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Break the silence: a world war is beckoning : Comments

By John Pilger, published 15/5/2014

Washington’s role in Ukraine is ­different only in its implications for the rest of us. For the first time since the Reagan years, the US is threatening to take the world to war.

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John, what are you, an apologist for a warmongering, bloodthirsty Stalinist Russian president!? Or are you just as demonstrably mad as the aforementioned is?
I don't see any American boots on the ground in the Ukraine, but plenty of Russian special forces ones!
Nor do I see American troops massing on Ukraine's border, just a huge Russian military build up.
Twice the Russian President has promised to move his forces back and twice all we can see is more of the same!
John, your articles stand out for the sheer amount of BS! But this time you seem to have excelled and shoveled it by the shipload!
So the Americans have 124 secret bases?
Can't be too secret, given you seem to know about them? What did they do, send you a list?
What you don't seem to know or care about, is how many Russian and China have, or how many unarmed citizens have been shot where they stood, just for having the temerity, for trying to leave?
Putin may be able to "acquire" Ukraine's considerable oil reserves? Mostly by turning really dumb Ukrainians against each other, with more of the stuff you've been shoveling!
Well done and ably assisted by none other, than filth shoveling fifth columnists?
But what good will that do him if 90%+ of his European oil and gas markets dry up? I mean, it is all the keeps the Russian economy afloat!
And Ukraine nationalists are never going to take on the Russians in a conventional war, but emulate the Afghans, who just made conquest far too expensive for an already impoverished Russia, with little else to sell but oil and gas!
And Putin could just make sure he kills off 100% of his oil/gas market, just by starting WW111!
If America is involved, it will be by just shipping quite massive ordinance to Poland etc, so that they can unite in an, who's next on Putin's list, underground war of resistance, that bleeds the Russian paper thin economy dry!
[Patently, Putin's verbal assurances are not worth the paper they're written on!]
Posted by Rhrosty, Thursday, 15 May 2014 10:24:24 AM
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Why is America's fault? The Ukraine ousted an extremely corrupt President who favoured Russia. The Russians send in goons to intimidate people & mass their Army directly on the Border. Russia sends in thugs to intimidate people.

The Yanks say, "That's not nice," & the UN puts in sanctions against Russia for their bulling tactic. Suddenly it's America's fault? eh!
Posted by Jayb, Thursday, 15 May 2014 10:25:37 AM
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How can Pilger assert that for the first time since the Reagan years the US is trying to take the world to war? And this after Afghanistan and Iraq, to name just the two foremost examples of the US recently taking the world to war.
Posted by halduell, Thursday, 15 May 2014 11:18:41 AM
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I think you have totally lost the plot Mr. Pilger. Possibly because your myopic view of the world prevents you from seeing anything beyond your emotional activism.

Try some simple stuff for a change, it sort of goes like this.

The Ukraine is part of the post Soviet block by treaty. The Ukraine is part of the Russian supply line for Gazprom to Europe and sources 50% of it’s own gas from Russia.

Russia has many pipelines to Europe, Eastern Mediterranean and UK customers and can simply ramp up volume at will.

The Ukraine defaulted on payment for gas bills because it sold gas but did not pay for it and now owes Russia $2.5bn.

Any EU/UN G7 sanctions on gas purchases from Russia will be tokenistic at best because the idiots running Europe were so busy building winds farms they forgot all about strategic energy security and now they are in the Poo.

The USA will change their energy legislation to permit exports of a wider range of their surplus fossil fuels just to “help” their European friends of course.

The Ukraine has been responsive to UN, EU and NATO overtures which obviously threatens Russian access to vast military infrastructure and Russia’s only all year round Naval base in the Crimea.

Putin can do whatever he likes with the Ukraine because the USA and the Euro coalitions are gutless, impotent wimps who will/can do nothing more than squeal like schoolgirls.

That John, is all you need to know.

Have a lay down and take a Bex until you can slowly drift back into some sort of reality.
Posted by spindoc, Thursday, 15 May 2014 11:45:42 AM
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Posted by one under god, Thursday, 15 May 2014 12:27:09 PM
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We're already amidst WWIII...what do you think a global "war on terror" where you can't identify a country, a flag or a uniform means? It's a war whereby anybody or any group can be deemed a "terrorist" by anyone, for their own political agenda(s), but of course, mainly America's.

Posted by Dick Dastardly, Thursday, 15 May 2014 12:36:26 PM
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I understand the US also gave Helen of Troy acne.
Posted by plantagenet, Thursday, 15 May 2014 12:50:59 PM
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Somewhere , somehow , someone has lost the Plot.

It's not me ...
Posted by Aspley, Thursday, 15 May 2014 2:43:48 PM
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Let us hope that if a WW111 breaks out anywhere, that we all die together,including those that create war, let no one escape.
Posted by Ojnab, Thursday, 15 May 2014 2:48:43 PM
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I know I really shouldn't read John Pilger's articles, but I own to being fascinated. Each offering from Pilger looks more and more like it could have been written by Alex Jones. Pilger has gone so far down the rabbit hole, that he has come out in China.
Posted by Agronomist, Thursday, 15 May 2014 3:47:58 PM
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Dick mentions the "war on terror' as being against an unidentifiable foe "whereby anybody or any group can be deemed a "terrorist" by anyone"

That is Pilgerian dross; just for your information Dick since you have now identified yourself across a couple of threads as being a nuisance, the war on terror is against Muslim jihadists, who differ from other Muslims only to the extent they are active. In other words the "war on terror" is a phony war because it is still at the pretend stage where nuisances like you not only think it is not against Islam but only some Muslims instead of all of them.
Posted by cohenite, Thursday, 15 May 2014 4:47:42 PM
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@cohenite, what wonderful mind-reading skills you DON'T have. I didn't say anything about "Muslims" nor Israel for that matter, only that the "war on terror" is ambiguous, making it, as you said, a "phony" war. But it's global. And it suggests a hidden agenda that we can all speculate on. So the only dross here, is your inability to read the minds of others, as you feebly attempted to do.

