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The future of schools : Comments

By Keith Suter, published 12/4/2016

But that industrial era is ending and so what is now the role for schools? Here are four scenarios of what could happen.

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Has, I take it you've never been involved in routine intell collection or analysis have you?

If any terrorist plots are being hatch in our schools, we need to know about it and not doable, if we appear to be exercising any form of heavy handed or in your face bureaucratic control; as you appear to want?.

Better to allow dissents to believe they are able to hatch their plots in complete privacy as we listen in on their conversations via planted bugs, or almost invisible laser beams aimed at convenient windows.

Some bugs are miniaturized drones that resemble bumble bees, dragonflies, stick insects and almost anything that walks, crawls or flys. Glasses or even a remote enabled keychain.

And having identified those trying to, we believe, use our schools as places to radicalize our kids or hatch plots, let ourselves into their homes and bug the places; to monitor their phones, tablets and PC's with planted bugs or remotely positioned scanners.

We have amongst us folks who can disable any security device, pick locks, let themselves in, plant their monitoring devices; and then let themselves out without anyone none the wiser.

And with foreknowledge and evidence that will stand up in court; send these folk packing to where they can't harm us or our kids!

Deportation, exile or high security prisons for the term of their natural lives? Or where none of that is possible, arrange for them to suffer a premature yet lethal heart attack.

And a better option than stupidly driving this almost impossible to police or expose activity; deep underground by trying to mindlessly exercise a control freak's control!
Posted by Rhrosty, Tuesday, 12 April 2016 6:15:13 PM
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Keith Suter asks "How could schools evolve in the future?" (12 April 2016) and offers three futures: Business as Usual, Consumers' Choice, Nation-Building and Cyber School. I expect we will have an evolved blend of all these, much as has already happened with higher education.

University campuses still exist, but much of the education is now done on-line, supplemented with in "blended" and "flipped" modes. Students attend when they need to, which can be as little as never, perhaps 20% of the time for a typical student, or every day for intensive courses. I expect school will be the same.

One possibility which Mr. Suter did not canvas are private for-profit schools. Australia already has a for-profit university, which is part of a US corporation (Torrens University of Australia). UK textbook company Pearson has the "APEC Schools" joint venture for-profit schools in the Philippines. However, as the disastrous mismanagement of the VET FEE-HELP scheme has shown, with a waste of several billion dollars, education funding needs to be carefully regulated.
Posted by tomw, Monday, 18 April 2016 1:05:26 PM
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