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The Forum > Article Comments > Could a Paris agreement on climate change be like the Montreal Protocol on CFCs? > Comments

Could a Paris agreement on climate change be like the Montreal Protocol on CFCs? : Comments

By Don Aitkin, published 30/10/2015

All in all, my old feeling that the Montreal Protocol was a good thing and has had a good outcome, is somewhat shaken.

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Bugsy, Contemporaneously contrasting the two sets of data that Watts presents which are secondarily linked with a very long (several decades long) lag time but not directly linked (due to ionic concentrations remaining in the atmosphere for long periods) is a smoke-and-mirrors argument which will only fool the ignorant. what a perfect explanation of the scientific fraud involved. Thank you for explaining that left wing cult members have been making it all up as they go along.

Educate yourself, jeesh.

platagenet, good point,

Bugsy again, Now, if you can't understand the most important theory in the article is existential, then I will have to try and dumb down some more. The hole may have always been there, nobody knows, for sure AND it has been decades now or a long lag time.

Jon R, well said,

Bugsy, the hard evidence of wide spread scientific fraud in the radical, extreme, left wing religious cult increases daily. Many former leftists have admitted to it publicly, even written books on it.

mhaze, too true, scientists used to be respected, thanks to the left, scientists are hated now.

Leo Lane, well said,

Aidan, i think you should be more concerned about the fact that nobody is listening to scientists & academics any more.

Bugsy, leftist deception usually does take a lot of explaining.
Posted by imacentristmoderate, Sunday, 1 November 2015 6:11:32 AM
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Science takes a lot of explaining.

I am very concerned that 'nobody' ( I assume you mean you and your friends) is listening to scientists and academics anymore.

But this is a problem that wasn't created by the 'left'. If the 'big business' conspiracy theory of ozone depletion that Don floated is true, then it was someone else.

You guys are all a bit muddled here. If it's the left, then all the atmospheric physicists and chemists are 'left', and therefore all the climate scientist are 'left'.

But it was big business that argued for the Montreal Protocol because the patents on Freon and other CFCs had expired?

Man, the revision of history is astounding with you guys. Now that science can be attacked you're going full pelt at ANYTHING related to environmental science that seems like a lefty cause.

I see it all the time, it started with climate science, then DDT, the Great Barrier Reef, now the ozone layer.

You guys are unbelievable.
Posted by Bugsy, Sunday, 1 November 2015 11:02:06 AM
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Everyone says we need to put a price on carbon? But why do we need to include some 140 billions in fat cat brokerage fees just to accomplish that?
Because we need to impose a cap is the standard reply!?

That is because national governments have no power to create laws or rules that would accomplish just that? And no courts to impose their laws?

Just how stupid do they think we are out here in mugsville?

A tax and cap paradigm would impose a sliding scale cap if it were wanted and carbon could be taxed at a million dollars a ton?

Now that is what I call sending a message!

However, given the cap is set at today's emission; nobody with a still functioning brain would pay any of it!

It would be a claytons tax only payable when the cap were eventually and progressively lowered, say ten years from now?

And we'd save some 140 billions per, better spent on new carbon free technology; say cheaper than coal thorium reactors?

And all that stands in the way of that is I believe, the screaming fossil fuel industry and their political, paid for servants/investors/devil's disciples, for whom money is God regardless of the annihilation event outcome that threatens us all?

[Evil Incarnate stands to harvest a very large and fiercely willing crop?]

Because thorium reactors are relatively small and able to be built in a factory, then trucked on site, where they consume almost all their fuel, with little waste; that is nonetheless, eminently suitable less toxic, long life space batteries.

All the usual excuses about needing more time are just time wasting money saving excuses! And time wasting we just don't have time for, in either an environmental sense, or on sound (cheaper than coal)economic grounds.

In ten years if they were really pushed, the coal industry could create a clean coal paradigm that simply improved their overall profitability!

However, what really stands in their way, I believe, are vocal shareholders, worried solely about maximised returns, and physically/mentally unable to look at the long term picture!? Rhrosty.
Posted by Rhrosty, Sunday, 1 November 2015 11:44:08 AM
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“ people with a very poor understanding of the subject will be claiming it was unnecessary.”
Not true, Aiden. You will be claiming it was necessary, and you have just demonstrated a very incomplete understanding. You know chemical equations, but have about as much understanding of how they apply in practice as the IPCC has about the effect of atmospheric carbon dioxide on global temperature. Virtually none.
Posted by Leo Lane, Sunday, 1 November 2015 11:53:27 AM
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Bugsy, Spin takes a lot of spining.

I am very concerned that 'nobody' is listening to scientists and academics any more. You should be, (my sample size is bigger than yours, every job i ever had was a people person job, EG meeting large numbers of people every day, as well as moving in a wide variety of social circles outside work, now retired & doing voluntary work every day in community groups including retired scientists who laugh at what you call science)

But this is a problem that was created by the 'left'. If the 'big business' conspiracy theory of ozone depletion that Don floated is true, then it was the left wing friends of big business.

You Bugsy are all a bit muddled here. If it's the left, then all the atmospheric physicists and chemists are 'left', and therefore all the climate scientist are 'left'.

And it was left wing big business that argued for the Montreal Protocol because the patents on Freon and other CFCs had expired?

Man, the lack of history is astounding with you Bugsy. Now that science can be attacked we are going full pelt at ANYTHING related to environmental science that seems like a lefty cause, with good reason.

I see it all the time, it started with climate science, then DDT, the Great Barrier Reef, now the ozone layer, leftists colluding with big business.

"Wall Street On Trial"

"Green Jobs Answer Man"

Rhosty, true but the Coal Industry has been paying heaps in tax, royalties, etc which our governments could have invested in scientific research instead of the garbage they wasted it on.
Posted by imacentristmoderate, Sunday, 1 November 2015 7:55:35 PM
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LOL 'moderate'

Nice parody but the "leftists colluding with big business" had me rolling in fits of laughter.

Maybe you should have a chat to Mark Poynter and ask him how much he reckons 'leftists' collude with big business.

You people are very funny. Random irrelevant Youtube videos are funny too.

All in all I would give you a 3/10 for the humor, but the rest is just, well, dumb.

Leftists colluding with big business about the Great Barrier Reef? How does THAT work? Mate you got to work on your consistency. I know you think you're clever, but it just doesn't come across on the internet.
Posted by Bugsy, Sunday, 1 November 2015 10:55:47 PM
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