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The Forum > Article Comments > Miles to go: exporting uranium to India > Comments

Miles to go: exporting uranium to India : Comments

By M V Ramana, published 11/9/2015

Diplomatically, for nearly two decades successive Indian governments have opposed India signing the CTBT, offering only a unilateral moratorium on nuclear testing.

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If uranium cannot be exported to India, who can it be exported to? The fact the Iran can now play around with the stuff, but India is unable to get it from Australia is a mighty insult to India and common sense. India is a fellow Commonwealth country, imbued with British values, with many of the same traditions as well as their own.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 11 September 2015 9:56:06 AM
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India violated every legal agreement that it made with the western world when it developed nuclear weapons from technology that was freely given to it, for India to use for peaceful purposes. What was ten times worse, was that they never had any intention of abiding by the strict prohibitions forbidding them from making nuclear weapons, while they were in the act of signing these agreements. They lied to us through their teeth. They can not be trusted to keep their word.

If we allow the Indians to get away with it, why should the crazy Iranians worry about breaking any agreements about their nuclear weapons program??

The development of nuclear weapons by India was directly responsible for the decision by Muslim Pakistan to do the same thing. We now have an unstable Muslim country, with a military with divided loyalties, beset by an insurgency by Muslim terrorists who want to destroy the west, and who would just love to get their hands on a nuclear weapon or two. What India did made an unstable region much more dangerous, and their actions have directly threatened our own country through the threat of Muslim nuclear terrorism.

Another aspect of this situation, is that Australia sends monetary aid to India to help its poor, while India splurges untold billions on nuclear weaponry which even a wealthy country like Australia refuses to acquire.

Australia must not export uranium to India unless India gets rid of all of it's nuclear weapons. And that must be verifiable. The Indians have proven that they can not be trusted. Any agreement we make with them is not worth the paper it is written on. If they refuse to get rid of their nuclear weapons, they can go and suck an egg. And that also means stopping any proposals they have to build their own coal mines in Australia.

Prime Minister Bhutto of Pakistan once declared that Pakistan would "eat grass" to acquire nuclear weapons. Well the Pakis and the Indians can eat grass for all I care, until they both get rid of their nuclear weapons
Posted by LEGO, Saturday, 12 September 2015 5:02:36 AM
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So, Mr. Lego, arbitrator of what Australia "must" and must not do. We can't trust an ally and Commonwealth country with nuclear weapons to protect Itself from Islamic Pakistan, and possibly the West from Islam in all its horror, but its OK for Iran, a country wishing to wipe another of our allies, Israel, off the map, to go ahead with what it is going to do with the conivance of Obama. Not to mention Russia, China and other potential enemies.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 12 September 2015 10:36:34 AM
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To ttbn.

India is not an "ally" of Australia. When there was a coup in Fiji led by the ethnic Fijian military against the new "Indian" elected government of Fiji, Australia sent troops and naval ships to Norfolk Island to "intervene", should India send it's army and navy to invade Fiji. It was thought that India would "intervene" to restore the democratically elected "Indian" government, and to protect the Indian/Fijian majority. Fiji an Indian colony and military base? Why not? If the majority of the locals are Indians, what is to stop them "incorporating" themselves into India, like Guam and the USA? Isn't multiculturalism grand? Lefties think it will prevent wars, but all it does is give excuses for more wars. Hitler claimed that he had to invade Czechoslovakia and Poland to protect the German minorities living in those countries.

Anyhoo, it was just as well that Australia and India did not shoot at each other on that occasion. Poor, poverty stricken India, which had then, and has now, a navy and air force ten times bigger than Australia's, and an Army twenty times bigger than Australia's, would have done us over.

Pakistan has nuclear weapons because India got the arms race going by deliberately, knowingly, and feloniously, signing agreements with the west over the transfer of nuclear technology, which they had no intention at all of keeping. Maybe you trust people who break their solemn words, but I don't. They can not be trusted with nuclear material, and we must not sell them uranium. I would not sell them coal, either. Get rid of your nuclear weapons, or piiss off.

It is not OK for Iran to possess nuclear weapons. But if we let the Indians get away with breaking their words about nuclear treaties, then why should the Iranians keep their word? Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia and Poland, Argentina invaded the Falkland Islands, and Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, because they all thought that the western world were just wimps who would simply protest and do nothing. I am all for doing something over the spread of nuclear weapons.
Posted by LEGO, Sunday, 13 September 2015 4:40:24 AM
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