Remarkable how much aggression exists in this says a lot, none of it positive.
Posted by Dick Dastardly, Thursday, 15 May 2014 5:11:52 PM
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The "war on terror" is not ambiguous. It is against active jihadists. These jihadists share the same desire as the majority of Muslims which is sharia. It is a phony war because of a prevailing sensibility within the West, which you apparently share, that most Muslims do not share the same goal as the jihadists. They do, they differ in method.
Posted by cohenite, Thursday, 15 May 2014 5:17:45 PM
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@cohenite, please don't address anything to me, unless you can refrain from your ad hominem. I made a general comment containing no aggression and your first discourse with me showed only immature aggression, as have many posters. You don't know what I believe about anything, other than the ambiguity of declaring a "war on terror", so that it can be used against any group or individual. I don't waste my time with those that put words in my mouth or use such a puerile manner. Calm down or grow up...whichever shoe fits, wear it.
Posted by Dick Dastardly, Thursday, 15 May 2014 6:06:49 PM
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Thanks, Cohenite, for some sanity.


of course, we all know that a 'war against terrorism' these days means against jihadis, or those of the Caliphati*, those who -precisely - do NOT have a particular country to subvert and conquer, since they intend - by sword or AK-47 - to take over the world, you and me included, to convert or exterminate all of us, those who are still left after the car-bombings, that is.

That's total ideology - whereby its adherents fervently believe that their duty is to conquer the world, oppose Western principles especially education, especially for girls, to eliminate governments and impose an Allah-driven one-world rule by shari'a, and bring down paradise onto Earth.

If a few billion get killed in the process, it's just Allah's will. And as long as they have useful idiots like John Pilger, they will have supporters for their vile, and reactionary, message.

So John Pilger is squaring the circle, supporting Putin one minute, and Islamist reactionaries the next ? I was wondering by whom, and how, that trick could be done. Now to be fully inclusive: how to also include the European Far Right ? That's Pilger for you, he'll manage it :)

Oh well, as long as it's not the US.

Joe Lane,

* Thanks to my mate Frank Pledge for this brilliant and most appropriate term.
Posted by Loudmouth, Thursday, 15 May 2014 6:09:42 PM
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Cohenite the war on terror is a fabrication. I 've met these people Prof Steven Jones ,Richard Gage their founder, Prof Neils Harritt our own Dr Frank Legge. There is no way that 3 buildings on 911 came down at near freefall speeds without controlled demolition. Here you will 1000,s of professionals from the Military, NASA, Politicians, Pilots, media people and actors who do not believe the official story.

Russia and China do not want war since they can win the peace with sound economic policies. Russia and China are about to announce that their currencies will be backed by gold. The BRICS nations are growing. They've had enough of US/British Imperialism.
Posted by Arjay, Thursday, 15 May 2014 7:42:29 PM
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@Arjay anymore conspiracy thoeries? BRIC should read BIC..... and they are now competing with MINT, Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria and Turkey.....
Posted by Andras Smith, Saturday, 17 May 2014 7:25:31 PM
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Andras Smith, I deal in conspiracy fact. The elites have conspired for centuries. What do you think the Shakesear plays were all about?
Those who can create money from nothing have all the time and power on the planet to conspire for total power.

On this site you will see Lt Col. Robert Bowman what initiated this site. He was in charge of Advanced Space Programs at NASA with PHD's in nuclear physics and aeronautics in addition to teaching mathematics. Robert Bowman died last year and visited Australia in 2008 to alert us to this rising fascism.

Do you know who used to be on this site? General Martin Dempsey. He is the current head of the Joint Chiefs of staff for the US Military.

So don't give me the tin foil hat label of lies and deception that covers up this fascism.

I suggest you do some serious research since your ilk have not much time left to enjoy freedom.
Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 17 May 2014 11:17:44 PM
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john/we need a herald[see last line]..even orchestration/or..just..eyes?
[many/ yourself*

or we all just stopped everything at the same time[say a 7 minite speech/allowance/where we dont speak..only listen[taking notes of course]..but just for 7 minutes and 77 hundred seconds..[OR 6 HOURS 6 MINUTES 6 SECONDS]?;]

every christian/BELIEVER/PEACENICK..attended a church/
mosque temple etc etc..on the same time/day?

SAYING NOTHING..BUT LISTENING RECORDING..FOR 7 DAYS 7 HOURS 7 SECONDS FROM THE ENDING OF THE WORDS BROADCAST AT THE LAST SUPPER/.IN A FEw hours[heck people got a week tro catch up/meanwhile lets stop talking..and get on wsith listening

the sabbath we ned to rteset 24/7..enslaved to debt..PLUS/at ursury\that has to end...[where are THE PICTURES OF THE WRI.TING ON THE WALL?.WHERE YJE CHRIST INCARNATE[POPE]..STANDS,,to this day[thanks banksi]..]
Posted by one under god, Monday, 26 May 2014 8:57:24 AM
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