The Forum > Article Comments > The ANZACs, Churchill and a Lesson for our Politicians > Comments
The ANZACs, Churchill and a Lesson for our Politicians : Comments
By Mal Fletcher, published 24/4/2015Not only did Churchull take responsibility and resign as First Lord of the Admiralty, he left Parliament and volunteered to work as a war correspondent.
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Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 24 April 2015 10:21:04 AM
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As I've said elsewhere, the sheer commercialism of the centenary has put me off, I'm giving it all a miss and going fox hunting on ANZAC Day.
I note that the ABC is doing a re-run of that inaccurate and hopefully unintentionally insulting series "The War That Changed Us". Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 24 April 2015 12:41:57 PM
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Well and truly over it a long time ago.
Posted by ateday, Friday, 24 April 2015 12:42:28 PM
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IS MISE is a Veteran, and his thought's are eloquently contained herein. And I too am a veteran, and I couldn't agree with him more.
This ANZAC Day has now been consigned for the exclusive benefit of politicians, and their most senior bureaucrats ? Interestingly, I would bet that none of them were required to rely upon the draw of a lottery, in order for them to be permitted to attend this very special, Dawn Service at Gallipoli ? Lest we Forget ! Posted by o sung wu, Friday, 24 April 2015 3:17:25 PM
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All writers so far to OLO on this subject here, I agree with all of you, what a pain this whole thing has become, how much more do we have to listen or read about this particular Anzac Day, let's get it over with, the sooner the better
The politicians sent then and the politicians send now, nothing has changed Posted by Ojnab, Friday, 24 April 2015 8:07:05 PM
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Are they prepping us for a war with Russia and China? Why would any country have its prime celebration, a war of British Imperialism in which we were canon fodder for their power and profit ?
The conventional wisdom today thinking the world being way too over populated and with the ensuing environmental panic, don't be surprised that our elites decide to have a limited nuclear war while they retreat to their underground bunkers for a few years. In this era of robotics and computers,ordinary humans are really becoming redundant. They no longer need us. Consider all the possibilities because these private think tanks have been working overtime for many decades. Posted by Arjay, Friday, 24 April 2015 10:03:34 PM
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What exciting news Charles and Harry attendied Gallipoli celebrations for Anzac Day, we can all sleep better tonight or have an orgasm for such mind shattering news
Posted by Ojnab, Saturday, 25 April 2015 10:10:34 PM
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I hope you all survived Abbott's immortal words at Gallipoli yesterday. Our great helmsman made himself an ANZAC By Association when he uttered : "...they became the founding heroes of modern Australia. "... they faced the hardest possible test and they did not flinch." "...Today, all of us who have not been tested in war salute all of those who have. Most of us have never worn our country’s uniform." "...But we are the better for those who have." "...The official historian, Charles Bean, said of the original Anzacs: “their story rises as it will always rise, above the mists of ages, a monument to great hearted men; and, for their nation a possession forever”." Yes, they are us; and when we strive enough for the right things, we can be more like them. So much has changed in one hundred years but not the things that really matter. Duty, selflessness, moral courage: always these remain the mark of a decent human being. They did their duty; now, let us do ours. They gave us an example; now, let us be worthy of it. They were as good as they could be in their time; now, let us be as good as we can be in ours." As Abbott is winging his way to Australia in his private jet think not to criticise this newly minted ANZAC by ASSociation. Posted by plantagenet, Sunday, 26 April 2015 2:01:38 PM
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Of course we do not read about it but the Imperial relatives of the present Imperialists Charlie and Harry were part of the couse of so many lives lost in Gallipoli, what hypocrites they are, another pair crying crocodile tears, when will we wake up.
Posted by Ojnab, Sunday, 26 April 2015 7:05:17 PM
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When will we wake up?
Probably when some people stop taking cheap shots at those alive today who had nothing to do with events 100 years ago; we can't pick our ancestors. Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 27 April 2015 9:28:59 AM
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In that case Is Mise let's forget about the whole of Anzac a day, it was 100 years ago, let's forget my uncle who got killed there, I should not remember him at all, why have his name in the paper, as mentioned it was 100 years ago, he was part of history the same as the relatives of the war mongering Royals at that time, if you want to kill yourself for a Royal, ("King") go for it, it will not concern me at all, after all they eat, crap, have babies the same as any one else, it is purely man made snobbery which you obviously adore.
