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Taming the north : Comments
By Everald Compton, published 4/5/2016No government has ever offered to be the primary investor in a significant development project anywhere in the north of our continent.
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Taming the north does not have to involve blatant destruction. The north has already been destroyed compared to it's natural state. With fish stocks devastated even crocodiles in the region are starving.
Australia is up to it's ears in debt because no newly productive infrastructure has been developed to offset loss of the wool industry for example. Investment in pink batts produces nothing for local consumption or export. Neither do roads these days, although safer roads are needed and so are hospitals and schools. But what about newly productive export industry to return cash to repay the debt?
A role of government is supposed to be to assist development of major business and employment generating infrastructure, including that which can later be sold to private enterprise. For example the PMG come Telstra and other communication companies of today.
All that Australia is not much. We are however a food producing nation with significant potential to expand to feed well over 7 billion humans daily. There is also need to feed animals and fertilize crops in order to sustain ongoing food supply. And the absolute essential our nation and farmers need for the task is water.
The water harvesting and aqueduct system I suggest will not develop or ruin the north. In fact it's quite the opposite. Water harvested in high country will reduce erosion, albeit natural erosion but nevertheless it's erosion. Bulk water otherwise wasted into the Gulf of Carpentaria will help water inland wetlands including the Coorong, while also providing water for farmers producing local and export food and fibre.
The Compton article here is at least providing a platform for discussion. What is the alternative, watch t.v or read the ongoing never ending political defamation in media?
Sometimes big ideas are needed because we live in a big country. From my point of view some ideas have to be big because the oceans and the planet are big.
I think it's best to challenge feasibility of big ideas instead of knocking the authors