The Forum > Article Comments > What is the point of school in the 'earn or learn' era? > Comments
What is the point of school in the 'earn or learn' era? : Comments
By Philip Roberts, published 3/6/2014If some form of tertiary training is the new norm what is the purpose of compulsory schooling?
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...If educational outcomes are to be viewed as solely a benefit to the individual (rich or poor), then taxpayer funding should be withdrawn from public education immediately.
Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 3 June 2014 9:54:21 AM
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Schooling has always been compulsory!
In fact, so compulsory, I and my siblings were obliged to walk barefoot over rough gravel roads, on cold and frosty mornings, over 5 klms, just to attend! There's absolutely nothing wrong with earn or learn, in exchange for, in comparison with what was available to my parents, generous welfare payments! I mean, obesity was not the problem then, it is today. You just couldn't afford the fast food and lay-a-bout rubbish diets, that make us the second largest peoples in the world today? There is a case to be made for government funding more R+D and science, which would provide employment vehicles for those that have done all the learning that is possible inside any education establishment; and need to learn on the job as it were, or simply apply what they have learned to R+D tasks, that will improve the lot of all; and or, our defense capabilities! I also approve of routine conditional, GMO drug testing of all welfare recipients, given if they can afford that rubbish, then they're being overpaid; or, are making others suffer, for their extremely selfish habit(s). Child endowments, i.e., should be given as shopping vouchers, that are only good food, clothing and or school needs? As a teenager, I traveled hundreds and sometimes thousands of miles, just to get a job; suffice to say, they were invariably very well paid jobs. We have created a whole generation of softies, who have just never have had to do it tough, and some who wouldn't work in an iron lung! A little toughening up wouldn't hurt any of them, but particularly those who've been on the state nanny teat for over a decade. Time to part with the disfiguring face furniture, the off-putting tats, the hair raising hair styles etc, that literally shout to each and every employer; I DON"T WAN"T YOUR BLOODY JOB; STICK IT UP YOUR FUNDAMENTAL ORIFICE, R SOUL! Rhrosty. Posted by Rhrosty, Tuesday, 3 June 2014 10:10:04 AM
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...It must be understood, that as water always flows the easiest path to the sea, so will humankind always pick the easiest option in life: Viz. illegal boats, easy welfare, and conveniently bludging in an educational system designed for corporate profits; profits proffered by an enslaved tax payer! ...Free tax payer funded education should cease at year six. If a child cannot read and write by that stage, he is doomed to a life of bludging in the current system: You describe the outcomes well! Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 3 June 2014 10:36:42 AM
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education like youth=is=wasted on the ignorant
do not lay pearl before is about meeting community need expects honest sevice.civil talents that enhance their local community..and quality of life...clearly it takes little education to make a seervant/but its good if they can read so you can give them written instruction/[like do not wake me for breakfast before ten/now as per your duties you shall arise with the sun/because im your may clean the house before i awaken..[so keep itsimple/dont bother simpltons overly..tell them how special they are and let them play on their playground windmill that turnS THEIR IFIOTIC ENERGIES INTO POWER LIKE THEY DISSCUSS THE FREE ENEREGY STUFF the 3 rd hour kids dont need geography/beyond knowing who to elect as your master or for a birth certificate..or a rates notice..kiss[keep it simple4stupid]..too much knowing will ONLY UPSET THEm/put em to work/earn that they learn when i told earn/then you learn knowing you earned the learning...your ready to learn..that you earned. but the idea behind it get learn you get payed to earn..and when you learn/what the teacher leads to leaning towards the earning..being the learning/ram-bling* Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 3 June 2014 11:01:43 AM
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if schooling was not compulsory a number of the teachers would be unemployable.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 3 June 2014 12:28:12 PM
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if schooling was not compulsory a number of the teachers would be unemployable.
runner, they are anyway, they're only there to rob us of oxygen. Posted by individual, Tuesday, 3 June 2014 4:26:47 PM