expose the groups they say fuel Donald Trump’s un-American and demagogic immigration proposals and rhetoric.....'

That man Tanton again.....

Of course it's another coincidence that the assassin of Cox was influenced by far or alt right racist ideology, according to SPLC Southern Povery Law Center, who know John Tanton well. Tanton has groups in the UK and also an admirer of the 'white Australia' policy and 'eugenics':

'John Tanton is the racist architect of the modern anti-immigrant movement. He created a network of organizations – the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) and NumbersUSA – that have profoundly shaped the immigration debate in the United States.'

However, it's only when you go their shared literature or beliefs, philosphies and ideology do the similarities become disturbing, whether it's Anders Breivik, ISIL or white nativists; pessimistic, dystopian and apocalyptic view of the future.

Anyone who believes they are good conservative and/or christian should run a mile from this crazy nativist agitprop .....
Posted by Andras Smith, Monday, 20 June 2016 6:51:12 PM
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Andras Smith,
The SPLC is not a credible source of information, few outside the hard left or pro Jewish extremist circles take them seriously, the U.S government disassociated themselves with the SPLC some years ago.
Ask yourself why the U.S based SPLC had a dossier on Tommy Mair, an unemployable psychiatric patient from Yorkshire which goes back to the late 1990's?
How, you may ask did a Jewish supremacist group come by shipping receipts from the National Alliance bookstore dated 1999 and addressed to Tommy Mair?
The answer is pretty obvious and well understood in Nationalist circles, since William Pierce died in 2003 the National Alliance has been under the control of the SPLC and it's agents.
It's the same story with the modern Klans, National Socialist Movement, Stormfront, VNN etc they're all run by so called "Anti Racist" groups and seeded with FBI, DEA and BATF informants.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 20 June 2016 9:13:19 PM
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Obvious and well understood in some circles J.O.M. Could that be the circles flown by the legendary and now extinct Whoselem Bird that flew in ever decreasing circles until it disappeared right up its own fundamental orifice?

It is well known in certain circles, possibly the same ones you often refer to; that you have no equal as a Devil's advocate, given your renowned ability to argue any case with the extraordinary use of conjecture and assumptions relabled as presumptive facts!

That said I bow to your obviously superior and intimate personal knowledge of the inner workings of the mind of the average antisocial psychopath with a binary I.Q. to match!?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 21 June 2016 8:35:33 AM
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1. Searched 4 page article for the words "motive"/"motivation".
2. Found none.
3. Didn't read article.
Posted by Shockadelic, Tuesday, 21 June 2016 10:32:49 AM
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