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Road Safety Remunderation Tribunal costs more than it saves : Comments
By Mikayla Novak, published 18/4/2016The review by PricewaterhouseCoopers questioned the very need for a regulatory response forcing higher payment rates on safety grounds.
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The TWU pushed for the RSRT to be set up as it envisaged that the safety issue could be used as a clever decoy for formulating regulations to force owner drivers out of the industry. Julia Gillard ignored that the resulting lessening in transport competition would be contrary to the national interest, and instead decided that RSRT implementation would be a good way of thanking a key electoral benefactor.
It is surprising that, after the Coalition Government initially identified the urgency of the need to rescind the RSRT, effectively little was done about it. After knifing Tony Abbott in the back, did not Malcolm Turnbull promise much more action on the economic front? Yet Malcolm, great ditherer that he is, as recently as a few weeks ago favoured moving RSRT rescission to the next parliament.
Given that Malcolm has effectively achieved nothing in the seven months of playing Prime Minister, he certainly cannot be regarded as a man of action. With the benefit of hindsight, the Coalition would have done much better had they encouraged Malcolm to go into retirement when he lost the Opposition leadership in 2009.
Those Coalition MPs who feared they would lose their seat in the 2016 election if they stuck with Abbott, now would be justified in thinking that they will not be returning to Canberra after the coming election, if the current polls are an indication.