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Parliamentary religion and public accountability : Comments

By Brian Morris, published 18/8/2015

The majority of Australians are now non-Christian, but what religious beliefs do our MPs hold? We simply don't know!

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Hi Phanto

Equally, there is no consensus among Christians on this issue, in fact surveys now suggest a majority of Christians support same sex marriage.

So yes, you’re right, the author’s attempt to portray this as Progressives vs Christians is way too simplistic.
Posted by Rhian, Tuesday, 18 August 2015 5:44:02 PM
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Many of the Goat Cheese Circle and the Opportunist Left would read your claim that "the non religious left are taking us to Sodom and Gomorrah" and say, "Well, yeah, so what ?"

Is it possible that "marriage equivalence" is a more appropriate term than "marriage equality" ? Or that some other term altogether would be the most appropriate ?

I don't know about other male heterosexuals, but I have nothing particularly against some form of recognised union between lesbians, but to be honest, my skin crawls when I seen two male homosexuals kissing.

Come on, call me a bigot, get it over with.

And similarly if there is to be a plebiscite: get it over with, ASAP, and move on to more important issues, like clothes-peg design.

And if the people's decision goes against changing the definition of 'marriage', then that will be that. End of.

Posted by Loudmouth, Tuesday, 18 August 2015 5:47:58 PM
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Sodom and Gomorrah, pillars of salt? An exodus from Egypt for a chosen people. And tablets of stone with 14 commandment carved thereon, for a people almost to a generic man; could neither read nor write!

There's plenty of archaeological evidence for the existence of Egypt, Pharaohs, but none for their so called nation of slaves, Sodom or Gomorrah. Or an Exodus to a so called promised land, by a chosen people; !

But plenty that well may disprove the claim of an actual exodus whatsoever; or the associated claim; this land is mine, God gave this land to me.

I've seen folks walk on fire, but none willing to try that in a flaming furnace!

Or survive forty days and nights in a desert (burning by day, freezing at night) without food or water?

Simply put, you can survive around 3 minutes without air , three days without water, and around three weeks (21 days) without food!

It seems some so called devotees can cherry pick their legends; always providing it complements/agrees with their faith based belief or bigotry?

One of which just happens to be, we all of us get to choose our natural sexual bias?

Preference being a misnomer, given no hetrosexual decided/chose to be born with that as their natural preference; and unless a gun is held to the head, unable to participate in the opposite/against a natural disposition!?

The very thing they accuse the gay community of so doing!

They know this as fact, given all hetrosexuals decided some time during their development in the womb to be born hetrosexuals; and about as cogent as people deciding to be born left handed!

Such beliefs allow those carrying them, to persecute those who don't!

Perhaps to the point where the persecuted sink so low, or laying in some emergency ward bashed within an inch of their liffe that they have no other option, than to end the emotional pain and persecution permanently!?

Suicide the only way left open to them to deny their natural reflexes!?
Posted by Rhrosty, Tuesday, 18 August 2015 6:11:08 PM
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It would also be great for atheists and agnostics in parliament to state their beliefs, and for the coherence of their position to be tested. What is the basis for their views of justice, morality and the public good. Do they agree with Prof. Singer etc.

And it would be good for their behaviour also to be publicly disclosed:
1) How many sexual partners has each MP had and what promises did they make in those relationships?
2) Have they been faithful in their marriages?
3) What is their level of alcohol dependence?
4) Have they ever had an abortion or encouraged someone else to have an abortion?
5) Are they or have they ever been a perpetrator of domestic violence?

If you think non-Christian politicians are any more free to approach the issues of the day with a clean conscience you are unambiguously naive.

I too would like to see those parliamentarians whose thinking is influenced by the Bible explicitly bring Jesus words to bear on the public debate, for it is He to whom we are ultimately accountable.
Posted by Pseudonym, Tuesday, 18 August 2015 9:30:29 PM
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"Why are parliamentarians not questioned closely on personal faith -- particularly at election time?"

See s.116 of the Australian Constitution for the answer.
Posted by JKUU, Tuesday, 18 August 2015 11:59:09 PM
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Runner, was that really you advising somebody that he could continue in his blind ignorance but should not force it on others? How delicious!
Posted by GlenC, Wednesday, 19 August 2015 4:27:05 AM
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