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A shot of reality : Comments

By Duncan Graham, published 23/7/2015

Our 'special relationships' are confined to the Anglosphere, particularly the UK and the US, which are also the major investors in Australia.

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Yes, so!? There's no welcome mat!?

One needs to remember that Indonesia was once a hindu nation colonized by the militant muslim sword and or that on some Indonesian maps, Queensland is included as part of Indonesia?

Just as East Timor was?

I mean, do fair dinkum friends, wishing to develop two way trade just cancel four fifths of your live cattle exports without a single warning!?

Were we not a long term "blood debt" ally of the U.S.; and that Indonesia faces a much larger potential totally ruthless adversary, in an expansionist china?

But for the aforementioned facts, we a much less populous nation would today be all speaking Indonesian and by law!?

One need look no further than the Indonesian, [irrational hate,] treatment of Melanesian Papuans, to understand the sheer distain they look at "infidel" foreigners and their possessions with, or what would be already our lot, without powerful nuclear armed friends in our corner?

It is not by chance that our most powerful U.K. and U.S. allies just happen to be both white and mostly christian!

It's all our fault, right?

We're the hostile ones slapping away the forgiving hand of Christian fellowship?
Posted by Rhrosty, Thursday, 23 July 2015 12:14:20 PM
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What? I have learned from this article...Barli is Hindu...
Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 23 July 2015 12:22:04 PM
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Australia is NOT part of Asia, and our relationship with Indonesia - if we still have such a thing - will continue to be rubbish.

I wonder what else this person - who doesn't even live here- thinks we don't know about our geography and culture.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 23 July 2015 12:57:59 PM
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Boo !!

Be Very Afraid!

Oh experts, please tell us common non-English types what to think. We're so confused by our exposure to places like the Hindoo Bali and the Moslem Java and other strange and scary places like that

Oooh, hairs on end. Please adjust the Terror Warning Threats against us to tell us just how Afraid we must be. They're such scary folks there that they even have our staunch Saudi and Bahraini and Qatari Allies offside too - and the latter are so nice and Investor-like to our Banks
Posted by, Thursday, 23 July 2015 4:57:38 PM
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Time to grow up Duncan, you've been living down the bottom of the garden with the fairies so long, you appear to believe life is, or should be a fairy tale.

Life out here in the real world is often tough. Get used to it.

Do be careful. By the sounds of this piece, the stuff you're smoking could get you locked up for a long time in your winter home.
Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 23 July 2015 5:38:51 PM
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B'sides any cosmopolitan Indon worth talking to speaks English.
Posted by plantagenet, Thursday, 23 July 2015 6:05:31 PM
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Duncan, you were born in England and grew to adulthood there. So, when you say "our principles", who is the "we" you mean to speak for?

Why, for example, can we not expect a migrant from Indonesia to make a similar assertion about "our" (Australian) values? I guarantee you there are many Indonesian migrants who could justifiably do so, and they'll often express very different "principles" than yours, no matter how you could answer my question above.

The "R" word might just answer that second question. Then there's the British Empire and all that still means for Australia's media and political landscape.
Posted by, Thursday, 23 July 2015 7:11:47 PM
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Is this person using some type of code?
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 23 July 2015 7:18:25 PM
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