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No young girl dreams of being a prostitute : Comments
By Wendy Francis, published 21/5/2014600,000 - 800,000 men, women and children are trafficked across international borders each year. Approximately 80 per cent are women and girls trafficked into the commercial sex industry.
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Posted by SilverInCanberra, Wednesday, 21 May 2014 10:57:45 AM
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No young boy or girl dreams of becoming a slave in a cocoa plantation, nor a child slave sewing, or busting a gut, dawn to dark, in a Asian sweat shop! In return for a meal and a place to sleep and a $7.00 co-payment!
It's almost impossible to imagine such generosity! As for sex slaves, if there was no market, there'd be no trade! Unfortunately, another ignored stat, is the inverse relationship between sex worker increases, and a general economic downturn! What the country needs now, is more real education and legal work opportunities, not even more post code poverty traps! And that can only be achieved by actually growing the economy, rather than trying to both contract it, and or sell it to the first foreigner, with a fist full of BORROWED dollars? At least a prostitute is more honest and upfront, and fills a real need; rather than resort to weasel words, to somehow justify the unjustifiable. And sex for sale is not all that's on the menu! Sometimes all that is traded is a little human warmth and comfort, as a paid for service worker, just cradles a seriously disabled man in her arms, while she presses her naked body close to his? Every person extant on the planet needs natural human warmth and comfort, and natural human affection! I mean, there are two sides to this story, not all of which are evil, immoral or disgusting. Finally, for evil to prosper, good men an women only need stand and do nothing! And if you think that attacking the incomes and conditions of the most vulnerable, all while giving the well to do, in fair comparison, a virtual free ride, is okay; then you are a seriously substantial part of this very problem! Rhrosty. Posted by Rhrosty, Wednesday, 21 May 2014 10:59:27 AM
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That should have been you're links were all 'invalid', not 'valid'. Only the final one worked for me.
I think I found where you copy-pasted your response from: This is an ideological anti-prostitution website, founded by Melissa Farley. Farley is such a well known ideology that even the Canadian judicial system won't accept her as an expert witness because of her obvious bias. The judge's opinion of Farley's 'evidence' can be read here (From section 353): Posted by SilverInCanberra, Wednesday, 21 May 2014 11:17:30 AM
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Thanks for the warning, I'll keep well clear of Sweden. And to think it used to be the home of free love. What is this world coming to?
But Come on love, what is a poor dumb girl to do. If she can't get some bloke to look keep her, they can't all get a job in academia, or the bleeding heart industry, & there aren't enough rich people hiring domestic servants these days, to employ them all. Then there are all those girls who find it very hard to get up in the mornings & get to work. In this line of work, they don't have to get up in the morning, or the evening either. I have only met one call girl. She was at university with my daughter. I have no idea now, how the topic came up, but she made no bones about being a call girl to pay her way through her degree. She reckoned it was better paying, & less time consuming than waitressing between lecturers or at night, & more pleasant. She had found she was expected to put out for every bloke who bought her a meal, or even a few drinks, & decided she might as well get paid for it. A very down to earth young lady. Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 21 May 2014 1:42:52 PM
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My, my we are onto page two and I wasn’t expecting a comment!
I have to say that some of the comments have been less than flattering to the female of the species. For the record as a husband to two wives (not at the same time), father of three daughters and grandfather to four granddaughters (to date) the females of the species have given me great joy and I adore them all. Hasbeen – Your last comment would categorise you as a fundamentalist Muslim that is a rev head. I gather you have no problem with Boko Haram abducting school girls. Yuyutsu – Nice of you but no thanks! As you the rest, it would seem enjoyment and challenge of individual physical activity rather than sport that is the big plus, to this I say good on ya. However there is also a bit of mistrust as far as the sheilas go. The general consensus is that there is a cost and risk is greater than the reward. Sorry chaps, I can’t agree with you! The other thing is there is little support for commercial and organised advertising sold by parasites to the masses as sport. If I read you right I agree and also do not support the concept. Put simply, I believe sport is something you do for enjoyment (and cuddles) after your real job. Spin it Jayb, say you where washing the floor and shampooing the carpet. Don’t forget to empty the tub first or you will blow it. It would seem OLO has be infiltrated by a parasite advertiser miao520? Posted by Producer, Wednesday, 21 May 2014 1:47:21 PM
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Very tricky , I see how one could arrive at that 80% figure, in fact it's in bold letters in this document: Yes, it's alleged that of the victims of trafficking detected in 11 European countries 80% in the years 2003-07 were involved in the sex trade and that the number of victims detected in the Eurozone has increased fourfold over that period of time, but.. Number of victims detected in those 11 countries: 2003, 1008 persons. 2005, 4259 persons. 2007, 4247 persons. According to this document about 120,000 people are illegally trafficked into Europe per year: There's also a vast difference in the numbers of trafficked people seeking repatriation compared to claiming asylum when confronted by EU immigration authorities. So we have to define some of these people as undocumented workers and asylum seekers who work as prostitutes, they're not all slaves. Further muddying the waters is that problem that the EU contracts out demographic research and analysis to Anti Racist and Feminist "Think Tanks" who habitually fabricate data and inflate or skew numbers and their interpretation, even the studies I've linked are basically useless but they do add to the discussion. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Wednesday, 21 May 2014 1:50:14 PM
The actual report on the 2003 ACT is available here:
It is incredibly obvious that you have either copy-pasted your criticisms from somewhere else, or have dishonestly cherry-picked from this report. The report definitely concludes that decriminalisation was an overall positive move, albeit does acknowledge that it does not magically eliminate all problems as quickly as hoped.
While it does say that that "sex workers felt that the law could do little about violence that occurred", it also says, in the *same* sentence, "though a significant minority thought that there had been an improvement since the enactment of the PRA".
Similarly, while the report does say that 35% felt they had to accept a client they didn't want, it also says that many felt this was a significant improvement from before, and more had the support of management now than previously when they refused business.
And again, while the report does highlight one respondent who feels the violence is inevitable, it also points out, on the *same* page, that 70% now feel that sex workers will be more likely to report violence to police.
It seems to me, that you are either incredibly dishonest, or you are an ideologue who is not interested in evidence.