Posted by Ojnab, Monday, 27 April 2015 11:37:28 AM
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Hi there OJNAB...
You sure have a powerful lot of hate in you my friend. Why ? Posted by o sung wu, Monday, 27 April 2015 3:01:14 PM
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Who said anything about not remembering? Do you think that you should be held responsible for the good that your uncle did? " is purely man made snobbery which you obviously adore." I don't adore it but I do admit to taking a deep interest in it, it's part of our general history and part of my ancestral history, at last count I had 30 Kings, 3 Queens and a lot of Royal Bastards, plus regicides, fratricides, traitors and plain common murderers, rapists and thieves in the family tree and a fair share of good common peasants. Charles and Harry are both distant relatives, through Charlies's mother and though I've never met Harry, I have exchanged salutes with Charles but never been introduced. I have met Prince Phillip but only socially as a member of a car club of which he is the Patron, he is also a distant relative (all those bastards!!). I have a Scottish title myself but I've never used it, I prefer plain Mister. Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 27 April 2015 4:58:46 PM
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Lest politicians forget the Diggers wanted to be alive
Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 27 April 2015 5:46:18 PM
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O Sung Wu, I do not have hate, you would have more hate than myself, you must remember it is not the ordinary person in the street who wants war of any kind, it is politicians creating wars, and in the past Royalty was well and truly in the front creating wars, you may be surprised many think as I do, I feel more for the poor and the ordinary people killed in any war, also for the poor in all countries, they are the people I respect, not people being born into a family of Kings & Queens just by an act of a root, they wear to excess different shoes, coats & hats at every outing while the poor live in hovels, once again I am not alone in that thinking, you obviously like wars, multi millionaires keeping us peasants to be used as war fodder, but not them, the Anzacs who went to war for King & Country went as second class citizens for the imperialist British gentry.
Many now are beginning to see through the lies we are fed daily by the media, which we are supposed to believe, thank goodness there are people not being led by them as you obviously are, perhaps when WW3 starts you may have wished you looked beyond your nose. You O Sung Wu hate more than I do, it is time you stopped propping up the Imperialist people running this world to the detriment of the poor. Posted by Ojnab, Monday, 27 April 2015 6:41:33 PM
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".... they wear to excess different shoes, coats & hats at every outing...."
and if they didn't they would be criticized for not supporting cobblers, tailors and milliners, when the Queen buys a new pair of Wellies/whatever there is a downward effect and ordinary people make money. Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 27 April 2015 6:56:28 PM
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Is Mise we can do without them, Of course everyone is buying what the snobs wear, only the stupid. It is excesses which are causing world problems
Posted by Ojnab, Monday, 27 April 2015 7:17:33 PM
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Hi (again) OJNAB...
Thank you for a better explanation of your exact position within the equation. No, I don't like wars, for the most obvious of reasons ? Pillorying Prince Charles and his younger son, Prince Henry is a little unfair I believe. Charles has not served personally in an 'active area' in a theatre of war, as his younger brother Prince Andrew had (the Falklands). But you'd be well aware that his youngest son, Prince Henry has undertaken two tours of Afghanistan. Therefore despite your obvious antipathy towards the Royals, you'd have to agree the above mentioned individuals have done their share of active duty ? And sure it could be reasonably argued that both would have received infinitely more, 'close protection' in doing so, than many others performing similar duty. Nevertheless 'animate ordinance' doesn't discriminate, between prince or pauper ? My initial impressions of you, were not meant as a criticism, rather just an observation, nothing more OJNAB. Posted by o sung wu, Monday, 27 April 2015 9:47:48 PM
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"Is Mise we can do without them, Of course everyone is buying what the snobs wear, only the stupid. It is excesses which are causing world problems" That is not the point, Imelda Marcos spent a fortune on shoes that she could never wear but she kept a lot of specialist shoemakers going and their employees fed. The Queen has great wealth but not anywhere near what she'd have if one of her ancestors hadn't given most of the family's fortune to the State. It is arguable that her presence in England adds enormously to the income of the State in the form of tourism alone. Charles runs some very successful farms and is a firm believer in the non-use of pesticides, he is an environmentalist. Just as an aside, Charles is noted for his good manners and I worked at a dockyard with a couple of blokes that were ex Royal Navy and had been seamen on a battle ship where he was a junior officer. Every morn they had a section of deck to scrub and many officers would walk over the freshly scrubbed area before inspection was held. Charles, they said, would always ask if inspection was over for them and if it wasn't would go back and make his way around their bit of deck; a thoughtful bloke. Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 27 April 2015 11:25:44 PM
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Thanks O Sung Wu for your comments, I do agree with you on the training of the Royals for combat, but we must always remember though that these are a protected species of human beings, like manny others who advocate war but never attend, media attention with the Royals is always high so therefore they will be portrayed as fighting in the front line, if you believe that then so be it, but many people like myself do not believe that, they may be there but protected from any real combat, after all we do not want Prince this or that to be killed off, we have to make sure we keep the family unit going well into the future, I think it was Prince Edward who declined military service, he was honest. Q & A tonight on Anzac Day there were many truths coming out of the session which I agree with, war is futile and we do not want young people to know that militarism is great, Anzac Day is for the brave young lads in the past and not to create a setting for WW3 in the near future where many more young lads & women will die.
