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Leaking in the public interest : Comments
By Brian Martin, published 16/2/2015Recently, the government's antipathy towards leaking in the public interest has reached new heights, with laws that could put whistleblowers and journalists in prison for years.
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Leaking must be measured and moderated against national security, and any possible unintended collateral damage.
Therefore, it just can't be full speed ahead and to hell with the consequences; but particularly for others, their friends or families.
And just to get things into perspective, how does our press freedoms measure up against those of Russia, Egypt or ISIS i.e?
I believe there is a place for new laws that completely hamstring any potential or intending fifth column; and can be moderated by a long overdue bill of rights, which must guarantee free speech, and freedom of the press to print what they can prove beyond a reasonable doubt!
Those enhanced rights must also include the right to privacy, and automatic copyright over your printed or otherwise reproduced image!
Unless overturned by a legitimate court order; or admissible as evidence of a crime; always providing they're suppressed until after any relevant court hearing/judgement!
The right to know cannot and should not include any invasion of personal privacy; or ghoulish ambulance chasing curiosity, not condoned by a supporting court order.
And ordinary citizens should have automatic right to take a skeet gun to a drone, if safe to do so; where such a drone, may be violating their automatic right to privacy!
Remember always, that Princess Diana was hounded to her death by money hungry media curiosity, merely masquerading as the public right to know!
What people get up to in their private circumstances should remain inviolable, regardless of their so called privilege or wealth!
And to our eternal shame, we do need laws/reciprocity, that prevent offshore media outlets, from publishing that which is impossible to do in the home country, due to impending court action, or national privacy laws!
And those who would hold others up for moral introspection/examination, should have an exemplary moral code and above reproach behavior of their own!
Let not those with an even bigger sty in their eye be pointing a judgmental finger at smaller sty in the eye of all others; just for extremely shallow commercial reasons!