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Permanent asylum for unauthorised arrivals has reached its global use-by date : Comments
By Brendan O'Reilly, published 1/4/2016We are no longer alone in abandoning the routine right to permanent asylum, even to genuine refugee arrivals, because our policy is seen to be the only one that works.
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Australia was right. The rest of the West, the United Nations and the lefty fifth column were wrong. The western world has suffered a lot of irreparable damage, thanks to look-at-me dogooders and serial compassionistas.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 1 April 2016 9:23:10 AM
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ttbn, "The western world has suffered a lot of irreparable damage, thanks to look-at-me dogooders and serial compassionistas"
While leftists like to wear the 'Do Gooder' cape, many are anything but that. The culturally cringing leftists have always had it in for Australia and Australians, preferring anything foreign excepting the Western democracies and particularly the US and UK. Here is one the their gurus, Phillip Adams, who has been supported by the ABC for years, "Phillip Adams on how to be a moral bullsh…er How to be a moral poseur - a mere Man of Seeming, blind to the Doing - as demonstrated by the ABC’s Phillip Adams. .." Posted by onthebeach, Friday, 1 April 2016 10:00:34 AM
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the thousands of women who have been molested/raped must have wished they had an Abbott rather than Rudd/Merkel.
Posted by runner, Friday, 1 April 2016 3:23:45 PM
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Hi Brendan
I have no problem with your arguments. Australia is lucky that Middle East/Afghanistan/Sri Lanka is a long plan ride to Java - the economic "refugees" pay Indonesia 80% economic refugee "tax" then a rocky Indonesian boat ride (paying the crew the remaining 20%) then on to Christmas Island then Manus/Nauru. Luckily Indonesia is cooperatively part of the West. Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 1 April 2016 4:36:04 PM
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Hi runner
Yes I didn't hear Australia's Greens condemning the Rape of Cologne by those dear little refugees of a certain "appearance" Maybe our Greens were too caught up with their Lefty Uni-Trot style condemnation of the West very selectively "bombing" the ISIS leadership in Syria/Iraq. Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 1 April 2016 4:43:40 PM
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I believe the 900 is a bit exaggerated but the people of any country should expect and have none. Hungary says 900 'no-go areas' in Europe Budapest (AFP) - Europe has more than 900 "no-go areas" with large immigrant populations, Hungary's government claims on a hard-hitting new website aimed at drumming up opposition to an EU scheme to share out migrants around the bloc. In these areas "with a high number of immigrants", for example in Paris, London, Stockholm or Berlin, the authorities have "little or no control" and "norms of the host society barely prevail," the site says. Asked for the source of the information, government spokesman Zoltan Kovacs told AFP on Friday it came from "data publicly available on the Internet," without giving further details. The website, launched this week ahead of referendum in Hungary in the second half of the year on the EU quota plan, also features a ticking clock representing a migrant entering Europe every 12 seconds. "The mandatory European quotas increase the terrorist risk in Europe and imperils our culture," the website says. "Illegal migrants cross the borders unchecked, so we do not know who they are and what their intentions are. We do not know how many of them are disguised as terrorists," it adds. Prime Minister Viktor Orban's government voted against an EU plan in September to distribute 160,000 asylum-seekers among member states via quotas, and in December joined Slovakia in filing a legal complaint. Posted by Philip S, Friday, 1 April 2016 9:11:09 PM
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Methaphors "paint pictures in the mind", and I love them. Ttbn's "look at me do gooders" is a classic. I hope you don't mind if I steal it, ttbn. That one is going into my "Metaphors" book.
