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Contrails or 'Chemtrails' - what is going on in our skies? : Comments
By Baz Bardoe, published 12/6/2014From what I can tell the chemtrails conspiracy theory has its roots in the 90's when the US Air Force conducted some contingency planning surrounding the hypothetical weaponisation of weather.
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Posted by plantagenet, Thursday, 12 June 2014 12:47:33 PM
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Hi Pete,
The substitution of 4.7% methanol, gives a low octane unleaded petrol, a high enough octane, to stop the pinging/rattling in lead dependent engines. Methanol can be made, just by passing NG (Methane) through a relatively simple catalyst! Personally, I'd prefer rapid rail, given that is inevitably powered by local fuel sources, and leaves no contrails. And there's invariably not so far to fall, if the thing breaks down or runs out of fuel! They say it's not the fall that hurts, but the sudden stop at the bottom? An Irishman traveling for the first time by plane, from Heathrow to Dublin, is surprised by a PA crackling into life, to inform the passengers, that they have lost an engine, but not too worry, they will still make it to Dublin, although around an hour late, due to loss of speed and headwinds. Around five minutes later, the procedure was virtually repeated; with the only difference, being they would now be three hours late, and for the same reasons. And well wouldn't you know it, not five minutes later yet again, the same crackling PA, advised they would now be delayed by around seven hours, give they were now flying on just one single engine etc. [Volcanic dust?] However, they had enough height to glide in the rest of the way if they had to. This was just too much for Paddy, who piped up, "glory be, I hope we don't lose the last remaining engine. We could be up here all bloody night"! I do so love a really good and entertaining conspiracy theory; given there is invariably someone in complete unchallenged control, who knows exactly what needs to be done, and who needs to do it, to obtain a specific outcome! And wouldn't that be a marvelous and huge improvement on current politics, or Governments, wandering about from crisis to crisis; or like a ship load of lost fools; searching for fresh water in a salty ocean? Rhrosty. Posted by Rhrosty, Thursday, 12 June 2014 4:33:06 PM
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Hi Rhrosty
Thanks for the Methanol explanation - all chemically sound I'm hoping. I don't know how much flexibility Australia has to modify the avgas chemical mix given Australia doesn't build the engines and its mainly the US through that makes many or most of the rules. Also I was under the impression that with the close down of our refineries Australia's fuel mixing has been outsourced to Singapore. MORE JOKES: #1. Student Pilot: "I'm lost; I'm over a big lake and heading towards the big E." Sydney Control: "Make several 90 degree turns so I can identify you on radar." (short pause)... Sydney Control: "Okay then. That big lake is the Pacific Ocean. Suggest you turn to the big W immediately ." --- #2. After a rather .... harsh landing and we were filing out the front. The Captain was at the door to the cockpit doing his 'thank you's', etc and this cute little old lady said to him, "Did we land sonny, or were we shot down??" Pete Posted by plantagenet, Thursday, 12 June 2014 5:15:38 PM
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Contrails can not form without additional particulates . Fact. Adjuvants are added to Jet fuel and are not disclosed so what I would very much like is someone to prove these are contrails considering the overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Atmospheric sounding charts can be used to predict contrail formation. On three separate days recently the atmospheric conditions at 32.000ft were insufficient for contrail formation. On a particular day I captured three flights within mins of each other. One persistent , dissipating and one persistent spreading at the same altitude, 32,000ft. I use Flight Radar to ascertain altitude.. This occurred shortly after the latest reading was provided on the sounding chart. Considering the required conditions for all three trail types are atmospherically different how can this possibly happen? I submitted my evidence to the UK Met Office who are struggling to explain. During high pressure days where are often blanketed in cloud cover this is incredibly unusual and is definitely not normal. Posted by bjw80, Thursday, 12 June 2014 7:06:02 PM
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You all need to view the documentary on Chemtrails before espousing your ignorance.
The US Military were able to prolong the wet season in Vietnam to stop the progress of the Nth Vietnamese by 2 mths. Of course the military are experimenting in weather warfare and the Geo-engineers in this doco do not deny it. This is all been done under the ruse of climate change but many are saying they are doing more damage to the environment than any perceived benefits. Note the extreme weather in the USA. Posted by Arjay, Thursday, 12 June 2014 7:10:31 PM
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Avgas is only used for aircraft with piston engines, so light aircraft and helicopters only.
Jet aircraft use a kerosine-based fuel called Jet A-1. It is the Klingons that are being secretly dropped by those planes that we have to worry about. Posted by Agronomist, Saturday, 14 June 2014 4:19:54 PM
One major problem with aviation fuel (called "avgas" in the US) is lead. There is a major regulatory process going on in the US to minimise levels of tetraethyl lead (TEL) in some grades of avgas.
Tetraethyl lead as we all know is a cumulative neuro-toxin which can damage health - particularly people who live near airports, aircrew, airport workers and frequent flyers.
I don't know whether Australia is similarly seeking to minimise levels of tetraethyl lead in avgas or has already done so?
What is considered safe and acceptable today can be considered dangerous tomorrow. Hence carcinogenic 2,4,5-T used in agricultural chemicals and air dropped in Agent Orange gained a rather bad reputation.