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Kerry's first Policy Guidance out of touch with climate realities : Comments
By Tom Harris, published 17/3/2014We should focus on adapting to climate change, not vainly trying to stop it.
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Posted by Ludwig, Monday, 17 March 2014 8:53:03 AM
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no, the author's quite right - adaptation is the way to go. If we do start to run out of fossil fuels anytime in the next century or so, and this is highly unlikely given what's been happening the gas industry, then nuclear energy is the way to go.. The green energy stuff sound good in theory but its of limited use on real life networks.. wind has a capacity factor of around 30 per cent, for PVs its 18 per cent.. Posted by Curmudgeon, Monday, 17 March 2014 12:25:03 PM
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Even God is against global warming. Watch this 5 minute news video produced by the Christian Broadcasting Network: Posted by EQ, Monday, 17 March 2014 2:59:47 PM
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One only has to look at human history and see that there were mega-epoch droughts in the southern US when the Medieval Warm Period was pleasantly warm and stable in Europe; the Little Ice Age was catastrophic for civilization - famine, food riots, revolution. Starving beggars wandered the land. Over the centuries we have adapted best with the use of fossil fuels - the Thames Barrier could not have been created without them (for instance); central heating; snow plows; modern farm equipment. We are liberated for weather terror except in rare circumstances. Renewables just don't cut it at all - not free, green or clean; not market ready. The EU and UK have already shown us that extreme climate change targets help nothing but the rich - creating a wealth transfer that destroys the middle class. Bad policy.
Posted by HistoryBuff, Monday, 17 March 2014 3:28:13 PM
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Renewables are a joke; they don't work and cannot even produce power sufficient to manufacture their own infrastructure.
Fossils are not running out. Abiotic oil is a reality. There is enough nuclear, both uranium and thorium, to last millennia. Fusion will come on stream eventually. Green energy policies are made by Luddites and misanthropes. Posted by cohenite, Monday, 17 March 2014 7:32:54 PM
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I wrote:
>> Tom, the first imperative is not to focus on adapting to climate nor trying to stop it << Should have been climate CHANGE. Hrrrrgh! Posted by Ludwig, Monday, 17 March 2014 9:54:57 PM
Tom, the first imperative is not to focus on adapting to climate nor trying to stop it. It is to adapt our energy regime away from the utter dependence on fossil fuels and towards a more diverse base composed largely of renewable sources.
Fossil fuels are finite. As extraction becomes ever-more difficult and as the energy-in-energy-out ratio falls, prices are set to rise steadily.
Meanwhile, the rate of usage is utterly exorbitant and still increasing.
We need to prepare ourselves for the inevitability of the end of cheap and readily available oil, gas and coal.
THIS should be the primary motivation!
And if we did this properly, we would be addressing climate change much more effectively than if we continued to address it as the primary motive.