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Paris attacks give us pause for thought : Comments

By Mal Fletcher, published 16/11/2015

The best responses to attacks like these might be renewed vigilance without terror, social tolerance without moral blindness and wariness without paranoia.

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One notes that some of the folks who blew themselves to hell, left behind passports, which were last used by folks claiming asylum, at the Maritime border with Greece.

So much for the pretence of asylum seeking!

We need to deploy some space age high tech lie detection at the entry points, that simply can't be beaten even by practised compulsive liars.Thermal imaging, C.A facial recognition!

To date, some so called experts have been very thoroughly deceived by their egos and some folk who couldn't lie straight in bed, and will need to be inserted into their coffins with a corkscrew!?

Make no mistake, we are in a death struggle with the most evil ideology ever conceived. Evil incarnate, which has recruited extremists to an unholy cause!

And opposed by moderates everywhere, be they Christian, Jewish or Muslim!

This is not how one serves God! WE are all in the crosshairs of intense evil personified! Let's not however, call this a war!

Crucifying, raping and burying folk alive is not a war, you don't go to war with barking mad murders, rapists and folks who think they have a right to go around beheading in God's name!

WE'd react very different if they were blue eyed blondes screaming their hate with endless sieg heils!?

The Allah Akbar fanaticism is even worse? The only difference is the ethnicity and the level of mindless hate, as is the blood thirst!

These Devil's diciples just haven't a single redeeming human feature, and should be exterminated with no more feeling than you would accord mad rabid dogs filled to the eyeballs with hate and an insatiable blood lust!

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

Time to stop making excuses for these monsters, after all,other folk have been dispossessed, throughout the ages!

Given this particular madness cannot be turned? Time to put some boots on the ground and send these folk into the eternal company of their master!

Preferably before they can breed and perpetuate the problem, the singular result of evil indoctrination and no other!
Posted by Rhrosty, Monday, 16 November 2015 10:38:45 AM
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The problem is that Europe has a birth rate of 1.6 and big welfare programs, so continually needs lots of young immigrants to pay for it all. If the EU birth rate moved back to its historic norm of 4 children per woman, many of the issues would ease over time.
Posted by progressive pat, Monday, 16 November 2015 1:06:51 PM
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'In the end, the best responses to attacks like these might be renewed vigilance without terror, social tolerance without moral blindness, independence without irresponsibility and wariness without paranoia.

On present indications, it seems that the good people of Paris, while dealing with various degrees of grief depending on their closeness to the aftermath of these attacks, are already determined to respond in this way.'

Yes of course and as they did in WW1 and WW11, will they expect the rest of us to fight and liberate them.
Posted by imajulianutter, Monday, 16 November 2015 1:44:56 PM
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"Pause for thought"! There has been too much thinking and pontificating from those too stupid to learn what Islam is all about - overpowering the democratic, non-Western world for a phantom they call Allah, invoked by a lunatic called Mohammed.

When a blunt knife is being slowly moved across the backs of their necks by an islamic thug, they will still be 'thinking' their absolute rubbish when their heads, eventually, come off, to shouts of Allah is Great.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 16 November 2015 1:48:17 PM
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Interesting article in today's Australian by Neil Ferguson.
He suggests that what Europe is experiencing is the same Decline & Fall
as the Decline & Fall of Rome.

He compares the Vandals and German Tribes that sacked Rome with the
Islamists and with the economic decline of Rome.
Europe today is entering the End of Growth period caused by
diminishing returns which Joesph Trainter described in his book The Collapse of Complex Societies.

Rome was like Europe suffering from a declining population and a loss
of Military will and power.
Posted by Bazz, Monday, 16 November 2015 1:55:25 PM
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"The best responses to attacks like these might be renewed vigilance without terror, social tolerance without moral blindness and wariness without paranoia"

Sounds nice when you say it fast but social tolerance is what got us into this mess in the first place. Tolerating the IN-tolerable is appeasement. Time to swallow some concrete & harden up.

