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Has Trump reached the turning point? : Comments
By Chris Golis, published 8/6/2016He is revealing he has a hair-trigger temper and unable to control himself.
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Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 8 June 2016 9:44:45 AM
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Hi Alan,
Is it possible that Trumpf is actually not all that bright ? Not an idiot, but with an IQ somewhere in the nineties ? Born into fabulous wealth, used to bullying his way, with a wide but shallow grasp of political issues, and appealing to people with similar intelligence and outlooks ? Few of his words are longer than one syllable; few of his sentences are longer than ten words, and rarely consist of anything but a direct, simple statement. His perceived leap to the crass and brutal may actually he his limit, that's actually as far as he can think. 'Build a wall !' 'Keep them out !' 'Expel all xx's !' Women are no more than their biology, Hispanics are all rapists etc. Journalists are all hacks. The sort of stuff you might hear in the front bar from someone you want to move away from. Perhaps he's a sort of Pauline Hanson, but with vast dollars, and none of the intellect ? Just wondering, and watching. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Wednesday, 8 June 2016 2:29:21 PM
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Alan B, mate try and get an education. Check up a former President who also suffered bankruptcy but went on to do an acceptable job. His name was Abraham Lincoln.
You mugs are going to have to accept that you previously have put up a real bunch of shonks and losers who have put the world economy into a parlous state. Let us try someone who is not "In club" and see what happens. Posted by JBowyer, Wednesday, 8 June 2016 5:55:53 PM
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THat's spot on Joe!
JB: So Abe was a former bankrupt? So what other skeletons in the cupboard are contemplating running this time round? I was merely contrasting our rules and theirs! Which given your remarks, probably indicates, you failed to read the entire post? Literacy might also enable you to fully comprehend the subject matter? Aside from all that I thought we were being topical, and indicates you're the one needing the education, which apart from assisting you understand what I've posted? Read all of it so you can remain relevant? As for former Presidents? With the best will and regenerative science in the world, I'm sure Abe's not running! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 8 June 2016 6:22:42 PM
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Alan B don't be such a little prickly princess. I just pointed out your abuse was misplaced.
Now I have to point out that Billie Clinton was a liar who should have been impeached. As in not what he did but the fact he lied saying "He did not have sex with that woman!". Now he flies executive jet around the world with pneumatic mistress in tow and all this tawdry charade with his wife? The media would expose him if he were a Republican. The elites have ruined the world economy and now an interloper appears. The people will decide and then you can judge. B & H Clinton either together or single will certainly remain as rich although I am not sure so about you and me. Posted by JBowyer, Wednesday, 8 June 2016 8:50:36 PM
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Hi JBowyer,
It's not either/or, you know - both you and Alan may be right. Clinton may be a sleaze AND Trumpf may be an ignorant bully and a bankrupt. AND Stalin was a psychopathic murderer AND Attila the Hun liked flower-arrangement AND Scarlett Johannson is secretly infatuated with me. No, you're right, that last one would be difficult to siubstantiate. But all those other isolated facts may be independently true, any one does not preclude or crowd out any other. Given that Trumpf inherited a vast fortune, it's hard to believe that he could be a bankrupt - how could anybody be that incompetent ? Perhaps, only in America ? Cheers, Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Wednesday, 8 June 2016 10:51:15 PM
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Alan B.
Going by your comment of Hillary's email server and your suggestion that others don't understand the subject matter, I must put forward that its you that does not understand the subject matter. Hillary broke section 793 of Title 18 by ordering her staff to strip the classifications of documents so they could be sent to her private server which was considered a form of espionage, and we knew from Guccifer that there was up to 10 foreign IP addresses logged onto that server. It doesn't matter if she said it was an accident or if the order was never acted upon by her staffers, the fact she made it whether simply negligent or otherwise is considered espionage and she is not allowed to run as president, if prosecuted. The importance of the foreign IP addresses begs the question was Hillary delivering state secrets through her unsecure server to foreign interests in exchange for campaign contributions (or speaking fees) to the Clinton Foundation, such as was done previously with the Chinagate scandal. This is why Donald Trump will carve Hillary up in the coming 5mths before the election. One more thing... 'Hillary for Prison 2016' Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 10 June 2016 8:31:38 AM
Former bankrupts, generally speaking, are excluded from public office here and for the most cogent of reasons! Former bankrupt, Mr Trump, born a billionaire, only survived with assistance, given he was, too big to be allowed to fail?
America needs a competent fiscal manager at the helm rather than a former bankrupt, someone like a Bill Clinton and his message, it's the economy stupid! (certainly not perceived sexual immorality, the bane of Wall Street and a few billionaires?)
Indeed, the last time a proven fiscally astute Clinton was in charge in the White house, America turned its tottering economy around?
The fact that there's a wikileaks and a reveal all Snowden, all the reason ever needed to allow Hillary to use a private line for some of her Emails! [Backdoor diplomacy has its uses?]
Get over it, bite deep on the unpalatable political reality, and start focusing on what needs to happen to prevent the world's largest economy with the most powerful military, going down the gurgler?
Alan B.