The Forum > Article Comments > Time for the 'reform' mantra to be modernised > Comments
Time for the 'reform' mantra to be modernised : Comments
By Nicholas Gruen, published 24/9/2014And yet our policy elite speak as if 'reform' is well articulated and will take us back to the glory days of the 1990s Australian 'reform boom' that preceded the subsequent resources boom.
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That's it. There is no "third way". All talk of improving the ethical consensual way always degenerates in practice into going back to the second way.
And the coercive approach immediately raises the economic calculation problem: as Nicholas Gruen demonstrates and admits, its advocates have no rational criterion by which to decide what to produce, how, or for whom, let alone whether it's fairer. So it turns out that their claims of making a fairer and more productive society are always false, and always degenerate into crony capitalism, which they always consider some kind of strange coincidence - nothing to do with their policies of government irrationally, or corruptly, picking favourites.
Nick, if the possibility of a consent-based monopoly is bad, how did you reason that the certainty of a coercion-based monopoly is better?
"And building on those glimmerings is our only way to build on our proud legacy as a standard bearer for neoliberal reform – by moving beyond it."
So we're going to "move beyond" consent-based social relations by coercion-based relations - the government arbitrarily banning and confiscating and ordering anything it wants, and ordaining crony capitalism?
Nick can you please at least sympathise with those who - before the socialists of the last century caused such huge economic and human destruction - already knew from sound theory that it wouldn't and couldn't work?
Can you understand how painful it is to be looking at people advocating what is self-contradictory, self-defeating, anti-economic, and demonstrably wrong?
Please at least try to understand the nature of the huge gulf between what you want, and what stands in the way of your achieving it:
"Profit and Loss" by Ludwig von Mises
"Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth" by Mises
You yourself admit that you don't know the answers. At least consider learning the theoretical basis why you don't and can't?