The Forum > Article Comments > Race baiters don't deserve the high ground on Indigenous policy > Comments
Race baiters don't deserve the high ground on Indigenous policy : Comments
By John Slater, published 20/4/2015Any hope that Abbott's critics would offer a reasoned reply to the substance of his argument – that remote living places serious constraints on remedying indigenous disadvantage – were soon dashed.
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Not really, I'm not a historian, I wish I was, but I'm too old to start now. I'm curious about the past, of course, but I'm more concerned about the present and the future for Indigenous people, my wife's legacy and my kids' future. I'll let other people argue about the past.
Currently, my focus is on Indigenous higher education and why nobody seems to take any much notice of it: by the end of this year, around forty thousand Indigenous people will have graduated from university, and I'm baffled why no 'leaders' seem to either give a toss, or actually believe that it's happening. Are they all imbued so much with the old racism ? Do they think it just couldn't be ?
Well, all I can say is that it will bite them on the @rse when it finally dawns on them - and on the rest of Australia - that it's happening. Fifty thousand by 2020, one hundred thousand by 2030 - when in that time will anybody, any Indigenous 'leaders', get their heads around it ? It's happening. Around forty per cent of EVERY young Indigenous age-group will go to uni. The vast majority in mainstream courses. Get used to it.
It's been happening for a decade now. Two thousand will graduate this year. More than that next year. And more the next year. Get used to it. Of course, when they do realise it, the gormless 'elite' will sh!t themselves. Forty, fifty thousand breathing down their necks ? A hundred thousand by 2030 ? That means the elite have only ten or fifteen years of bullsh!t domination, of conning that they are the Select, the Mighty Exceptions. Live it up, fellas, while you can.