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Think twice before going off-grid : Comments

By Martin Nicholson, published 12/11/2015

While neighbours had candles in their windows at night because of a blackout, we had a fully functioning electricity system.

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It seems likely the next wave of grid defectors will use Li ion batteries known to have overheating problems. It is a worry when an estimate of the payback period for Tasmania is 12 years when lithium batteries need replacing after 10 years. That makes the idea of leasing them from a power company (who use wireless control) more attractive. The benefit to the homeowner is free repair and replacement but I think the power company would need thousands of largish home batteries to use as a source of peak power.

It's also a worry that AEMO's report on emerging technologies predicts 8 Gwh of stationary battery storage by 2035 when nationally we use 248,000 Gwh a year. I make that less than half an hour of supply. An earlier OLO article by Richard Di Natale's off-grid neighbour recommended 5 days of storage.

Sometimes provocation is used as a defence. If diesel generators are coming to the suburbs I foresee sledgehammer attacks at 11 pm. Homes staying on the grid may end up paying more. Apart from conflict between neighbours I don't think home generators are a sign of progress.
Posted by Taswegian, Thursday, 12 November 2015 10:28:28 AM
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Martin Nicholson,

Excellent post thank you. There is nothing like real world experience to provide a reality check for those who haven't had the experience.

I am very familiar with being off grid. I grew up on a property and we were off grid for the first 18 years of my life. I can still remember my father's enormous relief and celebrations when the transmission line came through. We had to get the very large 100 year old house rewired and connected at huge cost to us. But a really great relief for everyone. Our pumps for pumping water from the river to reservoirs and our shearing shed were all converted from diesel engines to mains power supply.

Before the transmission line came through we had a Lister diesel engine and 110 V generator and large room with rows of large lead acid batteries. The batteries had to be replaced around every five years or so at great expense. When the batteries were new we had to run the generator about two or three ties a week. When the batteries were getting towards the end of their life the generator had to run every day and whenever any major appliances were being used and also at night until we all went to bed.
Posted by Peter Lang, Thursday, 12 November 2015 12:02:30 PM
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Thanks Taswegian. I hadn't thought of the Li-ion batteries issue being known to have overheating problems. I wonder how Tesla will deal with that and the property insurance companies.
Posted by Martin N, Thursday, 12 November 2015 12:37:34 PM
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MN lithium battery problems is one of the theories behind the fate of flight MH370. If a home battery did overheat it will be like pink batts causing fires. The 10 year guarantee given by Tesla on Powerwall batteries is apparently for manufacturing defects not loss of performance. We need an early adopter to honestly report performance for that decade.

Less troubled nickel-iron batteries might need a shed or a fair chunk of garage space. The standard 0.1 ha house block could get a bit crowded with batteries, rainwater tanks, undercover parking for the EV, vegie patch etc.

A bush block dweller near me had tracking PV and an ex-Telstra lead acid battery pack. Along with the diesel backup the gear was problem plagued. He said 'I'm getting too old for this {excrementatious reference} why can't everybody just have cheap nuclear power?' So incorrect.
Posted by Taswegian, Thursday, 12 November 2015 1:11:20 PM
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Lithium cobalt doesn't seem to have overheating problems? And I daresay the inclusion of graphene will make batteries ten times better in capacity and recharge time?

A handy deposit of graphene recently discovered near Sydney seems promising, as does a graphite deposit near the Isa.

I just can't wait to replace my reticulated electricity with a battery wall, given I make more than enough power for my entire needs with a 4.2 Kw solar system.

the fact I'm paying as much as $250.00 a quarter to the power company, proof I believe, that I and many more just like me are being ripped off?

Given I was earning just an 8 cent kilowatt hour tariff for my electricity contributions, the company's lowest charge was 11 cents per kilowatt hour and therefore making money on my small, costless to them, contribution. I'm going off grid at the first opportunity! I'm ropable at being ripped off!?

Let them study the profit graph when I and thousands like me exercise the off grid option!
Posted by Rhrosty, Thursday, 12 November 2015 1:20:43 PM
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Rhrosty, let us know when you get the battery system you need for your 4.2kW solar system. I estimate you would need a 10 kWh battery system probably costing $12,000. This battery will last about 10 years - so it would cost you $1,200 a year - more than you are paying for grid connection. Anyway good luck and let us know how it goes.
Posted by Martin N, Thursday, 12 November 2015 2:06:37 PM
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I went 4 weeks without power in North Qld once, grid connected, after a cyclone.

I have been off grid now since 2009 herein the Northern Rivers area as well. Finger crossed, no issues yet.

