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The Forum > Article Comments > Four icons under threat: flag, Anzac Day, reef, bush > Comments

Four icons under threat: flag, Anzac Day, reef, bush : Comments

By Everald Compton, published 6/11/2014

Icons now have fleeting value and we are challenged either to defend them or create new ones that may adequately replace them.

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"New Zealand will hold a referendum in 1916 to decide whether or not the Union Jack should be removed from their flag"

Obviously the 1916 referendum failed, because the Union Jack is still on their flag.
Posted by Wolly B, Thursday, 6 November 2014 9:59:20 AM
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Australia may have its British-apologists but there are many more American-apologists such that we should probably fly the Stars and Stripes.

The reef will succumb to Global Warming in due course. Nothing seems to stop its gradual destruction.

The ANZAC mentality seems to be an attempt to make a disaster into something heroic. The slaughter that took place there surely is nothing to celebrate. Serious mistakes were made and many men died there unnecessarily and for nothing.

The Australian bush is a treacherous place especially in the bushfire season. The beloved gum trees are likely to explode into a fiery hell at any moment given human nature and lightning strikes.

Australia is a dangerous land where hazards exist around every corner given our enemies like spiders, snakes and crocodiles.

We who live here need awareness, not gushing blindness!
Posted by David G, Thursday, 6 November 2014 10:23:50 AM
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There's only one constant in the entire universe, and that is constant change.
Or reef is under threat due to carbon polluting the atmosphere and or causing global warming, more prevalent in our oceans than almost anywhere else!
And that has already resulted in a reef already half dead!
Here's the real rub; the fuel we import, creates four times more carbon than that indubitably under our reef! Our allegedly sane response; lock up the reef!
We now import around 91% of ours, at a cost to our economy of 26+ billions per; and given the closing or mothballing of our refineries, now only have a weeks reserve of petrol left!
And, there isn't a single vehicle plying our roads or rail, that won't run nearly as well on CNG!
The only real constant in all this Everald, it the blind leading the blind, who claim to be informed and patently sensible pollies out to improve the average lot?
For whom?
Foreign investors and carpet baggers?
And the other equally nonsensical feature, is a govt apparently determined to do little or nothing to change the current status quo, and remind us of this fact by daily repeating their catechism, that the government has no business in business.
Little wonder patent pragmatists like a redoubtable Lee Kwan Yu predicted, we would become the poor white trash of Asia, given these very mantras, and the nonsense they patently represent!
One weeks reserve of fuel!
Yes, there certainly are some smart people in politics; unfortunately and judged solely on credible results, none of them seem to be in Canberra or for that matter, Australia!
Posted by Rhrosty, Thursday, 6 November 2014 10:35:28 AM
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One slight amendment, if I may Mr Compton.

"No longer is anything sacred or certain or permanent."

Surely, it would be more accurate to state that "nothing has ever been sacred or certain or permanent."

You did in fact acknowledge this yourself at the conclusion of your article:

"Indeed, by 2100, Australia will be unrecognisable from today."

As - "indeed"- the Australia of 2000 was unrecognizable from that of 1900.

Should we be surprised?
Posted by Pericles, Thursday, 6 November 2014 10:57:59 PM
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