Remember Japan was our enemy, and if I had died fighting them in WW2, and then popped back for a day into the present, I really would wonder what did I die for. War is for armchair Generals, the poor are the ones exterminated in it. Posted by Ojnab, Monday, 27 April 2015 11:33:52 PM
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'afternoon to you OJNAB...
I don't believe there are many veterans who would support a war. Indeed I found Prince Edward's candour most refreshing and my respect for him rose exponentially. He's since gone on to produce, present and narrate several excellent doco's on and about English history, if you have the opportunity to view any of them I'm sure you'll be impressed, as was I ? Concerning your apprehension, that we may well be creating a potential setting, that might precipitate a trigger for a World War ? Regrettably it's already started, and the curtain has risen. The two competing (hostile) rivals are; The Islamic nations vs. The Christian nations. Will it bear a similar face to that of the Great War, WWll, Korea, even Vietnam ? None of them in my opinion. I think it'll probably replicate many of the features of them all. I really couldn't be sure ? What I can share with you OJNAB, this conflict will be inescapable for all of us, resulting in massive casualties, many representing purely 'collateral' damage, as the Americans are so fond of saying ? Sorry, I missed that ? What was it you just said...? Oh I see, you believe I'm speaking a load of rubbish, the stuff of an overactive imagination. ? That's OK ? Please just look about you. On every continent there's conflict with Muslims, over one thing or the other ? In fact most of us, comfortably ensconced here in Oz wouldn't have even heard of the bloodshed occasioned by these Muslim groups, worldwide ? Be they ISAS, ISAT, or whatever Muslim clique you'd care to identify, they're already nurturing pious dissension and discord, in the name of Islam, here 'n there. You see OJNAB my friend, the Western powers have no panacea to this predicament. As evidenced by the major powers gyrating about, seemingly without direction. All the while they're vacillating upon this solution and that ? The only possible way to avoid global annihilation, is to locate an acceptable 'circuit-breaker', and hope it's 'tripped' in time to prevent an intercontinental catastrophe ! Posted by o sung wu, Tuesday, 28 April 2015 4:59:28 PM
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O\ Sung Wu I do agree the world is in a mess and as you say WW3 may happen or has started, the coming generation of young people is of concern in many ways where their future is concerned. OLO is a great way to express opinions which are always enjoyable to read. even if we sometimes do not see eye to eye on many subjects
Thank you for your responses and hopefully we will continue to enjoy all writings on this site. Posted by Ojnab, Tuesday, 28 April 2015 9:27:48 PM
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Do you include Prince Phillip among the members of the Royal Family that have, in your opinion, inflated military records? Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 28 April 2015 9:52:43 PM
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Is Mise, Philip is of no interest to me nor is any other member of that Imperialist family, of excess, You have your views and I mine, but I am not alone in my thinking of them I can assure you.
Posted by Ojnab, Tuesday, 28 April 2015 10:12:21 PM
ANZAC Day 1915 + a number of years =
- ANZAC commercials for $$
+ remembrance with the sentiments we rightly observe every year
+ politicians becoming ANZACS by Association through their speechmaking.
Awaiting Sunday = ANZAC Day 1915 + a number of years + 1 day
Grandson of an ANZAC who was evil.