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The Forum > Article Comments > A bit of a drag: what Eurovision tells us about the federal budget > Comments

A bit of a drag: what Eurovision tells us about the federal budget : Comments

By Rob Cover, published 16/5/2014

Being a treasurer is very surely a kind of drag performance, perhaps involving props such as a cigarette-holder like Audrey Hepburn drag, or even a manly and somewhat disdainful cigar.

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Performance art at its finest. The performativity of heteronormativity...

A pleasant exposure to thinking about a group I normally hear only derided over with claims of entitlement. The obligatory soft whining note re conservatives in Government was lightly articulated, and the observations on the Eurovision did it honor in their illumination and breadth of introductions of new ideas. Well written, and thank you.
Posted by ChrisPer, Friday, 16 May 2014 10:14:16 AM
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I don't see any connection, save both are performances, with a solid hint of insincerity. The bearded lady didn't define or defend gender issues, He/she just confounded them?
The budget seems to have sheltered the better off while attacking the miserable pittances of those barely surviving on welfare, many of who seem to be paying for the sins of a few?
This budget still has to pass the upper house, before it's a done deed, and there I think, much of it will be rolled back?
Very disappointing, was the total lack of any semblance of imagination or actual reform?
A so-called if confected budget emergency, was a real opportunity to finally fix the structural deficit, and create a reform model that included economic growth.
We have a super fund larger than the GNP, and could have found an instrument to engage that money to work for Australia, and reverse recent trends.
China can grow her economy at better than 8%! Surely a free enterprise democracy can best that!?
Like giving the 95% of corporate Australia an impossible to refuse reason to return to these shores, along with most of their tax liabilities, accompanied by most high tech manufacture!?
In summary, I would say that the budget announcement, was more performance than substance, and certainly had a very real tea party feel about it.
When the cash splash was rolled out, it had a marked effect on the economy and growth.
Conversely, the withdrawal of funds from those who have little choice but to live from hand to mouth, the cash slash will do the opposite.
The current govt has presided over the shut down of the local car industries!
What comes next, a return to 1930's style economics, and thousands of men on the wallaby?
The difference this time, nobody able to leave a door open or trust a stranger.
The PM claims to be devout Christian, but entirely ignores Jesus's edict; insomuch as you do to the least among you, you also do unto me!
Posted by Rhrosty, Friday, 16 May 2014 10:29:43 AM
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