Very well written and reasoned article, Brenden O'Reilly. I think that the most important part was where you wrote... "There is now a growing fear in some Western countries that their national identity, freedoms and prosperity can also be lost through the unrestricted mass immigration of asylum seekers from alien cultures, and this is now increasingly reflected in national politics and policies." Us racists have been saying just that for 40 years, and whereas we take some comfort in being shown to be absolutely correct, and we can now say "we told you so", one wonders why it took so long for our apathetic population to flash on the obvious. It took the mass migration of alien cultures of biblical proportions, with their accompanying baggage of terrorism, serious criminal behaviour, and endemic welfare dependence to shake the "look at me do gooder" euros out of their Kumbaya fantasyland. I think that the primary reason for the euro change of heart was Cologne, and the fact that Sweden is now the rape capitol of the world. I think that the main drivers of the Kumbaya philosophy are women, and European women are now beginning to realise that their stupid humanitarian policies are endangering themselves. European women could once ignore the sexual assaults of other European women, when their own neighbourhoods were safe. But the scale of immigration from women dominating Muslim men is now so high, that no European neighborhoods is safe for European women. Gangs of Muslim men are now roaming the streets of every European city and town, and these gangs are openly leering at the Euro women and making offensive remarks to them. Reality bites. Posted by LEGO, Saturday, 2 April 2016 6:23:51 AM
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There are over fifty million displaced persons in the world, more than that created by WW11. And no way to rehouse/resettle/help that many (often deliberately undocumented) folk!
Some choices include opening the doors for genuinely compatible, english speaking folks, grateful for our help. Others not fitting that description? Helped to leave! Future vision and comparatively modest engineering could, turn our arid inland into an eden that could eventually accommodate compatible, peacefully cohabiting millions? That said, the best outcome would be to do what must be done to allow displaced people to return to their homelands; and some of that could be accomplished via modest targeted economic improvement, and or, precise surgical removal of warlords. Even so, I'm in favor of taking care of unmet need at home first, given if we are a genuinely wealthy nation, are able to be far more generous with our economic aid! Rather than a financially crippled country, with its hand permanently out for foreign capital and on the bone of it's financial ass, which given our crippling combined debt levels, is an apt description? Unmined resources are only any good when mined, value added and sold, and no earthly good locked up by an obtuse overreaction to truly asinine activism? We've saved the reef? What for? So it can be virtually wiped out by climate change and possibly irreversible bleaching, (happened elsewhere) even as accessing some of the hydrocarbons it stores, may well have allowed us to reduce our diabolical dependance on foreign oil as well as reduce the amount of carbon we pump into the atmosphere by 40% or more! Q: What's the difference between an ass and a donkey? A: one is an extremity, the other is just a donkey. And both apt descriptions of folks at both ends of the political spectrum whose asinine activities or obdurate resistance to new ideas, (intellectual constipation) actually prevent us growing our economy and consequently being able to be far more generous, than a patent pauper, who must first borrow, or pawn the family silver/sell the farm, (hypothetically) in order to give/assist! Rhrosty. Posted by Rhrosty, Saturday, 2 April 2016 11:46:39 AM
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I remember back in the 1970's
When there were headlines, about the Great Barrier Reef dying. The crown of thorns starfish was said to be killing the Great Barrier Reef. We were shown television photos of patches of dead looking reef. I just saw the same kind of photos on the news a few days ago, stating that the reef Is dying again. This time from global warming. Excuse me if I don't believe it this time. I've seen and heard it all before. These things are natural cycles. Posted by CHERFUL, Saturday, 2 April 2016 11:32:23 PM
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people who have exhausted their share of land and resources by ridiculous breeding,
will happily walk in and overrun the land and resources of other people if they are not restricted in some way. They are like great swarms of wilderbeasts. People can not jeprodise their own and their children's survival by allowing mass overtaking of what sustains their very life itself, their land and resources. it is a shame that it had to happen right in front of the noses of so many dogooders, and social engineering idealists, before their brain could finally begin to understand reality. Saying we must save the world, is easy when it is just a utopian fantasy, But the overrunning of Europe has clearly demonstrated that refugees, must be fed, housed and clothed. And that is very hard to provide enmasse and is an existentional threat to those that have to suddenly share all these resources that they themselves need to live. I still see a lot of the utopian hippy idealists floundering around not understanding why their vision of an ideal world is crashing around their ears. Because their vision was never real, They just assumed they could engineer it That way. Out in survival land, it is a ball game way beyond their command. The rules of nature and survival in nature apply,yes to mankind too, Their egos have got themselves pegged as special, But nature would cut them down very quickly outside their cocooned world of medical supplies,and food and shelter available. Posted by CHERFUL, Sunday, 3 April 2016 12:32:36 AM
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Cherful, just what would you do with the thousands of Syrian refugees who have landed on Italy's doorstep?
