The Forum > Article Comments > Comrades, now or never! The case for a general strike to bust the budget > Comments
Comrades, now or never! The case for a general strike to bust the budget : Comments
By Marko Beljac, published 27/5/2014The attack on the people of Australia that the Abbott Government, at the behest of corporate Australia, just intensified by means of its first budget has galvanised community and labour movement activists.
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A general strike over what amounts to merely a tough budget - particularly as many of its more controversial provisions are unlikely to get through the Senate even after it reconstitutes on July 1? Talk about old fashioned. This writer is leaving in a dream world of worker-student direct action that vanished decades ago... He is best ignored.
Posted by Curmudgeon, Tuesday, 27 May 2014 9:52:20 AM
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We need to rid ourselves of more Government workers especially teachers whose bludging incompetence is the reason Australia is so woefully educated.
Take money away from idiot Universities offering courses in how to lounge around and kid yourself you are becoming better educated. We really do need to address what work there is available and apportion it properly not make up work rubbish. We should be investing in assisting our country and less fortunate Australians not enriching the public service and politicians with ever better benefits. Posted by JBowyer, Tuesday, 27 May 2014 10:11:13 AM
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There is never a case for a general strike, unless of course the aim is to recruit support for the other side!
Besides, the real power lies in the ballot box, and recruiting support for your principles there! Unless of course, you don't believe in democracy, and the power of the vote, but particularly blocks of votes, in critical seats. You need to do something with the stuff between your ears, besides burning it with unchanneled outrage! Think! One recalls the Obama campaign and the way he was able to galvanize young people with his, change we can believe in, message. The only problem, he just didn't follow through, but instead, allowed himself to become a captive of "Washington"? Cooperative capitalism comrade, not more of the shoot yourself in the foot, electoral messaging. And your side of politics needs something besides NOOO, if your are to sway support in your direction. You also need a believable cogent story, what you would do different, and improve the lot of everybody, not just a shrinking support base. The WA Senate elections ought to inform you, while Abbott and Co may well be losing support, it is just not flowing towards Labor! Who can't seem to do something smarter, than hold yet another bl--dy strike. A lose/lose operation that might save your job mate! Its just isn't the converted you need to preach to or sway with your messaging! Understand? So what else have you got! Reform we can all believe in? Oh how I wish! Rhrosty. Posted by Rhrosty, Tuesday, 27 May 2014 10:20:22 AM
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Oh mercy!
This is the the most fatuous,juvenile essay I've read in a while, the comments about the Iraq war and the message from the "shop floor" had me roaring with laughter. What we need is to focus on social mobility and direct attention to the station in society a person can or should maintain and how we can work together to harmonise the relationships between the classes or castes in society. Let's ditch equality and replace it with paternalism and hierarchy, let's scrap the idea of rights and replace it with a notion of social responsibility which flows both upward and downward in the social strata. Don't worry, a strong middle class will police the rich and provide for the poor and a strong,fully employed working class will be the brawn behind the brains if the elites start to stray from their responsibilities. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Tuesday, 27 May 2014 10:27:56 AM
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Oh god! Another "B" grade academic lefty, with ideas of grandeur, who wants to see himself as a revolutionary.
Give me strength. What utter crap are they teaching, at our expense, in these useless ivory towers of privilege? Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 27 May 2014 10:41:40 AM
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When you have a budget put together on a mountain of lies and pay for an ear. Corruption is rife and such a proposal sounds very feasible.
Posted by 579, Tuesday, 27 May 2014 2:47:32 PM
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Dunno if the sport of Abbott Hockey is an opportunity for true class struggle on the cobbles - but the author's anarchosyndicalist position in a previous essay showed promise:
"DENNIS: I told you. We're an anarcho-syndicalist commune. We take it in turns to act as a sort of executive officer for the week. ARTHUR: Yes. DENNIS: But all the decision of that officer have to be ratified at a special biweekly meeting. ARTHUR: Yes, I see. DENNIS: By a simple majority in the case of purely internal affairs,- ARTHUR: Be quiet! DENNIS: Listen -- strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony." see Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 27 May 2014 2:50:27 PM
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plantagenet - anarchosyndicalist.. like it..
Posted by Curmudgeon, Tuesday, 27 May 2014 4:34:15 PM
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Monash university needs their funding cut if they hand out Phd's to people like this.
