The Forum > Article Comments > Silencing America as it prepares for war > Comments
Silencing America as it prepares for war : Comments
By John Pilger, published 30/5/2016A third of the members of the United Nations have felt Washington’s boot, overturning governments, subverting democracy, imposing blockades and boycotts.
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Posted by Aspley, Monday, 30 May 2016 10:13:42 AM
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Yes John, Now that the Japs have bombed Pearl and the Frogs have pulled out of Vietnam, we have no other choice than get stalled assembly lines up and running at full speed once again, to churn out tanks, bombs, guns, ships, subs and warplanes!
And as you suspected, the politicians are once again treating Joe public like the proverbial mushroom! Don't forget to take your meds there's a good boy! Look, If you want out? I'll turn my torch on and you can slid down the beam? Oops, bugger. Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Monday, 30 May 2016 10:25:11 AM
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All pretty true...with a slant towards anti American. I'm personally not a viewer of events from Pilgers angle (necessarily), but the vacuume for world dominance created in 1945, at the conclusion of WW11, was aptly filled by the USA. nobody should expect this achievement to be easily wrested from them!
I agree with the American view that China is a rising threat, and I support whatever the do to keep that one down and under opposed to the treterous Australian Government which has rolled over to the Chinese, as Chinese investment in Australia reaches staggering preportions, and amounts to a purchased take over of this country! Posted by diver dan, Monday, 30 May 2016 11:47:45 AM
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First of all, the idea of silencing the braying U.S. is a pipe-dream!
Second of all, the expectation of the U.S. doing anything else beyond seeking world hegemony using military power is fanciful. At the current rate, America will gain military control of Australia within the next three weeks. When Trump becomes the leader of the world it will implode within six weeks. John, keep up your good work! There a handful of intelligent Australians still left but their numbers are few and their decline rapid! Australians, like Americans, will never become a master race! May the end come quickly! Posted by David G, Monday, 30 May 2016 12:08:16 PM
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and most of the remaining two thirds of UN member countries have felt the hands of communism at their throats since 1917 and most have luckily been able to break free in one way or another. Just to understand what communism did in one small part of Australian life in one small part of our history read Hal Colbatch's book on the union movement's sabotage of the Australian war effort on our ports during WW2.
Pilger's view of world history is so distorted and so inaccurate that it only makes sense who you realise he is trying to destroy democracy as we know it in countries like Australia and the US. No one denies that our democracies can't be improved but Pilger goes many steps beyond improvement and wants replacement, except that his OLO articles don't make clear what he would replace our democractic systems of government with. To be honest, I don't see the point of this article as it is nothing more than a largely irrelevant rant against aspects of history which need to never be forgotten but which do not justify the type of revolutionary political changes that Pilger seems to want. Posted by Bernie Masters, Monday, 30 May 2016 3:45:24 PM
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With Trump as President Pilger will be in red heaven. But time to use OLO to sell a new book.
His "About the Author...A Secret Country, his best-selling history of Australia published 20 years ago, remains in print (Vintage Books)" is sadly aging. A new book "Secret Trump World" awaits. Profits for Pilger? Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 30 May 2016 4:32:58 PM
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John Pilger is right, the West is pushing for war with Russia and China.Do any here know the reason why ? We have to realise that there are some very sick people running this planet.Our elites have repeatedly said the world's population needs to be drastically reduced. They have their own seed banks, food and lots of underground shelters,so this makes a nuke war feasible in their eyes.
George Green is an insider who was asked to do their bidding and became repulsed by their plans. With advent of robotics and elites no longer need the masses. They will be free to breed Hitler's super race.They have almost absolute power via the debt money creation system. So we'd had better wake up soon.For those who have time for the truth see FromJ FK to 911 everything is a rich man's trick. Posted by Arjay, Monday, 30 May 2016 6:24:24 PM
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Sweden is the past has been neutral but now has become a staging area for an attack on Russia. NATO and the USA continue to build arms surrounding Russia.The USA has over 800 military bases around the planet and talk of Russia and Chinese aggression.The world has gone insane.
Posted by Arjay, Tuesday, 31 May 2016 7:10:33 AM
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As a result of watching international events I have learned two things
Americans doubt their own capacity to live in peace with other countries Americans seem to believe that their own salvation lies in conquering the rest of the world. Posted by Referundemdrivensocienty, Saturday, 4 June 2016 12:48:41 PM
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One has to give John Pilger marks for consistency. His use of information is biased and selective and he pursues the same writing plan every time - a bit like an endless loop of tape repeating the same sorry diatribe. In the long term I expect history will judge America very favorably. That is not likely to happen for the communist world JP loves, nor the Middle East where WWIII is about to commence.
Posted by Pliny of Perth, Monday, 6 June 2016 11:54:38 AM
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John Pilger, absolutely right on the money. Why does America hate the Russians? There the ones that actually beat Germany in WW2 and happened to pinch Hitlers rocket building tech. The Americans hated that. Why do they hate the Chinese. Because the Chinese resisted take over at the turn of the century By the Alliance (US, England, France and the Dutch) with the Japanese helping out with China, which failed. China then rebuilt there economy from the ground up with great speed. Now about to take over America as the biggest economy on the planet. Why did the alliance want China? For the last 3,000 years or so China was responsible for 3/4 of the worlds trade. If anybody knows economics, it's China.
Will there be a WW3? Absolutely. Why? The old alliance is breaking up. America is rotten to core and can't get it's economy to fire. America has been the worst managers of all, going back to where world dominance first started with the Hittites. It's a wreck just waiting to happen. Historically, what happens at the end of every empire? War. The winner will write the history (there view) and will take charge of the world. Who will be the winner? Nobody... Where then will this history be written? Probably on a cave wall in picture form. No words. WW3 will probably be and extinction event. Posted by JustGiveMeALLTheFacts, Monday, 6 June 2016 1:21:30 PM
Strangely , I agree with you over two things ( I must be getting older too ! ) firstly Obama is a shocker as a President . He is in the Carter class.
Secondly,I agree with you, over the bombing of Serbia.
Rest assured , John , My reasons for agreeing are results based only , not on how we each arrived at the same conclusion.
Keep up your weird work and remember those American Capitalists are under your bed.