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Internet Intifada denies free speech : Comments

By David Singer, published 1/4/2016

Many Palestinian websites are stifling free speech by refusing to publish comments answering anti-Israel articles published on their sites. The latest example is an article written by Rania Khalek on Electronic Intifada.

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No, I'm not going to do that, but its quite obvious that you are a liar, that you engage in slander and libel, that you make false allegations and don't not apologise for doing so, then try to move away from taking responsibility for yourself by consistently trying to vilify me, when it is you that consistently posts false and misleading information for political gain.

And plus you're a lawyer, you have the Jewish lobby on your side who have the politicians in their pockets, so nope, don't think so.

Its still my opinion that the Jewish people created the problems for themselves in Palestine and that's all I have to say on that matter except to say that I'm not sorry for saying it.

Honestly I think you are a paid troll.

As for the content of your articles, It's mostly all garbage.
You try to use these old documents thinking no-one will read them.

Now does it or does it not say 'The creation IN PALESTINE' of a national homeland for the Jewish people?

And if you think I have no reason to say what I have about Australian politicians, the go read Anthony Loewenstein's My Israel Question.

You know all this stuff is true.
You just don't like that anyone knows about it because you seek to influence the people who don't know any better and are easily influenced.

I think you just aim to silence anyone who uses too much of their free speech.

You are in a war with the Palestinians and you act like anyone who is not beating the war drums for your team is an enemy.

Here's an article which refutes most of the stuff you consistently waffle on about.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 5 April 2016 1:28:48 AM
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David, do I have to write it in crayon for you to grasp the truth.

Israel was created illegally and unilaterally by the then Zionist powers with no consideration, consultation or care for the Palestinians.

The real history books, government records and real archive documents in various countries clearly attest to these facts, ones you continuously ignore for obvious reasons.

You can't raise an argument about map accuracy, as you have done in your article, when the basic premise that underpins your stated evidence is clearly and abundantly false.

I don't need to argue each and every false point you raise because all you have written is based on lies.

When you acknowledge the true facts I will tend evidence against you if I believe a rational and historical error has been made. Until such time I will continue to call you out as have others on these pages.

The tide is turning and you do yourself a disservice in terms of honour and integrity by continually espousing these lies. Pretty sad if you ask me, I don't know how you sleep at night.
Posted by Geoff of Perth, Tuesday, 5 April 2016 2:36:16 AM
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# Geoff

Go spin your lies to McGraw Hill and see if they will swallow them and reverse their decision that the maps are inaccurate and misleading.

I supported their decision wholeheartedly and you have provided not one scrap of evidence to indicate Mc Graw Hill was in error.

You are wasting your time bashing your head against a brick wall.

Put up some firm evidence or shut up.
Posted by david singer, Wednesday, 6 April 2016 9:43:21 PM
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I don't really know why I bother responding to you David, you really are pathetic.

You have failed to provide any real evidence against my claims, and as such you have exposed your entire argument as folly.

Stop spruiking for the irrational psychopathic Zionist apologists.

Post some truth and then we can discuss the real issues at hand. Until then, put up or shut up
Posted by Geoff of Perth, Wednesday, 6 April 2016 10:01:34 PM
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In case it may have escaped your attention here are my reasons for claiming the maps are inaccurate and misleading:

1. Map 1:

The heading - "Palestinian and Jewish Land 1946" - is misleading for the following reasons:

(i) The map excludes Transjordan which in 1946 still comprised 78% of the territory of the Mandate for Palestine until granted independence by Great Britain in May 1946.

(ii) The land described as "Palestinian land" misleadingly implies legal ownership by the Palestinian Arabs of that land when in fact about 90% of it was State land under British Mandatory control and legal power of disposition.

2. Map 2:

The legend "Palestinian land" is misleading.

The legend should have said "proposed Jewish State" and "proposed Arab State" - the terms used in the UN Partition Plan.

3. Map 3:

The heading "1949-1967" is misleading.

The map should have shown the unification of the West Bank with Transjordan between 1949 and 1967 and the change of name of Transjordan to Jordan in 1950.

It should also have designated the Gaza Strip as being under Egyptian military administration between 1948-1967.

4. Map 4:

One can only wonder why the year 2000 was chosen. Why not 2015 after Israel had already withdrawn from Gaza and four settlements in the West Bank in 2005 and dismantled many illegal outposts?

In any event the legend "Palestinian land" and "Israeli land" is again wrong and misleading in so far as it relates to the West Bank. The land there should have been shown as Areas "A", "B" and "C"

5. As maps designed to be taught to students they are totally lacking in accuracy and ignore basic facts in their compilation.

6. Designating land as "Palestinian land" in any event implies that such land belongs to the "Palestinians". Since there were no persons designated as "Palestinians" until the 1964 PLO Charter defined that term – the use of the term in maps before then smacks of an attempt to re-write history.

Go through each point- point by point - and tell me where I got it wrong.
Posted by david singer, Wednesday, 6 April 2016 10:12:06 PM
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Your argument regarding points 1 thru 6 are moot solely because the land in question is part of the broader historical land known as Palestine, a name that goes back in history for millennia.

On the other hand the State of Israel was created illegally and unilaterally by the Zionists despite any legal permission to do so.

Likewise any talk about the Mandate, the land known as Jordan etc etc is also mute because the colonial carving up of middle eastern lands was again done without any authority or approval of the people's living in these lands at the time.

The maps in question clearly show illegal land theft and the implied genocide and dispossession of the natural inhabitants of these lands.

Your argument shows your clear support for this abhorrent activity and you should be ashamed.
Posted by Geoff of Perth, Thursday, 7 April 2016 3:42:14 PM
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