Would you float them back to the war in their own country, or would you try to find another country willing to take them? Posted by Suseonline, Sunday, 3 April 2016 11:48:28 AM
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Over all of your years preaching have YOU ever volunteered to take just one of those economic migrants into your home? When she was PM, Julia Galah'd even promised you taxpayers' $$ to do it. Or is your criticism always directed at others, while you live your own life smug and undisturbed? Still waiting for people like ex-Greens leader Bob Brown, who lives very well on that ex-Senator golden handshake and super-dooper superannuation, ever offering to take one in. It promises to be a very long wait. Posted by onthebeach, Sunday, 3 April 2016 12:12:26 PM
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A predictable response from you OTB. Why on earth would I take anyone in when I pay my taxes to the Government to run refugee programs?
Do you honestly think that the bulk of Syrians escaping that war in their own country are 'economic migrants'? There have been many thousands of civilian deaths and the place is bombed to hell. How stupid you are. Posted by Suseonline, Sunday, 3 April 2016 1:03:35 PM
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Yes CHERFUL, the reef has been trained to die on command, every time the academics in the sheltered workshops around Townsville, AIMS, James Cook, & the GB Marine Park Authority, want more in grant money.
Just travel a hundred or so miles through any part of the reef, & you can find little areas of disaster suitable for horror films for the evening news. And don't get the idea many of them spend much time out the reef. When I have taken groups of them out the reef, as I did regularly, most of them were more seasick than the tourists we had on board. They obviously rarely went anywhere near boats, even large ones. Suse, if there are that many of them, 50 million is it, & they are worth bothering with, they will be going home to take their country back. If they are too gutless & useless to do that for themselves & their kids, they are definitely too useless to be let in here. We have quite enough dropkicks of our own, without importing any of the useless. Posted by Hasbeen, Sunday, 3 April 2016 2:28:41 PM
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While the majority of Syrians are genuine refugees, the majority of "Asylum seekers" entering the EU are not even from Syria. The problem facing the EU is that the immigration policies so favour illegal immigrants that even those that are clearly not refugees are nearly impossible to repatriate. Secondly, once they get residence they then want to bring in an extended family. Economic migrants should be repatriated immediately, and a TPV will ensure that refugee criminals can be booted out immediately or once the war stops. Posted by Shadow Minister, Monday, 4 April 2016 12:40:21 PM
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The current migration problem in Europe has given a warning of what
is coming in the next few years. It has given Europe the opportunity to get its policies into a state to handle the much larger migration events to come. Many middle east countries are living on the profits on oil. They subsidise the cost of fuel and food and provide uneconomic work and social services to their populations. Their populations have increased to take up the available resources. Withe the end of cheap oil and declining production these countries are moving into a period of financial deficit. This is resulting in increasing food prices. It was the protests about food prices that were mistaken for the Arab Spring. Watch Egypt, It has to get rid of some 40 million people. Already Saudi Arabia is feeling the crunch, and we never thought that we would hear of that country worrying about money, did we ? It is a country with some 60% plus of its population under 30 and basically unemployed. Their population has risen to levels that are unsubstainable if their oil income declines. It all signals more war for resources, water and good land, and the ability to feed their elevated numbers. Where do you think they will go ? Africa, Iran, Pakistan, India, perhaps central Asia or perhaps Europe. Posted by Bazz, Monday, 4 April 2016 4:32:05 PM
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It goes back to why they are refugees doesn't it? one woman Who was 37years old had 11children. I kept hearing this over and over, 7children,at least 4 or 5 for most families. this is the reason they stormed Damascus, an inability to feed their children. Assad hit back, hard, in defence of Damascus and the people there. Europe is not responsible for their overbreeding, you remember, the 7billion people and rising out there. Of course this will result In war and refugees. If someone comes to your door, begging for food and aid, yes, you would gladly help them, for a length of time. But when they are still coming to your door, 50years later. You have to ask,what their problem is and why the hell they don't fix the problem? Some contraception and less Muslim religion might be a start. Posted by CHERFUL, Monday, 4 April 2016 11:42:40 PM
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Hasbeen, <the reef has been trained to die on command>
That's so funny. You are dead right. Posted by CHERFUL, Monday, 4 April 2016 11:55:00 PM