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The Forum > Article Comments > Why there’s no option but action on Australian tax rules > Comments

Why there’s no option but action on Australian tax rules : Comments

By Richard Holden, published 29/9/2014

The top 10 per cent of earners pay 46 per cent of total income taxes. The bottom 20 per cent pay 2.5 per cent. This makes Australia's income-tax system among the most progressive in the world.

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The 18% tax rate could then be progressively lowered, until the only tax collected, was just around 5%!
Moreover, the tax rate could be microscopically adjusted, region by separate region, when and where necessary; to alone control all inflation or stagnation, (simultaneously) and far more rapidly, than the delayed reaction of interest rate adjustment!
Meaning the interest rate could be adjusted downward and left at historical lows.
Any problem then created in retirement incomes etc, could be offset by the long overdue, Government guaranteed, self terminating thirty year development bonds, which would only be available to finance income earning infrastructure, like say a rapid rail roll-out, along our heavily populated eastern seaboard.
This change, would seriously disable or render impossible, any actual tax avoidance; and yet, only tax profit earned right here; and regardless where in the world, the business actuator was located!
We could further enhance those profits and a queue wishing to relocate their operations here, by rolling out the lowest costing industrial energy provision in the world; namely, Thorium power connected to micro-grids!
And only possible if the old divide and rule dogmas and mantras are also entirely jettisoned, and replaced by long overdue pragmatism/bipartisan cooperation, in order to actually ring in the now essential reforms, plural!
Posted by Rhrosty, Monday, 29 September 2014 11:26:41 AM
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What a pile of waffle.

In an attempt to justify a rise in the GST rate Richard goes on with a lot of garbage, saying very little.

Effectively he says, dumb people gamble. Dumb people earn less, so low income earners pay more gambling tax.

OK, self evident, only dumb people would have to be told this. However he then wants to use these obvious simple facts as justification to raise the GST.

Come on Richard, just how would raising the rate of GST stop dumb people waiting their money gambling? You really do need to explain that one, if you want the theory to hold water.

What your pieces says to me Richard, is we should cut all government spending by 15% in all areas, & 30% in staffing particularly in sacred cows like education. No need for more tax then mate.
Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 29 September 2014 11:33:57 AM
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These proposed changes, would increase AUSTRALIAN BASED profitability, by as much as 37%!?
Given the inherent savings; also improve household disposals, by an estimated 25%. (averaged)
This would help to increase discretionary spending, the very life blood of the domestic economy, now around 80% of the whole economy!
The mandatory legislated removal of the (robber baron) profit demanding middleman, would further reduce the cost of living, by around half!
A 25% averaged, increase in household disposables, would make a noncontributory super, of 15% also immediately doable!
As for the states, their role could (must) be progressively diminished, to the point, where enlarged councils, would be far more efficient, as local service providers.
And done by the simple expediency of massively reduced federal funding, and direct service funding, that simply circumvents, the fee demanding, double handling, middleman state government!
Thereby saving the tax pay, or consolidated revenue, a further 70 billions per!
So you can see, it's just not tax reform we need, (the tip of the essential reform iceberg) but rather a complete and very pragmatic makeover!
Least we fulfill Lee Kwan Yu's prediction, "we will eventually become the poor white trash of Asia."
And patently incomprehensible, in any fair comparison, in a country with our natural advantages/resources!
Unless systematically and incompetently managed, like an asylum run by the inmates, who might even look like "progressives," in any fair comparison!
Posted by Rhrosty, Monday, 29 September 2014 11:52:54 AM
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Yes Hasbeen old mate.
Increases in the GST, would allow the entire current convoluted complexity to be kept, along with highly lucrative tax practices, and public service jobs in the ATO, around 5,000!
Surely there are better ways to employ these super mathematicians, needed like never before in our high school maths and science classrooms for example, or inside a now essential, Government owned, new, low cost, capital venture bank.
And where better to place the huge new surpluses, we could create, with long overdue, real reform!
So we can finally claw back our purloined economic sovereignty, and start to finally invest in our own people and their better ideas!
I mean and as Witlim noted, we can't all be door openers!
And a rapidly falling AUD, might even give a couple of car companies cause for pause and a reconsidered local future?
A scenario, helped quite massively, by genuine tax reform, coupled to, the supply of the world's lowest costing energy!
But only if the real goal is to actually assist local business, as opposed to leaving it with no other choice but to offshore operations.
And a recipe for future disaster, when we traverse through the minerals peak; if we haven't already!
Cheers, Rhrosty.
Posted by Rhrosty, Monday, 29 September 2014 12:18:15 PM
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How much taxes do people pay if they combine all the taxes together?
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 29 September 2014 3:01:50 PM
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I saw some figures the other day Armchair, that said all the PAYE tax collected was not quite enough to pay the welfare bill.

Everything else has to come from some other tax source. No wonder they are chasing everything.
Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 29 September 2014 3:46:57 PM
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