My point ? Stuff breaks down, even on the grid. If you're worried about inverter failure and are completely off grid, have a sparkey wire in a generator so you can run it off that while you sort another one out. My system cost me $45,000

Poor service from your supplier as well by the sounds of it. maybe try the hippies at RPC next time for better service ? When in sh1ts itself, which it will I will, I will replace my batteries and inverter. Has nothing to with "reliability" for me, it's repugnant to use coal fired electricity.

We're 30mins down the road :)
Posted by Valley Guy, Thursday, 12 November 2015 3:06:04 PM
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I would suggest that anyone considering off grid have a good look at
nickle iron batteries (NIFE).

They are VERY long lasting, 40 years being typical I believe.
Have a look at this site, they are Australian made and they can be
abused no end without problems.
They can be left unused for years and they just start up again.

Might cost more initially.
As far as the size is concerned if you work out how big a system you
need then, you must guess how many sequential overcast days you might
get in winter when you only have a six hour winter day for charging.
I figure you need
one day/night capacity X nbr sequential overcast days + 1.

I have seen five overcast days, so for that you need a system six
times the size for one day.
You could easily get five overcast days, one sunny day then five
more overcast days.

Coping with that could be very expensive.

Re the invertors, make sure you never have momentary overloads, or
accidental shorts on either input or output sides.
You cannot treat them like you might treat a car battery.
Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 12 November 2015 3:26:09 PM
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My 4.2 Kw system was rated against my average power use for one year, and professionally calculated to ensure I exported more power than I imported. The old meter showed just that, because it spent more time going backward than forward!

The authority reacted after having to pay me a total of $100.00 for the first six months by claiming my old meter was defective and replacing it with an electronic one, which shuttled numbers all over the place and always worked in their favor.

If I were the only one with this particular experience, maybe the authority wouldn't have a case to answer, but it seems the ombudsman's office is overflowing with hundreds of thousands of such complaints, which in any other industry would be regarded as common theft and someone doing some serious jail time; given the sheer numbers seeming to be being rorted.

If 500,000 folk were being rorted by about $300,000.00 each Per quarter, that would be very significant theft? And corruption of the worst order, particularly if state sanctioned or organised?

I believe that batteries that last over 40 years are just around the corner, and costs reduced to less than $5000.00 per wall? Given a scheme that allowed the user to pay them off over say five years.

The payment would roughly equal what I'm overcharged now!? And probably affordable for almost everyone being ripped off now?

If I'm ever offered such a deal, try and hold me back and I dare say hundreds of thousands of others. Hopefully that will force some very unscrupulous folk to face bankruptcy or jail time; or both? The sooner the better!

Incidently my name has been added to a growing list complaining to the ombudsman!
Posted by Rhrosty, Thursday, 12 November 2015 6:25:25 PM
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The only rorting is by houses with solar power. It is an expensive, immature tech masquerading as a power supply; in reality costing ordinary workers hundreds of dollars a years to pay for your vanity "project". (excluding the tiny number of remote and other special case examples)

Why should workers be scared to look at their power bill and even wash their kids so you can preen in front of other members of the "Vougue" class?
Posted by McCackie, Monday, 16 November 2015 9:03:47 AM
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The author rightly cautions against houses going off-grid without undertaking an assessment of cost and the risk of being without power. However his experience does seem to be based on somewhat dated (2008) battery technology and inverter reliability.

While others warn of the fire risk associated with Li-ion batteries, Rhrosty notes that technology is making rapid advances, notably with use of graphene. This two-dimensional derivative of graphite is used in electrodes, enabling a ten-fold increase in storage capacity of Li-ion batteries and reducing the risk of fire. Development of supercapacitor-battery technology also increases electricity storage. Both are on the verge of commercialization and are likely to be available within 2-3 years.

In 2008, and at present, most solar cells convert less than 20% of sunlight into electricity. Recently developed cells have an efficiency of 45% but need solar concentration and are therefore more likely to be used by solar power stations. However, use of graphene in solar cells have shown ability to convert 60% of sunlight into electricity.

Within a few years, households will have the opportunity of purchasing compact reliable batteries with much higher capacity to store the energy generated by existing solar panels. They will also be able to purchase solar panels with vastly enhanced ability to convert sunlight to electricity making it certain that houses can and will go off-grid or, if remaining on-grid, will be able to sell much more of their solar electricity to the grid.

These developments will affect the viability of coal-fired power stations which are likely to find their output increasingly replaced by solar power stations – both domestic and commercial. Fossil fuelled power stations are feeling the cold wind of obsolescence.

Even to-day with availability of Tesla’s PowerWall battery pack, it is possible for domestic dwellings to go off-grid with little risk of being stranded and left powerless. Whether it is yet a cost-effective option is questionable. That it soon will be is certain.
Posted by Agnostic of Mittagong, Friday, 20 November 2015 7:19:50 AM
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