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Sustaining the unsustainable : Comments
By Bruce Haigh, published 14/5/2014Far from being on the periphery of Australian politics, the asylum seeker policy is at the centre, it is the elephant in the room.
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The fact that I keep proving you 100% wrong, and that you keep dishonestly insisting that you're right without being able to defend your own argument, is not a "cheap shot".
"I have been involved in this area of law for more than 30 years ..."
You obviously haven't understood the most basic things about it.
Get this.
1. Something isn't "illegal" for no other reason than that you don't like it.
2. The starting position is that the Migration Act makes it illegal for a non-citizen to enter Australia without a visa.
3. Asylum-seekers have no legal right whatsoever to enter Australia's territory without a visa, for the purpose of lodging a refugee claim.
You're talking legal nonsense. I've challenged you to provide authority *legally binding on Australia* for what you're saying, and you haven't done it, and you're still not doing it, because you're wrong, and you know it, and you keep knowingly trying to deceive others.
"Just a limited number of examples of actions contrary to international law include the turning back of boats on the high seas"
There is no such law. If there is, prove it.
"the unlimited detention of children"
Prove it.
"the arbitrary exclusion of refugees from having their cases determined"
They're not excluding them onshore; they're excluding them, if at all, offshore = you're legally wrong.
"the use of camps on Manus and Nauru without observing the required procedures"
What required procedures? Required by what law?
"and many many others"
More drivel.
"is not a matter for serious debate other than those (such as yourself apparently) who resolutely refuse to accept that fact"
You are only making a fool of yourself trying to prove the legality or illegality of something by that foolish argument.
Either cite proper legal authority or admit you can't and you're wrong.