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The Forum > Article Comments > Bridging the fourth world: assessing the conflict between industry and indigenous peoples > Comments

Bridging the fourth world: assessing the conflict between industry and indigenous peoples : Comments

By Conor Johnson, published 26/11/2014

At present, there are over 300 million Indigenous people worldwide comprising approximately 5% of the global population. Alarmingly, however, they represent 10% of those living in extreme poverty.

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Bridging the divide between the haves and the have nots is an absolute imperative!
And just on self interest economic grounds alone.

People with no money spend none of it! And in not spending, (dastardly rotters) they lower essential discretionary spending, which now supports around 80% of most domestic economies.

Creating debt to help banks/billionaires/ insurance companies, stave off bankruptcy, has resulted in!
For every dollar of official debt created by the (economic rationalism/trickle down theory) model, there is just 0.03 dollars worth of U.S.economic growth and seriously hoarded wealth!

Whereas, under the Keynesian model, every dollar of debt created 2.4 dollars worth of economic growth! And created an unprecedented period of economic growth and prosperity, (money go round) into the bargain!

Universal prosperity, wound back by virtual generations of mindless tea party types, who managed to convince the most ignorant, their tax dollars were wasted on the poor; and, who should just work harder and longer; like they had to!

A problem further compounded by asinine green groups, trying to protect the wilderness?
From who?
Why the indigenous nations who own them and their resources; including pristine forests, and wild waterways of course!

Tourism they say, will replace forgone mineral development and selective logging, as a source of income.
So, in some areas we now see, casinos, and obligatory lick spittle lackeys, working for pittances! And as seasonal as the whim and caprice, of well heeled traveler.

Others have oil wells/gold-copper mines and so on, that support whole communities, as far as the eye can see, and where, resource funded good schools and hospitals, have set younger generations up as doctors,
lawyers and such; for a future that also includes them!

Given we live on an already overpopulated planet, we need something other than endless population growth to create demand, to in turn grow the economy, or as some might say, the pie.

And that is as simple as attacking and ending poverty in all its forms and guises, wherever we find it!
Keynesian stimulus aimed at the poorest! It's the economy stupid!
Posted by Rhrosty, Wednesday, 26 November 2014 10:45:11 AM
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'morning Connor,

If indigenous peoples represent 5% of world population and 10% of poorer people it' s time they started to earn a living!

Blaming others won't cut it, but it does suit the permanent victim mantra.
Posted by spindoc, Wednesday, 26 November 2014 4:05:47 PM
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Typical Liberal answer Sell the country out to line your own pockets put thousands of people out of work then blame them for being unemployed brilliant
Posted by Aussieboy, Wednesday, 26 November 2014 4:29:27 PM
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Hi Aussieboy,

In your response to Spindoc, you raise an interesting issue. Since this thread is supposed to focus on Indigenous peoples, I presume that your comment, that somebody, presumably Liberals and capitalism generally, aims to " .... put thousands of people out of work .... " refers to Indigenous people in Australia.

With respect, could I suggest that, yes, there is a large Indigenous working population, which tends not to require any government financial support. They earn their money, and on the whole, but no more likely to be put out of work than their non-Indigenous workmates: pigeon-holed and channelled into 'Indigenous work', given Australia's racist social philosophies, but perhaps not much more likely to be put out of work.

On the other hand, there is another large Indigenous population, happy to live on welfare, of people who have often never done a day's work in their lives, and, if they can help it, never will. They always seem to have money, at least in my limited experience.

One could say that, for one population, the outcome of their labours is roughly commensurate with those labours. But for another population, the output is astronomically high in relation to their labours, if such hypothetical effort could be measured.

If you are talking about people in Bangla Desh, yes, they most certainly are in dire poverty: even beggars have to buy a stretch of pavement; carters have to hire their carts at exorbitant rates, and might be lucky to clear a dollar a day. Bangla villages are often spotless, not like Aboriginal settlements here. A Bangla village of a thousand people might pull in five hundred dollars a day, while an Aboriginal settlement of a thousand might turn over forty or fifty thousand a day, and for effectively no productive work whatever.

But rhetoric and passion can be fun too - keep it up :)

Posted by Loudmouth, Wednesday, 26 November 2014 7:12:01 PM
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Now that is not very kind Joe.

To destroy the poor dears whole belief system with a single post gives them no where to go, but back to the drum.
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 26 November 2014 9:57:03 PM
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Dear LM you lost me at Dear AB

A lot of the indigenous people live in very remote areas,Simply put there are no jobs.
Also indigenous People don't see the white-boys way of doing things as the right way and quiet truthfully who can blame them.
as an example, Do any of you think that a 30-40 year old indigenous person that has never had any education or employment is going to understand what is happening in the world ? No
Only solution is to recreate a place for them without white ideas involved. I would suggest an american Indian type reservation
with solid building (brick) an then try to work with the elders to educate some of the young to build there community and guess what all at the tax payers expense.
Posted by Aussieboy, Wednesday, 26 November 2014 11:26:02 PM
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Hi Aussieboy,

An article in today's paper talks about a proposal to grant TPVs to refugees and immigrants who are prepared to work in rural and remote areas to cater for the acute shortage of labour.

Yes, people in remote settlements don't have any skills and are not looking for work, i.e. to take up opportunities created by that 'acute shortage of labour'.

But neither are people there living in poverty: they receive all the standard social security benefits, and often plus mining royalties, national park royalties, cattle agistment fees and various other payments. Squalor yes, but not poverty. Lavish spending on 4WDs and taxis yes, but not poverty. That's their right, to spend their money as they wish, but let's not call it poverty.

I did a study thirty-odd years ago, in a community that I had lived in previously for some years. I was surprised - horrified, really - to find that the average (mean) income there was equal to the average (median) Australian income. Horrified, because it forced me to re-assess my whole picture after decades, and actually very traumatic.

I've been typing up old documents in Aboriginal policy and practice, mainly to do with SA, and going back to the 1830s. As well, the occasional documents from other places and times, such as the evidence to a Royal Commission in Victoria in 1877, and meeting and conference papers of national welfare bodies, mainly between 1951 and 1968.

The same issues came up again and again, how to get able-bodied people either to maintain an enhanced (boats, guns, fishing gear) traditional lifestyle OR work for farmers and pastoralists on the equivalent of standard wages.

So now we're on Round 14 or 15 of the same contest, how to get able-bodied people to train and work versus how to stay unskilled and incapable of working. And of course, if people think they will never have to work, what is the 'lesson' they teach their kids about schooling ? Yes, they think they've got it made - and who can blame them ?

So around we go.

Posted by Loudmouth, Thursday, 27 November 2014 7:26:03 AM
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Hi Lm
I don't know if your aware but all the job network providers
DO NOT advertise rural jobs or mining
There is a whole group of people what was the last count 700000
that a good percentage of these would move to fill a job the system is broken we don't need to bring in workers
And how about our industry get off its arse and start training people
Because soon a lot of people will be in same boat as the indigenous no work no prospects no future might as well start sniffing petrol now while i can still afford some
Posted by Aussieboy, Thursday, 27 November 2014 3:58:39 PM
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