The Forum > Article Comments > Nuclear security and Australia's uranium exports > Comments
Nuclear security and Australia's uranium exports : Comments
By Jim Green, published 8/4/2014To be fair, useful work is being done in some countries to tighten nuclear security. But it's too little and too slow, and the concept of nuclear security is too narrowly defined.
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Posted by Rhrosty, Tuesday, 8 April 2014 12:30:19 PM
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So did they lockup granny nuke nun?
Would she prefer robust graphite balls? Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 8 April 2014 1:42:38 PM
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Great essay!
Very much about the "willful idiocy" of the human beings who we supposedly trust to keep us safe from nuclear accidents. Will idiocy is a phrase used in this essay which describes why the nuclear option is not a good idea. The author also provides a set of essays which perhaps, in one way or another, provide some useful tools and skills for understanding the Information Overload featured in the essay by Barry Spinks Posted by Daffy Duck, Tuesday, 8 April 2014 5:23:38 PM
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Or maybe we should return to the era of crippling famines, and denuded lunar like landscapes, where not so much as a single twig or root remains?
For this is exactly what will happen, if you and other of your ilk, are able to reverse progress, the real agenda?
About our nuclear fuel?
Well, given we provide it to those wanting carbon free power, to promote essential progress, we should enrich it, then encase it in extremely robust graphite balls, that then can only be used in pebble reactors, that due to the design features, never achieve nuclear meltdown, just enough useful heat to produce steam and power turbines.
When completely used up, this same fuel can be returned to us, for safe burial, and the very best way, to keep it out of dangerous hands.
It's not nuclear meltdown threatening the entire world and every species with annihilation Jim, just carbon.
Your grasp of nuclear technology seems about fifty years behind the curve Jim?
Stop for a moment and take the anti nuclear blinkers off Jim, and smell the Co2!