The Forum > Article Comments > Did High Court loss trigger Monis siege? > Comments
Did High Court loss trigger Monis siege? : Comments
By Max Wallace, published 12/6/2015It was after this bad news on the Friday that on Monday 15 December an armed Monis walked into the Lindt Cafe in Martin Place, Sydney.
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Posted by Rhrosty, Sunday, 14 June 2015 12:34:25 PM
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"If memory serves, the NSW police are absolutely denying that monis was ever issued a gun licence!" That can't be right because the NSW Greens, ever the font of truth, say that he did have one. Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 14 June 2015 4:23:49 PM
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You can sue jeaner rinehart over cartoons that reflec t addiction in cartoons that the Simpsons they smoke dope and drink alcohol as repeatative showing of these drugs can cause habits . Other cartoons do this .channel 10 can be sued over this showing of additive habits is this why there habits and drunks
Posted by FREEDOM FIGHTER, Tuesday, 16 June 2015 4:13:51 PM
And given his black hearted history, should have been unequivocally repatriated almost as soon as he'd been put on an official watch list!
Better he did all that he was going to do or say, from over there, where the authorities would be far less forgiving of Monis's list of actionable charges!?
And an example that should moderate our all too forgiving attitude in the future, toward the clear and present enemy in our midst!?
Friends don't point guns or knives; or indeed, just threaten or urge others to do so!