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 27 May 2014 5:48:43 PM
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Actually I agree with the author, You have to face them out in the open.there is no other way, apart from sitting back for the next two years just hoping for the day that you can vote ! Lets face it, you can start a petition knowing that no matter how many signatures you get, it will come to nothing, because its polite and politically correct it will be easy for them to just completely ignore it ! I am not talking about open rebellion, but visual masses on the street, banners in hand happily marching along with a common goal in mind! That is something that can not be ignored or discretely cast aside ! Your Choice !
Posted by trapdiocan, Tuesday, 27 May 2014 9:52:44 PM
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...I have an idea that may support the theory of rebellion proposed here. As the 60’s was a “coming-out” for the drug culture; the drug of peace was Marijuana at that time: why not stick to the theme and use our current drug of rage as a weapon, “Crack” cocaine.
...What exquisite uncontrolled violence could be directed towards Canberra by a swathe of withdrawing drug addicts. It’s an unused weapon of mass destruction, never before used for political purposes. ...I “bags” the credit for the idea! (mistaken post to GY thread). Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 27 May 2014 10:58:52 PM
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Well, we in Australia are not alone in our utter disgust with the "Political Class". Britain too is abandoning the major parties in droves! Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 27 May 2014 11:12:15 PM
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"Dole bludgers of the world, unite!"
With the example of Europe killing the Golden Goose with unfunded welfare, you would think that Marko could make the connection that you can not have a society where everybody is a dependent of the government. Somebody has to do the work to make the money so that the socialists can use it to buy the votes of the dependents. In the short term, you are probably going to win this one, Marko. There are too many people who want to live off welfare, who do not want to believe that the government can run out of money. Just keep telling them that all is well, and they will (like the Greeks) vote for you forever. But you will lose in the end, Marko. Because sooner or later, you will run out of money to finance your bludgers paradise. Eventually, just like Greece, the bankers will stop lending you money if you do not grow a brain and do what needs to be done to repay them. And if you think that Abbott's plan is painful now, you ain't seen nothin' yet if the bailiff's arrive. Posted by LEGO, Wednesday, 28 May 2014 4:19:22 AM
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it's not about welfare, and besides that it's a pretty lame excuse to try and cover up blatant lies with welfare. You have missed the election altogether. Abbott's way is not the only way of achieving whatever he is trying to do, which is to bring down the living standards of Australians
When you are on your knees, work choices will come out of retirement. Posted by 579, Wednesday, 28 May 2014 9:22:46 AM
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general strike mon board with that
but is it by secret ballot? whats/the grand plan/..the end\or a whole..BROKE-system my plan=vote..[INFORMAL].IE'none of the abouve' [signifying..go back to go/i cant vote for anyone in this two dog disgrace...your fired...thats what nota/1.. means to me. Your general discussion thread entitled "VERY INTERESTING TIMES IN deed?" has been rejected by the moderator. Hi Johan, I know you can render your thoughts in standard English, and starting a thread is the place to do it! I've copied your text below so you can have another go if you wish. Graham its system testing us or are we testing the system..[i would like to thank all at olo] ok now off we go..walkabout time or court time..seems the blogging time is done [i knew i was correct in not bying a new con* im not paying any govt taxes..or rates water bills..[seems icelanders had to go on strike one year we can fix this just one week. ask how? what suggestion you got/to fix the world...[over night] hrh..needs simply decxlare publuc seervice to secure all assets and food water power suopoplies/while we audit the books/just so we are clear..each month shall equal one calender year/when peace reigns like it doth on earth as it is is heaven..the time measure will be each month = one new year.[mainly because many contractual treasons run 99 or more years/and we only ..weLL YOU TELL THE REST OF THE STORY. [TEST/THE SYSTEM DONT FEED THE SYSTEM DONT LET THE DEAD SYSTEM SUCK AWAY YOUR LIFE BLOOD...INTO ETERNAL SERFDOM...ITS AN INDUCED ERROR..THATS HOW ITS DONE..IN HELL/WE STAND AT THE INTERSECTION..what we do next choses where we all*..shalt dwell...[...heaven/\or/\hell...]..make sure you chose well vote one/none of the abouve apply signature to bill write a4v=$ its not what we do/but who we doing it. as i write/they read\ if it posts means/they\ go the way of the mother mary/now let the world concentrate fatima/russia..but gobally:this time..[recall coded rhyme/of the rosary..] the number*..of the beast...or MASTERS OF THE FEAST... TEST BEGINS..NOW*.[?] strike/for russia*/that govt service. Posted by one under god, Saturday, 31 May 2014 4:13:57 PM