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Erasing the lines : Comments

By Chris Wilson, published 1/9/2014

The lightning advance of the so-called Islamic State (IS) has taken many by surprise, but their sudden ascent does not necessarily presage a new order in the Middle East.

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Rhosty, "I will not object to a wealth tax of say 10% levied against all property and holdings!"

So you will not be funding your idea, or at least you hope to contribute a lesser amount?
Posted by onthebeach, Monday, 1 September 2014 9:49:02 PM
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Well, given I was never ever consulted over the creation of foreign debt now totaling four trillions, yet along with 95% of Australians, are expected to pay or service it!
And that being so, without mine or their consent ever being sort; I think the idea that I should also pay for foreign military adventures on the part of my government are completely farcical!
Besides, we already have a military budget! And I and every other, fair-minded Australian or ex-serviceman, have a right to voice an opinion, where that budget should be spent and what for!
I do however agree with the PM and think that if we stand idly by and do nothing whatsoever to end or limit this genocide, where we can.
Then we will be judged accordingly, as little better than the medieval murderers committing these crimes and atrocities.
For evil to prosper, good men need only stand idly by and do nothing!
I think it is very interesting that those conducting their inquiry into my willingness to pay for my ideas, ought to be looked at much more closely!
If only to understand, where the fifth column is, (ISIS sympathizes?) with regard to future conflicts, we have little other choice but to engage in.
If those taking a pro ISIS view, think I should put my money where my mouth is, let it be known I have already done so, and for all of my working life.
Moreover, I never received beneficial tax treatment, given my super was taxed on the way in and the way out.
Besides, as an ex-serviceman, I feel I have already paid more than my dues, as attested by the shrapnel and bullet scars on my body!
Feel free to voice a different view, given many have paid the ultimate blood sacrifice, paying for your right to do so!
Posted by Rhrosty, Tuesday, 2 September 2014 12:38:20 AM
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So are you going to fund it voluntarily with your own money, or not?
Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Tuesday, 2 September 2014 9:10:18 AM
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