Rhosty, i hear where you are coming from i really do, but boots on the ground now would be a disaster too. We need to do some more training first & deport the muslims in our homeland too. AND more importantly deal with the communist traitors in our midst who imported the muslim terrorists.

progressive pat, but wasn't it progressives who lowered our western birth rates with femi-NAZISM & imported the terrorists with multi-CULT-uralism?

imajulianutter, the last thing we need is to kill our young men in another European misadventure.

ttbn, the communists won't wake up until their backs are against the wall.

BAZZ, worse than that the fall of Rome into the dark ages had 2 causes. #1, multi-CULT-uralism & taking in refugees. #2, followed by the first islamic crusades in the late 600s.
Posted by imacentristmoderate, Tuesday, 17 November 2015 4:49:53 AM
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Apparently there was a mastermind behind the Paris attacks
Like really clever dr evil guy
Hollande has declared war and the French flew a dozen extra sorties over Syria to let off steam
My smoking friend was showing me how to drawback
And I asked her to blow me
She slapped me and said that blow back
Never a dull day
A million n refugee terrorist are headed our way - run for the hills
Posted by YEBIGA, Tuesday, 17 November 2015 6:34:11 AM
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Interesting comments here! I am writing from the middle of Western Europe. People are waking up to what Popper said: Tolerance leads to intolerance.

As one well known German newspaper commentator said today: We are weak, we know that and prefer our heads in the sand.

The mood will change here very quickly. First those ready to fight for themselves will be called nazis.

But defending oneself against the most brutal ideology on earth has nothing to do with being left or right politically.

Things will change very quickly.
Posted by renysol, Tuesday, 17 November 2015 8:55:50 AM
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How does it go?
You can bomb drone occupy torture dispossess a million Arabs
But if you sleep with one pig....
Sorry kill one westerner...

Oh what does it matter, I'm getting an iPhone 6s - so there!

Just as well I'm taking my medication
Posted by YEBIGA, Tuesday, 17 November 2015 9:33:00 AM
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interesting how much you hate those who have given you a civilised comfortable lifestyle.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 17 November 2015 9:57:49 AM
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"Just as well I'm taking my medication" - YEBIGA

There is no proof of that in your previous two posts.

I just returned from an extended trip overseas. The newspapers I had access to almost daily carried an article that revealed the average person on the street in Europe (from the left or right) is not happy about a million Muslims spreading themselves throughout Europe. The governments of most European countries have reversed their open borders policies and those that haven't are facing serious backlash from the general populace.
Posted by ConservativeHippie, Tuesday, 17 November 2015 10:02:35 AM
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There has already been a turnaround in sympathy in Europe.
I suggest you watch the video linked below.
Note the rave by the "immigrant" on the train on the way to Germany.
It is at 09:40 on the video.

If the German & French people rise up in revolt it will turn into a
civil war on a greater scale than Syria.
I just do not understand why politicians are so stupid.
Is the brainwashing of political correctness been that effective ?
Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 17 November 2015 10:25:38 AM
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Sadly, the western public and politicians, infact the entire western culture is beyond hope. The self congratulatory ignorance is past any measure. Where do you begin? When religion raises its head, any and every lunacy is on the cards. Throw into the mix political correctness and plutocratic control of the media together with their infinite mendacious greed and you have a cocktail of poison sufficient to destroy every living organism on this little planet. And all this is occuring with the very best good intentions.

We are a mean spirited creature - us humans
Our egoes know no limits
We will say do anything to advance our own dignitas
There are exceptions but they are rare and often even more perverse then the norm.
Let it all burn to hell and start again.
Posted by YEBIGA, Tuesday, 17 November 2015 11:57:18 AM
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Well, I saw Pres Holland speaking to the French parliament today.
In it he said France is at war.
The ISIS has said it is at war with France.
Think about this;
France is a member of the NATO Treaty.
An attack on one is an attack on all members.
The political talks going on around the G20 I suspect might be whether
to implement the NATO Treaty.
We could be really on the brink of a real war, not just an insurgent
type campaign.
It could be a sledgehammer to crack a walnut but ---
Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 17 November 2015 2:09:50 PM
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Western foreign policy = bomb bomb bomb
Oh come on! This is just beyond even funny.

Urgent study required - how we got so dumb
Posted by YEBIGA, Wednesday, 18 November 2015 7:54:23 AM
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