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Clarkson redux : Comments

By Mal Fletcher, published 27/3/2015

Petitions are a form of activism-light. If you're really serious about supporting a particular change, you'll probably get involved in a more rubber-hits-the-road way.

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Over the years, our family enjoyed Top Gear immensely, even though we had only a bicycle as our only vehicle.
Mr Clarkson with his cheeky humour carried the show, and he will be sorely missed: TV land will be much poorer for his absence.

Please, BBC, swallow your pride: he may have done the wrong thing, but it will be you who will be biting the hand that fed you.

Give him another go, please.
Posted by SHRODE, Friday, 27 March 2015 11:18:55 AM
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Mal you said a great deal before getting down to the basics of this case in your last paragraph.

I once employed a number of people, who by the nature of their qualifications, & work involving very long hours, earned 2 or 3 times as much as the duty managers in another area of the business. Those managers hated my blokes, & were out to cause them difficulty if they could.

I might say my blokes returned the feelings, & made things less pleasant for those duty managers. Mutual admiration it was not, rather like the BBC & Clarkson I expect.

I think this is a perfect example of a Clarkson. A highly talented man, whose quick wit made Top Gear what it was. The other 2 are great, but nothing without Clarkson.

Even more nothing are the dozens of funny people in BBC management & production, highly untalented & incompetent in their jobs by the sounds of things. With their egos they could never bow to viewer pressure, & a patrician was probably counter productive in this case.

If the BBC were private enterprise these talentless hangers on would be quickly gone, only the productive can be kept, & Clarkson has been paying the salaries of dozens such people. Being tax payer funded, the whales at the BBC can ignore what is good for the organisation & the paying public, & favour the useless.

If those 3 talents were to start a production company, they would make a fortune, & they could sack incompetents who can't organise a simple meal.
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 27 March 2015 2:52:23 PM
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Even a billion petitions can't/won't change BBC's workplace rules!

One just cannot go up to and physically assault/punch out/floor another presenter, because he or she disagrees with him or her!?

If the scuttlebutt can be believed, then it seems Clarkson was always been a bully and frequently drunk?

And perhaps someone relieved him of the keys of the latest new donated toy; because perhaps they thought he could have harmed himself or somebody else's shiny new motor!?

Even so, and no matter the reason, one just doesn't turn on a fellow staff member and attempt to punch their lights out?

So and given that reason, one expects that the BBC had and has no other choice than their deeply regretted action.

Anyway, Jeremy has been offered another job with the Russian military, road testing tanks/military vehicles?

And hard to get into much trouble in a tank, even when fill to the gills with Russian vodka and having a head on confrontation with a tree?

Always providing he doesn't have access to live ammunition; and or, gets into a serious disagreement with Putin, when less than sober!?

And given such an event? It would be J C laying on the floor!
Posted by Rhrosty, Saturday, 28 March 2015 12:07:04 PM
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I never could stand that show, so I am glad the most arrogant peacock of the lot has got the sack. I assume he will be in court soon for the assault on his employer?

Sometimes these sort of TV show hosts get too big for their own boots, and think that only their views matter, and they are untouchable..
Not so anymore, thank goodness.
Posted by Suseonline, Saturday, 28 March 2015 1:07:25 PM
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One thing people are forgetting is that the BBC have replaced Jeremy Clarkson before! He left Top Gear in early 2001, but Channel 5 subsequently poached the remaining presenters for their Top Gear clone which they called 5th Gear, so the BBC decided to relaunch Top Gear with him as the main presenter.

I'd be quite surprised if Channel 5 don't try the same trick again.
Posted by Aidan, Saturday, 28 March 2015 3:06:38 PM
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Some interesting - and totally predictable - chat about Clarkson. All very fine of course, but the article itself was about online petitions.

The writer asserts that the pre-condition of a successful online petition is the communication a clearly defined and transmitted, straightforward goal, raised in a timely fashion.

I'd suggest another, more critical requirement: relevance.

The campaign used as illustration, to get a magazine to stop using photo-shopped/airbrushed images of its models, would be relevant to a range of concerned parents. Poor body-image among - especially - teenage girls can have significant health implications.

And the second example, a campaign that raises millions of dollars for cancer research, is its own justification.

But simply venting about a TV personality whom you might happen to find amusing isn't, quite, in the same league. So the fact that the first two were successful, and the last a waste of space, is not particularly surprising.

I have always enjoyed Top Gear, and Clarkson's humour in particular. But I wouldn't "sign" a petition of any kind to help him keep his job with the BBC. If he finds another place to go, fine. If not, fine too. He's just this guy, you know...
Posted by Pericles, Saturday, 28 March 2015 7:23:19 PM
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Pericles, I largely agree with you.Clarkson is a victim of his own lack of self-discipline, nothing more nor less.

Still, it's worth considering what might have been the response if the parties involved had both been female. Would the reaction from other media have been the same? I doubt it. What if a female presenter slugged a male producer with a similar effect? Storm in a teacup? Lots of stories about how stressed and depressed she had been: tea and sympathy all round?

What if the producer had belted Clarkson back?

So many intriguing ways that our society differentiates between largely identical actions based entirely on the actors.
Posted by Craig Minns, Sunday, 29 March 2015 8:35:00 AM
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Well said, Craig, entirely agree.
Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 29 March 2015 6:40:23 PM
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First up declarations of interest.
I like Top Gear, went to the live show when it was in Brisbane but don't seek the TV show out to watch often.

I don't support the view that my of anybody else's liking for the show or the role Clarkson played in it creates a case for excusing a workplace assault that would cost most people their jobs and possibly a jail term.

I do think though that given the scrutiny the BBC has been under over Jimmy Savile and what he appears to have been allowed to get away with they were not in a position to allow Clarkson to be excused regardless of the level of support from petitions, the revenue they were making from the show or any other factor.

I'm not close enough to what's going on in the UK currently to be sure of it but get the impression that the debate over what BBC management knew is not so old hat that it can be ignored. This one is from 2012

From what I can tell the investigations into Jimmy Savile associates is still underway, the investigation against Cliff Richard is still active. BBC bosses were not a position to let Clarkson get away with the assault no matter how big the petition.

Posted by R0bert, Sunday, 29 March 2015 7:47:59 PM
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R0bert, I don't think they were in a position to excuse Clarkson regardless of Savile or any other factors. There is no question that if I or you were to hit one of our work colleagues in similar circumstances we would be unlikely to retain our jobs.

It is fascinating to see the level of public support for such special dispensation in this case, however, especially given the massive focus on anti-violence campaigns.
Posted by Craig Minns, Monday, 30 March 2015 12:54:40 AM
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"If those 3 talents were to start a production company, they would make a fortune, & they could sack incompetents who can't organise a simple meal."

...which is so much more civilised than smacking them in the mouth while delivering a prolonged torrent of abuse.

Clarkson is an entitled prat...who happens to possess a humorous delivery.

Ho hum....
Posted by Poirot, Friday, 3 April 2015 5:42:51 PM
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