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Misunderstandings may yet bring Iranian deal undone : Comments

By Arash Falasiri, published 28/4/2015

Iran insists that nothing has been surrendered and

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Well as our appropriately dressed Foreign Minister's visit to Iran shows:

Iran is a closer military ally to Australia than Israel is. So why shouldn't Iran have the atomic Bomb?
Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 28 April 2015 9:15:08 AM
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I suppose what Iran's deputy minister of telecommunications told the visitors has happened as off the record part of the meeting. It's interesting how officials in such countries try to uncover reality when things get to foreign investments.
Posted by rez, Tuesday, 28 April 2015 9:32:33 AM
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The proof of the pudding is in the eating, and we would be wise given history, to gradually wind back the sanctions!

Besides Iran with all the incredible internal rebellious dissent, proven by the hangings, imprisonments and repression; is ripe for a take over by ISIS!

And economically weakened Iran would likely be a pushover, given the people could hardly be worse off; or put another way, hardly in a mood to fight for the regime currently suppressing them, and given charge over tanks and other armaments, might just turn them over to ISIS?

A badly led sabre rattling Iran has backed its own self into a corner, and must come to terms with a justifiably suspicious west!

Whatever it takes ought to be the new catch cry!

And that could be kick start with a massive release of prisoners!

Given not releasing them and adopting better more transparent human rights, will only mitigate against now absolutely essential negotiated outcomes, and from a seriously improved position of strength!

None of which is assisted by legendary intransigence and deliberately created delays!

After all, what is to be gained by refusing to unbolt and open the front door; given ISIS is already busy battering down the back one! Get real!
Posted by Rhrosty, Tuesday, 28 April 2015 11:34:53 AM
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The ignorance of those who think Sunni IS could take over Shiite Iran compares to
Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 28 April 2015 12:08:03 PM
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All this discussion over the years now about weather Iran should or should not be developing nuclear weapons is utter hypocrisy from the other members of the NPT. Quite simply, why should the 'big boys' in the global playground have the 'sledgehammers' when smaller nations like Iran etc can not? article 6 of this NPT treaty states "obligates the nuclear weapons states to liquidate their nuclear stockpiles and pursue complete disarmament. The non-nuclear countries see no indications of this happening.
Utter hypocrisy and arrogance on the part of the other 5 countries (US, UK, Russia, France & China)that are "official" nuclear weapons states who have some 22,000 warheads between them and have shown a reluctance to disarm further. This is according to a book called "Contesting the Future of Nuclear Power: A Critical Global Assessment of Atomic Energy" by B.K.Sovacool, published 2011.

India, Pakistan & North Korea are obviously other places that are not members of the NPT but have successfully tested nuclear weapons, so who the heck can dictate that any other country like Iran CAN NOT have nuclear weapons?? All these discussions are just old bully nation states pushing smaller ones around in the global playground commonly known as Earth!
Posted by Rojama, Wednesday, 29 April 2015 12:45:27 PM
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